Status: still writting

Random chats with friends

My LongLost Vampire Brother

sincitadel (6/14/11 12:10:01 AM): *Alexander stood underneath an old weeping willow; an old, tattered book in his left hand. Blood red eyes peered down at the pages, that he flipped every few minutes. He was dressed in a worn, blood red noble shit, pitch black noble pants, and a pair of black, blood stained Converse. He had long black hair, parted at his forehead, that ran down either side of his chest and down his back. His lips were stained with blood that seemed to have dripped down his chin.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 12:16:46 AM): * MIharu smelled blood in the air not know if it was a trap or not she followed the smell of blood till it lead to a weeping willow noticeing somone one was there she slowly made her way behind the figure not makeing a sound*
sincitadel (6/14/11 12:19:52 AM): I can smell you, Deary... *Alexander spoke in a calm, kind voice, not looking up from his book. Turning the page, he glanced behind him for a brief moment, his red eyes shinning in the moonlight. Looking back to his book he spoke once more, with the same exact tone as before.* Now what exactly are you doing... Sneaking up on an elder... Don't you know that is extremely rude?
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 12:25:11 AM): * jumping a little miharu sighed " i didn't mean to sneak up on you i just smelled blood and followed it" * looking up at the leaves of the tree she said in the same small voice " what brings you here to the weeping willow?"
sincitadel (6/14/11 12:29:10 AM): I've always come here... Ever since I was a small child... Which was a very long time ago... *He turned another page of the book, his eyes darting around as he read each sentance on the page and moved on to the next.* This willow is no ordinary tree. It is tens of thousands of years old. It is the tree of my family...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 12:36:38 AM): " this tree has been throught so much... and so have you noble man"* she looks up and the sky a humms a song he heard from her travles*" how many centuries have you lived?"
sincitadel (6/14/11 12:40:17 AM): More than you can count, young miss... And don't you know it is disrespectful to ask an elder their age? *Alexander smiled at this, continue to flip from page to page. No matter how many pages he flipped through, the book never seemed to get any shorter. It just went on and on and on.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 12:49:48 AM): " it may be rude but ii is also rude not to give your name...... I'm Miharu" she said bowing : if you do'n mind me asking what is the name of the book your reading it seem intresting"
sincitadel (6/14/11 12:51:53 AM): Do you want to know my name, or the name of this book..? *He said calmly, never even giving her a second glance. Alexander realized he might have been coming off as rude, but at the moment this girl was intruding in his special place, so he had little respect for her at the moment.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 1:00:58 AM): " both"miharu didn't seem fazed by his answer she sometimes came off a little head strong she could tell from his aura that she brothered him in away" if you don't want to talk right now i can kept quiet and just take in the scencery"
sincitadel (6/14/11 1:08:16 AM): Sweetheart... If I didn't want to talk, I would have just killed you on the spot when you snuck up behind me... And you're going to have to choose between my name and the name of this book. I do not give up secrets that easily. *He smirked as he made his comment. Then slid a unique looking bookmark, a shinning blood red that seemed to flow like a river, in between the pages and closed the book.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 1:12:25 AM): miharu bit her lip if she asked his name she could guess the name of the book and if she asked what the name of the book was she could have guess his name. * slowly opeaning her mouth she gave her answer" the name of the book"
sincitadel (6/14/11 1:15:30 AM): *Alexander began to chuckle and bowed his head.* Unfortunately, my dear... This book has no name. No cover, no title, no author, that we know of. It's very unique, one of a kind actually....
