Status: Still working

Deadly Kiss

Deadly Kiss

I live in Forest Hill, Maryland, which means I go to Forest Hill High School. Very small school, trust me, nothing ever happens in Maryland. You know just about everyone in your neighborhood and there are no secrets.
So, once there’s a new kid in town, everyone is on top of them to get the new gossip. That’s how bored we are in Forest Hill.
Bottom line is: Everyone is all over the new boy, but I wasn’t. I mean, I totally wanted to be but I didn’t want him thinking I was that type of girl, because I wasn’t.
Alison came up to me during lunch. This isn’t her lunch time, but I guess she’s skipping class to tell me something . . . something that’s probably important to her, but stupid to me.
“He’s name is Maximilian!” she squeals sitting down next to me.
“He must be rich.” I joked.
“Isn’t that a perfect name?” Alison asked to herself, but said it out loud. “Mr. Max and Mrs. Alison Rouff, can’t you see it now?” She asked to me.
And, then I knew, I could say absolutely anything and she wouldn’t care, she wouldn’t even pay any attention. Because she was love-struck.
I decided to test it, to really see if she was paying attention to me, “He seems like a real asshole, Alison.” I said nonchalantly.
“Your opinion doesn’t really matter. Besides, you not liking him is, like, giving me more of a chance of getting him.” She looked as mad as ever because of what I have said. She was paying attention all along. I couldn’t believe it, she was just acting like a bitch.
I also couldn’t believe that this girl was my best friend.
I shrugged hiding my feelings away.
“Well, I’m going back to class; I was on a bathroom break.” She gets up and says, “See ya,”
I sat there picking at my lunch. I honestly wasn’t hungry anymore, after I found out about the real Alison.
“So, do you like any of the girls here so far?” I heard a familiar voice ask someone from a few tables away.
I looked over seeing a crowd of the popular girls over at Max. The girl who asked the question was London. London is the most popular girl; the only reason why she asked that question to Max was because she wanted to make sure that it was her who he liked.
Max looked terrified at the question, like whoever it was, was going to die if they knew.
I stared at him, waiting for he’s response. I was hoping and praying that it was going to be me. Max’s eyes searched the room trying to find an escape, he’s eyes found mine. We stared at each other, and then all the girls noticed and laughed.
Max snapped out of his daze before I could snap out of mine and he looked down . . . but, not in an embarrassed way, in kinda like I-just-don’t know-her-yet kind of way.
London chuckled and whispered something into Max’s ear and he nodded.
She came over to my table with the biggest, evil smile.
“Hi, you’re Hazel, right?” she asked standing in my view of Max.
“Yeah, you’re London.” I say.
“Yeah, no shit, everyone knows me.” She rolls her eyes “Anyways, Max, that boy over there – the new boy. Has an eye open for you, in your language: he’s interested in you.”
I was smiling. “Really?” I asked.
“Yeah, whatever. Anyways, I like him, so you need to pretend that you don’t like him back. If you don’t, I will make your life a living hell.”
This girl could not tell me what the fuck to do. Who did she think she was? She thought she was London King, that’s who. The richest girl in Forest Hill, the girl who could make your life a living hell with a snap of her fingers.
I kept my mouth shut and nodded. I had to obey.
“I’m glad we understand each other.” And she walked away whispering into Max’s era. Somehow I could hear every word she whispered: “She doesn’t like you.”
Each lying word stabbed me in the heart as I saw the great disappointment on his face.