Status: Still working

Deadly Kiss

Deadly Kiss

“I know this is going to sound weird,” Alison said trying to look anywhere but me.
I shrugged; everything that came out of Alison’s mouth is weird. “So what?” I said.
“Well . . . there’s a new guy at school today . . .” Alison started slowly. I nodded pushing her on. “And . . . I think I love him.”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “How long have you’ve known this guy?” I asked.
“I knew you were going to laugh! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” Alison whaled like I didn’t ask her a question. “I’m so stupid! I shouldn’t even said anyth –”
“Alison!” I said before she could keep saying how stupid she is.
“I don’t think you’re stupid.” I said seriously then laughed saying, “I think you’re dumb!”
“Shut up!” she said and jokingly pushed me as we both laughed.
“But, seriously,” I said “who is he?”
“He’s the new guy! Duh!”
I laughed. “I know that! But, what’s his name?”
“Oh . . . that . . . I don’t really know that . . .” she said.
“Wow.” I said, but more to myself than Alison as I saw him.
He was absolutely handsome, old-fashion almost. His eyes were light gray and his hair was wavy and black as a raven. He was tall and lean, and oddly very pale. He was wearing dark, loss jeans with a black shirt and a black leather jacket.
I could not stop staring.
My heart could not stop racing.
My head could not stop spinning.
Alison elbowed me in the side and whisper, “There he is! That’s him!”
I nodded not really paying any attention to her. The man looked sweetly shy as he tried very hard to stay out of every one’s way.
I couldn’t help but wanting to be in his way.
He eyes shifted, realizing that someone was staring at him. He looked around the hall way finding my eyes. Usually, if someone caught me staring, I would glance away. But . . . this time, I couldn’t look away. He caught me red-handed, and I couldn’t help but not care.
The blood rushed to my checks as he slowly grinned at me and gave me a small nod of acknowledgement.
I smiled like a little kid and didn’t nod back as he walked the opposite direction from Alison and me.
“Wow.” I said again.
“I know right. I call dibs!” Alison said like it was a contest.
I didn’t care if she called dibs; somehow the way he looked and smiled at me told me that we had a connection like no other.
I don’t know what it is, but he is going to be mine.
“He’s hot, right?” Alison said noticing that I was staring off after him.
I nodded uncontrollably. Then the question came out without me thinking about it: “What would you do if he likes me?”
Alison was quite for a moment. “I probably wouldn’t be friends with you anymore . . .”
“Really?” I said. That’s a little mean, I thought. But, then, I thought about it deeper.
Put yourself in Alison’s shoes. You see this boy, and he is the man of your dreams, and not only that, you think you love him. More than anything in the world. And you want him. Bad. Then, your best friend comes along and steals him away, steals your chance because he likes her, not you.
But then, I thought about it deeper, if she was your best friend, you wouldn’t let a boy split you up.
I looked up at Alison suddenly deciding that she isn’t my true best friend.
And, somehow, I was okay with that.