Status: New story! Keep or Kill?

In Love With the Beast of NYC


"You roam the streets in search of women to bone and you hang with the scruffiest guys New York has to offer."
"That''s why they call me the Beast, well that and the fact that I'm an animal in bed."
"Shut up."

Like so many before her, Valerie has left her home to come to New York City. She's done with college and just wants a break from her boring home life, so she takes up rent (in the only building she can afford to pay rent). She's prepared to make a new life for herself in this city. What she isn't prepared for is her new roommate, only known as Beast.

"Beast" as they call him is quite mysterious, definitely mischievous, and a huge manwhore. Because of his troubled past, he doesn't like getting close to anyone except for Slim, king of the underground. Beast knows Slim isn't the best guy to hang out with, but he's saved his butt so many times that he can't help but stay loyal to him. Beast isn't willing to open his heart or his apartment to anyone.

Valerie's bold and strong, but even she feels she feels shy around the confusing Beast. Will close quarters, ridiculous friends, and multiple trips to the bar bring out the worst in them? Probably. But at least it'll be an entertaining love story.