Status: still writting

Random chats with friends

The talk with the creeper

vampireprincess10101 (8/2/11 2:01:40 AM): hi
tikex (8/2/11 2:01:48 AM): helllooo princess:)
vampireprincess10101 (8/2/11 2:02:20 AM): hello tikex
tikex (8/2/11 2:02:36 AM): lol
tikex (8/2/11 2:02:39 AM): im dan hi �
vampireprincess10101 (8/2/11 2:03:43 AM): hi dan i'm tiffany
tikex (8/2/11 2:03:58 AM): hiii tiffany
tikex (8/2/11 2:04:08 AM): cool pic
vampireprincess10101 (8/2/11 2:04:16 AM): thanks
tikex (8/2/11 2:07:33 AM): ur welcum
♠ ♠ ♠
I know not that long but i didn't want to talk to him he was like 19 years old and his profile pic made him look like a rapist so i gave him a fake name and from there i stopped talking to him