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 1:24:13 AM): * blushing in defeat Miharu shakes her head* " i have a feeling i should have asked your name"* she slowly sits down on the ground" so what made you not want to kill me.. i mean i did sneek up behind you any othr vampire would have attacked me on the spot"
sincitadel (6/14/11 1:31:39 AM): Hmmm... I'm a fair sport... I am Alexander Draven Grey, at your sevice, Miss Miharu...*He slid the book under his left arm and bowed to the young woman.* Now.. To why I didn't kill you like any scavenger vampire you find now-a-days... Well, actually that about sums it all up... I am a Pure Blood Vampire, a Revenant. One of the rare acient Vampires from times left forgotten. I am not mindless like the new breds who infest this earth...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 1:43:48 AM): * nodding miharu smiles* " well Alexander I thank you for not hurting me...... there aren't that many pure blood vampire now-a-days but you are far off the most kindest i have ever talked with","I'msorry to hear about your race many others are left unwritten in time"
sincitadel (6/14/11 1:51:17 AM): Those who are left are twisted and insane from endless years of solitude... If you ever stumbled upon one.. I pity you and it. A pure blood that has fallen from their grace is a sad sight to look upon... *Alexander sighed, falling back into the tree, and slid down to the ground. The subject of his people upsetted him deeply. No matter how much he hated showing any emotion.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 2:02:41 AM): * biting her lip miharu crawled next to Alexander and sat next to him* " I didn't mean to upset you in anyway" she said looking down playing with her fingers "Alexander I'm sorry for making you so sad i din't mean to" she said in a soft voice never looking away from the ground.
sincitadel (6/14/11 2:08:58 AM): *He shook his head and glanced over at Miharu, smiling before looking back down at her feet.* No, no. It's quite alright. Pure breds might be rare, but atleast the breed hasn't died off completely...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 2:18:11 AM): * smirking a little Miharu looked up* " true but not that many are seen or found... sometimes it just feels like your the only one sometimes" mihar soon regreated thoes words as soon as she said them
sincitadel (6/14/11 2:28:53 AM): That's the sad thing about being the last of anything... Sooner or later, there'll be none left at all... *He smirked at the thought of being the last vampire. He knew it was foolish, but he had survived this long.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 2:33:58 AM): " If there none of us left we would only have the half breeds and hybird vampire losing the prue blood race sucks but thats how life if...... but before we completely die out i must find my brother" * " alexander can i ask you something?"
sincitadel (6/14/11 2:35:23 AM): Go ahead, Dear... *He glanced over at her, slightly confused. She might have been a pure blood, but she had not assended to the higher being like he had. To why that was, he wasn't sure.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 2:38:15 AM): " did you have a sister" * Miharu knew this could be a dumb question she had to find out if this was her brother but a him being a higher rank then her she could be wrong*
sincitadel (6/14/11 2:43:20 AM): Yes, I did have a sister. She was very very young when my family broke apart... She was given to a young nurse who was suppose to raise her away from the violence that had broken out among the kingdom...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 2:49:26 AM): Miharu eyes open wide " OH......MY.......GOD!" you could be my brother she said smiling" but it seems she did a bad job taking care of me... at an early age someone taught me how to fight with and without weapons.
sincitadel (6/14/11 2:52:08 AM): And how does that make the way she took care of you "bad"? *Alexander sighed and held out her hand.* Let me see your arm... I need to check for a birthmark...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 2:59:55 AM): " sure " * hands arm to alexander* " would you be mad if i wasn't your sister?" she said looking up at alexander. " and if i was would you be happy?"
sincitadel (6/14/11 3:02:36 AM): We'll see... won't we? *He took her arm and began to roll up her sleeve. Looking closely at her wrist he spotted a small cross. He chuckled, took her hand, and kissed it gently.* I swore that I would find you again... And it looks like I have...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 3:08:13 AM): smileing miharu threw her arms around her brother and hugged him " i new i would find you some day big brother and i did" * Smiling again she let out a small laugh*
sincitadel (6/14/11 3:19:44 AM): *He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight.* Even though you were just a small child, I still had a deep bond with you... That's how I knew you were still alive... But I am disappointed in your Nurse...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 3:28:07 AM): " well she did't mean to she thought that someone would find me and kill me" she mummbled into his shirt " so you were the peresence i always felt growing up"
sincitadel (6/14/11 3:30:31 AM): Oh, I wasn't talking about how you were brought up, Sweetheart... I was talking about your name. I understand that her duty was to hide you. But she didn't even teach you your real name?
