Status: In progress

She Quenched My Thirst

The Volturi/ Meeting Bella and the Cullens

The two in the front middle were smaller than the other two but they were obviously the leaders. The one to the right of them was huge and muscled like the other guy with the yellow eyes. The one on the left was smaller but he was still tall and lean like the blond scared man. He was hard and lean like the blade of a sword.

I watched as the moved in a perfect diamond formation. They pushed their hoods off at the same time and looked over the yellow eyed coven. The seemed even more tensed than before. The two people into front looked like a pair of twin brother and sister.

The blonde girl looked them over and said "It appears you have done our work for us. Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude alive."

“We were lucky” The nicer blond said.

“I doubt that.” The girl replied. I just noticed that all four of them had red eyes that glowed with either amusement or shock.

The boy next to her said “It appears we missed an entertaining fight.”

"Yes, it isn't often we're rendered unnecessary." His sister said.

"If you would've arrived half an hour ago, you would've have fulfilled your purpose." The bronzed hair said in a cold polite voice.

“Pity” She responded. “How many were there?” She asked.

“About twenty. They split into two groups and so did we.” The bronze hair man said. That was a lie. I saw the werewolves fighting with the other half of the group.

“Who dealt with the creator?” She asked.

“I did.” The bronze hair answered again. “She had one older newborn with her.”

“Twenty-two” She breathed amazed.

She turned her head to Bree and said “You missed one.” Everyone looked at Bree for a moment as I remember the reason I came here in the first place.
“She surrendered. We saw no need to kill her if she meant no harm.” The nicer blonde said. “That wasn’t yours to offer.” Bree looked terrified at that moment.

“Why did you come?” The red eyed girl asked. When Bree didn’t answer she gave an angelic smile like one of a happy child but then Bree dropped like a hot potato and let out an ear piercing scream.
“Who created you?” Bree continued to scream.
“You don’t need to do that. She’ll tell you anything you want to know.” The brown haired woman with a mother’s face said. “I know that.”

”I don’t know. Riley wouldn’t tell us. He said our thoughts weren’t safe.” Bree said with fear very present in her voice.
“Her name was Victoria. I killed both her and her friend Riley. Perhaps you knew her.” The bronze hair man with the human said.

So her name’s Victoria. Riley was dead. I was sad about that. I actually liked him. “Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria they would have stopped it.” The nice man said. Then he turned to the girl and asked “Isn’t that right Jane?”

“Of course” She answered. “Felix” She called to the giant red eyed vampire. He started to walk to Bree but then the brown haired woman said “Wait.”

Jane motioned for Felix to stop. “She didn’t know what she was doing. We are will to take responsibility for her. ”

“Give her a chance.” The blond man said.

“The Volturi don’t give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she is still human.” She said giving the girl the same smile she gave to Bree. But nothing happened. She looked a little mad but quickly composed her face.

“The date is set.” piped the small pixie girl. The look on Jane’s face changed. No matter how much she hates the human she hates the pixie girl ten times more.

“Take care of that Felix. I’d like to go home.” Jane said her voice dripped with boredom. I turned my head as he went to kill her. There was a sound of ripping stone then stone silence. I turned my head back to see them leaving.

They turned back the way they came and disappeared into the forest. The shield around my head melted and I thought “Hey mind reader can I ask you, your family, and your girlfriend some questions?”

He turned his head and said “Jasper we missed one. She’s up in the trees. Over there.” He said pointing in my direction. The blond guy with the scars turned his body and jumped up into the trees.

He landed on the same branch as me. I saw he dark golden brown eyes bore into me before he balanced to jump at me again. I dropped out of the tree and fell onto the ground. He was about to land on top of me but I rolled out of the way and darted into clearing.

I saw the entire coven position in a circle around me. I looked around but stopped when the girl’s scent blew into my face. Now the fire in the back of my throat was pissing me off.

“Hey human, can you take two steps to your right?” She looked suspicious but I don’t know why. It would put her behind her boyfriend.

I sighed when she didn’t move and moved her myself. She stepped behind the mind reader and said “Edward I’m not controlling my own body.” Then Edward turned his head and snarled at me.

“What are you doing to her?” He asked between clenched teeth. I put an innocent look on my face and tilted my head to the side.

“What do you mean?” I let my southern accent flow freely from my mouth. He fell into a crouch and prepared to lunge.

I used my power to push him to the ground. He wasn’t in pain but he was struggling to get back up. The human looked shock and the rest of their coven prepared to jump at me.
But I pushed all of them to the ground. I walked over to the human and held out my hand. “Hi. My name is Stella Maris. What’s your name?” She seemed unsure but put her hand in mine and said “I’m Bella Swan. It’s nice to meet you.”

I smiled and said “You too. Who were those people that killed Bree?”

“Those were some the guard of the Volturi. They were sent here to kill the newborn army after me.” I nodded my head and asked “Are there more?”

“Yes but I can’t explain it very well.” I nodded again and she asked “Are they ok?” I looked down at Edward who was staring daggers at me.
I casually threw my arm around Bella's shoulders and said “They're fine. I can control water and I control the venom in their bodies. It doesn’t hurt them or anything it just feels like your carrying something very heavy or being weighted down.”

“Are you going to kill me?” She asked. I just laughed. “If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now. What are their names?” She motioned to the platinum blond and the brown hair woman who stopped struggling but everyone else was trying to get back up, not understanding I was in complete control of them.

Bella said “That’s Carlisle and Esme” Then she motioned to the blonde woman and the football player.

“That’s Rosalie and Emmett.” Next the blond man with the scars and the wingless fairy

“That’s Jasper and Alice and you all ready know Edward.” I smiled at Edward who looked like he wanted to take a snap at my arm.

I let Carlisle and Esme up and let them walk over to me.

“Do you have any questions for me, or do you just want me to leave?”
“We would have to ask you to stop feeding off of humans in this area. It affects the population and starts questions.”

“Then what am I suppose to drink from?” I asked letting everyone else get up. They surrounded us and Edward almost took my arm off pulling Bella behind him. This would be the start of a beautiful friendship.

“My family lives off the blood of animals. That’s why our eyes are yellow.” I turned back to Carlisle.

“Can you explain the Volturi some more to me?” I asked. He nodded and said “Of course just let my family go back home. You are invited to come with us. Or if you have plans you are free to go.” I thought about my options which were soon interrupted by someone tapping my canteen.

I looked over and the football player was tapping my canteen curiously. “Why do you carry that with you?” He asked.

Now that he wasn’t mad and tense he looked like a giant teddy bear. “Well since I use water as a weapon it would be very good if I carry it around. Wouldn’t it Emmett?”

“Yeah I guess. But what if someone took it from you?” He asked. We had started walking to his house while his family ran. “Well I can pull water out of plants, living things, humans, and humid air.”

“That’s cool, can I see?” “Only if you carry me the rest of the way.” He sighed and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder and started to run.
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<3 <3 love my readers <3 <3