Status: In progress

She Quenched My Thirst

New clothes for a new Stella

We arrived at a river flowing south and across it was a beautiful white mansion.

“Ok here we are now so me the water thing.” He said dropping me to the ground.

But this time I landed on my feet. I nodded at him and concentrated on the trees around me. Soon enough the water flowed out of the trees and surrounded us in an ice ball.

It was big enough to let Emmett walk around a little. Then I used the water from the river to bring us over and onto the other side.

Emmett was jumping around like an excited child as I followed him inside.
“Can we keep her?” he asked the first people we saw which happened to be Jasper and Alice.

“Please I’ll take care of her. Come on how can you turn down that face?” He asked motioning to me. We both made puppy dog faces which made Jasper laugh.
His laugh made me feel pretty happy.

“Sure Emmett. I have no problem keeping her. But you have to ask everyone else and you have to be responsible for her." I made a big smile as Emmett and I jumped around like kids with sugar rush.

Then Rosalie came in with Carlisle and Esme.
“What are you two doing?” Rosalie asked.
“Emmett invited me to stay. And two people are ok with it.” I said as I stopped jumping. “Which two were they?” Carlisle asked as the three of them sat down.
“Emmett and Jasper.”

“I don’t know why. I would think they would want to rip her head off. She is a dangerous newborn that can control our bodies, kill Bella and do what every she wants.” From this moment on let it be known that that Alice became the top person on my hit list.

I said “I would have killed Bella by now if I wanted to, I only control people if it will save my life or someone else I care about, and you think I’m dangerous because I’m stronger than you.” She huffed and left the room. I smiled and turned to Carlisle and Esme.

“Stella, we are so sorry we had no idea Alice would do that.” Esme said apologizing to me. “It’s ok Esme, you weren’t the one who said that. But is it ok for me to stay here for a while?” I asked.

“Of course Stella, there are a few guestrooms upstairs if you want to want to clean up. Rosalie will bring you some clean clothes.”

“Thank you so much Esme. I’ll only be here for a few days then I’ll leave. I don’t want to impose.”

“No you may stay as long as you want.” She turned to Rosalie and said “Rosalie please take Stella upstairs and show her the bathroom." We got up and I followed Rosalie upstairs. We heard Alice sulking in her room as we passed. I smiled all over again and Rosalie smiled too.

“I don’t think anyone stood up to Alice like that before. It was pretty cool too.” She opened the door to a beautiful blue bedroom with white wooden floors, a black rug, the walls were white black and green and a window across the far wall. The bed was low and white and light blue trimming and it was next to black glass doors which I guessed was the closet. There was a white nightstand next to the bed and a white dresser in the corner.

“Rosalie why is there a bed in here? We don’t sleep.”

“We like to be comfortable Stella. And were all married so there are other reasons.” I made a face and Rosalie laughed at me.

“The bathroom’s over there and I’ll bring you some clothes. You look like you’re about my size.”

“Thank you Rosalie.” I said with a southern accent.

“Are you from Texas?” she asked. I nodded.

“Funny, Jasper is from Texas too.” She shrugged and duck out of the room. I quickly took a shower and washed my hair. I grabbed a fluffy white towel and wrapped it around my body. I looked at myself in the mirror and a beautiful pale woman started back.

She looked perfect and graceful even when she stood still. Her eyes were Black from not feeding recently, and there were large dark purple shadows under her eyes. This was the new me and I was going to have to except that from now on.

I stuck my tongue at her and she did the same thing. I laughed and turned away from the mirror and grabbed a brush on my way out. Rose had left clothes for me on the bed.
I quickly got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror again.

My hair was still slightly damp from the shower. I ran my fingers through my hair a few times and the water came out. I smiled and walked outside.