Status: In progress

She Quenched My Thirst

The game

I could hear the Cullens coming out of the house and seeing me standing alone offering to play a game with the Volturi. Maybe I am crazy and Carlisle should check my mental health.

I pointed to the river and said “If I can get you all into the river I can go free.” I said.
They looked between the river and me.

“If you kill me first than that settles everything.” I said grinning. They hid their disbelief quite well. “Fine we accept your challenge.” Jane said.

I smiled and crouched, preparing myself for their first attack. I put up my mental shield to protect myself from either Jane’s fiery attack or Alec’s numbing one. They never attacked at the same time because they would cancel each other’s powers out.

I could feel Jane try to attack me with her power as Felix went around behind me to attack. I stood through Jane’s attack which infuriated her.

I jumped as Felix lunged and landed on top of him. He was struck with Jane's raging ability and cringed in an unnatural position. I kicked him into the water and froze him. He sunk to the bottom where he would stay for a while.

Jane lunged at me next in blind fury and she was the next to end up in the water. I was close enough to jump at Demetri. He was a little more of a challenge. He was very quick but I caught him by the leg and dropped him by kicking his legs from under him.
Then I was able to knock him into the water.

I turned to Alec who looked like he was anticipating my next move.
But I stood up straight smiled and said “Hello”

He didn’t respond. “It’s very rude to not say anything when a person says hi to you.” I said. “What are you getting at?” He asked.

I pointed to the river and said “Haven’t you noticed. Your sister and you two guards have yet to surface from the water.” He looked at the river and growled “Where are they?”

“They’re there. They sunk to the bottom. I didn’t think you would actually enjoy losing and would come back up to get me again. So they are sitting at the bottom of the river.” I smiled.

He looked at me in shock. “How do I know you’re not lying?” He asked.
I merely smiled and raised my arms.

Jane, Felix, and Demetri rose from the water completely trapped in ice cages. They were banging on the walls and trying to escape.

“If I can capture you, I can make sure the Volturi will never find you. I have your best tracker trapped. You can always leave now.” I smiled. Alec looked back at his sister and sighed.

“Fine you have won, release my sister and friends and we will leave with no problem.” I smiled at the surrender and watched as the cages melted and the three vampires leaped to his sides.

“We are leaving.” Alec said.

“You surrendered?!?!” Jane cried in disbelief.

“It was for the best. Do not fret dear sister, we will return and we will have revenge.” He said looking at me.

I merely smiled as they turned to leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
You just lost the game <3