Status: In progress

She Quenched My Thirst


It was eerily quiet back at home.

The three of us looked at each other, grabbed or bags and went inside.
Edward and Emmett were sitting in the living room with defeated looks on their faces. “What’s wrong?” Bella asked as Rosalie put our bags upstairs.

“Jasper and Alice just had a huge fight and they both left.” My eyes widened and I looked at Rose and Bells.

“What were they fighting about?” Rose asked.

“Alice accused Jasper of cheating on her in the future, he denied it and the fight blew up.” My thoughts whirled crazily in my head.

“Who did she accuse him of cheating with?” I asked quietly. The pair looked at each other than back at me but they didn’t answer.

I shook my head and said “I’m so sorry.” I turned and bolted from the house. I ran deep into the woods. I could tell I was starting to leave the U.S. But I didn't care I had torn a family apart and it was my entire fault. I couldn't face Jasper again without feeling guilty for messing up his relationship with Alice.

As much as I hate her she doesn't deserve to have her husband leave her for a stupid new born. I dug my heels into the ground to stop myself. I really needed someone to talk to now.

The first person to pop into my head was Carlisle, but I changed my mind because he was to close the Jasper and Alice. They were close to his heart and I might get a biased opinion.
Then I got the idea to go home and talk to the twins, but I rethought that too because of my current state of being.

‘Who can I go to?’ I thought to myself. Just then a wolf strolled by. It was a small wolf probably a girl. She had dark grey fur and black eyes. I smiled at it as it continued to walk past me. Most animals don’t come to close to me, except… “I’ll go talk to Seth.” I said turning around a going to the direction back to Forks.

I reached Forks quickly and avoided the Cullen house like a plague. I took a long stroll around La push and sat down at a large flat rock on the beach.
It was the middle of the night and Seth should be sleeping. I curled up into a ball and rested my head on my knees.

I wanted to cry. I wanted nothing more right now than to shed tears at what my very presence has done to this family. I wanted to cry for leaving my brother and sister to so abruptly and not evening being able to tell them I love them. I should have let the Volturi kill me while they had the chance.

What if they come back with more people to kill me and the kill the Cullens first?

“Ugh I have got to stop thinking like this” I yelled out loud to the water.
“Thinking like what?” A tall dark skinned man asked approaching me carefully. He was the injury wolf I saw before he looked perfectly fine now.

“Like committing suicide, I probably shouldn’t say that, you would be happy to kill me in an instant.” I said turning to him and wiping under my eyes and sniffling. “Were you crying?”

“I can’t cry” I said bluntly.
“You look really upset”
“I am I’m tearing the closest thing I have to family apart. And now I’m upset about it.” I muttered resting my head on my knees again.

“You doing seem that bad for a blood sucker. Now if only the others thought the same way.” I looked up at him sourly.

“Sorry, why are you here?” He asked.

“I wanted to talk to Seth but I’m pretty sure he’s sleeping. If you want me to leave I can, I’ll just come back later.” I said getting up.

“No it’s ok, you can stay, just stay away from the people.” He said sternly.
“Ok thank you, Jacob, right?”

“Yeah, how do you know?”

“Bella is really nice she told me she went to visit you right after you got injured.”
“Oh, is her wedding still on?” He asked.

“I’m pretty sure it is.” I said.
“I’m not sure I’m going though.” I said making a face and turning to the water again.

“Me neither” He said running of and phasing somewhere in the woods.

I put my head against a raised part of the rock and closed my eyes. I zoned out and woke up when I felt something nudging me.

I opened my eyes and Seth in dog form was nudging me with his nose.
“Hey buddy” I smiled sitting up and rubbing his head.

“How are you? Hope you slept well.” I said pulling him closer and stoking his head softly. There was a deep growl in his throat has he snuggled closer to me.

I smiled at him at asked “You like me right?” He nodded his huge head before resting his back in my lap.

"I'm glad you do. I don't like myself that much right now. But you make me feel a lot better"
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