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 3:36:26 AM): " no she never told me my name.she told me it was minharu..but if miharu isn't my real name then what is it big brother," she said giving him a puzzled look
sincitadel (6/14/11 3:43:39 AM): When you were born you were specifically linked with one family member, me, and our family had a tradition for the elder sibling that was linked to the other was to name them. I was young at the time, but I knew much of life. So I named you the only thing that came to mind. Raven Olivia Grey. *He smiled and kissed her forehead.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 3:53:14 AM): smiling once again raven hugged her brother " i love the name thats for giving it to me big brother"She said kissing him on the cheek
sincitadel (6/14/11 3:56:17 AM): You are quite welcome, little sister.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 3:59:39 AM): so do we have any other living family?
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:00:11 AM): Not that I know of... Mother and Father are dead... I know that for a fact.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:00:50 AM): how did they die if you don't mind me asking
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:02:05 AM): Father was decapitated. Mother was raped and stabbed through the heart...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:04:59 AM): I WANT TO KILL THOES BASTARDS!".
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:05:23 AM): They're already dead...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:05:39 AM): " did you kill them?"
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:05:52 AM): Slaughtered...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:07:01 AM): " I wish i was there maybe if i was older i could have helped"
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:15:05 AM): Raven, I did not and still do not want you to see that side of me. It's something I've repressed for years... True, it is the reason I was able to become a Revenant... But... I still regret it.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:18:31 AM): But you did it out of anger and what that did to mom and dad they deserved all of what you gave them.
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:20:17 AM): Are you sure about that? They were just following their duty... Raven, two wrongs do not make a right.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:23:07 AM): "Duty or not they had no right to kill are family"
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:23:32 AM): Are you sure?
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:23:42 AM): Father was not a saint... by any means.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:24:03 AM): " what did he do?"
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:24:43 AM): That's not important.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:25:22 AM): " what did mother do to make them kill her?"
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:25:54 AM): She was married to father...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:27:58 AM): But still they shouldn't have b\ killed them.
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:28:36 AM): Maybe, maybe not. But it happened.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:30:26 AM): life is unfair.
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:38:31 AM): It always has been... But now I have you back... that seems pretty fair.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:39:41 AM): True....Happy to be back.
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:41:00 AM): *Kisses her forehead.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:42:05 AM): * kisses cheek*
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:43:11 AM): I missed you.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:43:32 AM): missed you to
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:45:34 AM): *He sighs, holding her in his arms.*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:46:05 AM): Are you ok big brother?
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:46:15 AM): Perfectly fine.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:46:52 AM): Are you sure...You don't look fine.
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:48:45 AM): Just homesick.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:49:29 AM): We could always go back to what's left
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:50:11 AM): No, no... That wouldn't be good fore either of us.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:52:03 AM): So were do we go from here?
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:53:04 AM): Not a clue.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:53:58 AM): We could always live here next to the willow.
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:54:08 AM): Possibly.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:55:33 AM): It sounds like a good idea. But will work?
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:55:58 AM): Well... there are no houses here.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:56:25 AM): we could always build one
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:57:00 AM): True
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:57:23 AM): So can we
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 4:57:55 AM): build one
sincitadel (6/14/11 4:59:33 AM): If you want...
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 5:00:20 AM): YAY * hugs him tight*
sincitadel (6/14/11 5:00:47 AM): *He laughs to himself*
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 5:02:11 AM): Why are u laughing.....Was it something i did?
sincitadel (6/14/11 5:04:22 AM): No no. Just you in general.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 5:05:58 AM): What did i do?
sincitadel (6/14/11 5:06:51 AM): You reminded me what it's like to have family.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 5:07:29 AM): I will always do that big brother.
sincitadel (6/14/11 5:08:15 AM): Good.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 5:09:16 AM): I'm happy your alive.
sincitadel (6/14/11 5:09:56 AM): Same for you, Raven.
vampireprincess10101 (6/14/11 5:19:21 AM): *lays head on shoulder*
Sincitadel is offline.
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Yea that pretty much what happened