Saving Outcast


The stereotype of faeries is outrageous. They (being the humans) think we're three inches tall with transparent, sparkly wings. They also spell it wrong. It's not "fairy", it's "faerie."

Even with all of the made up stuff, most faeries DO have wings. They have bird-like wings, and they're retractable. But like I said, it's just most faeries. As far as I know, I'm the only exception to that rule. I have a wolfish tail, and furry ears. In my jaws you'll find elongated incisors not unlike those of a wild dog.

All of this would seem find and dandy, if all the winged faeries didn't hate me for being stuck to the ground.

Our race of faerie usually live in forested areas. Being like a bird, I suppose, makes you want to spend all of your free time up in the strong, high branches of trees. But it's also one of my advantages.

My family is in the lowest rung of faerie hierarchy, which is the only reason they haven't gotten rid of me. I can hunt. My parents say it's my only redeeming quality.
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Tell me what you think, please. *puppy face*