Status: In progress

She Quenched My Thirst

What Stella Wants

Carlisle happily talked to me for hours about the Volturi, the members, their abilities and their purpose.

He answered all of my questions and made me feel a little more like a vampire.
“Hey Carlisle, how long have we been talking?” I asked looking at the changing sky. It was going from dark shades of purple to light pinks and oranges.

“Well it has been quite a while hasn’t it? You are such an interesting person to talk to.” I smiled and thanked him for answering my questions.

“It was no problem Stella. If you ever need anyone to talk to just come talk to me.” I smiled nodded and started to leave.

“Oh wait Carlisle I have two more questions.” He nodded

“Who has what powers in your family?”

“Well Jasper can control the emotions of others around him, Edward can read the minds of other’s in a certain proximity, well everyone except Bella and we don’t know why. And the last person with and extra ability is Alice. She can see the future.” My mouth dropped.

“Really see the future….. That’s really cool but I still don’t like her.” Carlisle shook his head. “What’s your other question?” He asked.

“Oh yeah, If I want to visit my brother and sister back home in Texas should I go now or wait until they are older?”

“It’s up to you, you are not restricted to this house and you may come and go as you please. But you might want to wait a while so you have better control and are sure you won’t harm you siblings.” I thought about it and said “You’re right Carlisle thank you very much.” I smiled before exiting the room.

I went into the room I was occupying and went through my closet. There weren’t a lot of clothes in there but was in there was pretty nice. I changed into fresh clothes and brushed my hair out.

I hopped down stairs and saw Rosalie playing chess with Esme. I sat down and watched them play for a while.

“Can you guys teach me how to play?”

“Sure come here.” Rosalie said to me. I sat next to her and she taught me how to play. After a while Edward and Bella came in.

“Hi” I smiled at them. “Where have you been all day?” I asked.
“I was making sure Jacob was ok.”

“Who’s Jacob?” I asked.

“He’s… a friend of mine.” I noticed how she hesitated when she said friend. I wondered why.
“Hmm well ok do you like to play chess Bella? I’m not that good so you can play me.” I said setting up the chess board.

“Um sure Stella.” She said sitting crossed leg in front of me. Edward was standing over her protectively obviously not fully trusting me around his human girlfriend.

“Hey Bella, how old are you?”

“I’m 18 why?”

“Do you want to become a vampire?” She nodded a little unsure of why I was asking. Edward became extremely tense. I ignored him completely.

“Well If I was going to become a vampire shouldn’t you wait a few years? Live out a little more of your life before deciding to do such a life changing thing. Check.” I said looking down at the chess board. Bella moved her queen and took my bishop.

“No I’m sure this is what I want. I feel like I don’t belong in the human world. But the vampire world is a place where I can finally be free and be me. Check.” She said. I moved my knight and blocked her queen.

“Well you might feel that now, but when you become a vampire you might not like it as much as you did and you won’t want to be one anymore. Your move.”

“Well do you like being a vampire?” She asked moving her rook into position to take my bishop.

“I don’t know I haven’t been a vampire long enough to make a decision. If I find something I feel is worth becoming a vampire for then I will be happy. But if I don’t I will be upset because this wasn’t my choice. Checkmate.” I said. She looked at the board and I could tell she was thinking.

“What do you want from the vampire world?” She asked.

“I don’t know what I want but I will know when I find it.” I smiled.

“Stella do you want to come shopping with me? If you’re going to stay here you are going to have to have a full wardrobe.” She said hopping up from the couch. I forgot she was there because she was so quiet and still.

“Um sure Rosalie. But I’m staying here?”

“Do you have anywhere else to go?” She asked. She looked worried that I would leave.

“Actually No I have nowhere to go. I can really stay with you guys?”

“I think so Esme would love to have another person around to house. And Carlisle seems impressed by your ability and brains as a newborn.” I smiled at Rosalie

“Let’s go shopping my dear.” She ran upstairs to get her purse just as Jasper and Alice came downstairs.

“Why is Rose so excited?” Jasper asked leaning on the far wall away from Bella and Edward.
“She wants me to join your family” I said. Jasper smiled but Alice looked like she was a ticking time bomb and she would explode at any second.

“Why would she invite you? You have no reason to be here. You should have been killed with the other newborns.”

“Why do you hate me Alice?” I asked.

“You don’t need to know why I hate you. You don’t belong here and you shouldn’t stay.” She said standing up and leaving again. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

“If I do stay this family will hear a lot of arguing and yelling.” I said walking out of the house and down to the garage. Rosalie came in and said “Don’t talk to Alice anymore. I don’t want any problems in our family.”

“Of course Rose. I don’t want to tear your family apart.” We both got into her red convertible and drove to Port Angeles. We shopped all day and well into the night at a few late open boutiques.

“This was so much fun Rosalie. We should do this more often.”

“We should, and you know what you like. You don’t take forever in a store to only buy very few things. Unlike some people” She said. Alice immediately popped into my head. As we drove back to the house it started to rain. It was light at first, but then it started to down pour. I created a screen of water above the wind shield so Rosalie could see better, even though she didn’t need it.

“Hey Stella did you do anything in particular when you were human that associated you with water?” Rosalie asked.

“Yeah I think I was a swimmer. A really good one. I loved going to the beach to surf and swim and stuff like that. My parent installed a pool for me to swim in.” I smiled remembering my parents.

“Hmm” She said pulling in the drive way. “Interesting, Carlisle has this theory that some vampires bring a trait over from their human life and that’s why some of us have special abilities.” I thought about that as we got out and grabbed our bags.

We got into the house and were greeted by Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme. Jasper and Emmett were playing a video game and Carlisle and Esme were just resting on the couch. I looked at the game and said “Whatever you guys are playing Emmett is losing terribly.”

Emmett gave me a dirty looked and said “Don’t you think I know that?” I shrugged.

Rosalie took my bags and put them in my room. “I’m tired of this.” Emmett said giving me the game controller and walking out of the room.

“Wait I don’t know how to play!” I yelled after him.

“You better figure it out, I’m still winning” Jasper said smugly. I started pushing buttons rapidly and hoping for the best.

By the end the game said I won and Jasper’s smug smile was gone and Emmett was hugging me.

“You are the first person to fairly beat Jasper at his own game.”

“Not so tough now are you” I told Jasper smirking. He held up his hands and said “Ok I know when I’m defeated.” I smiled again.

I think this family is what I want from the vampire world.
♠ ♠ ♠
ugh these chapters are going to becoming a lot slower than before so thank you to all the readers who are still reading this <3
I just realized that i skipped a section in the chapter so I came back and fixed it.