Status: Still working

Deadly Kiss

Deadly Kiss

Max walked me home and we didn’t say a word to each other. He walked me to my door and he hardly murmurs a farewell. I suddenly wished I hadn’t kissed him, but still not one part of me regretted it.
I realized that he was right, that kiss had never happened. No one in school or at home can find out about what happened. We have to act like we never kissed.
It’s our own dirty little secret.
I just wish he would tell me his secret already. With this swimming around my head I fell asleep not even having dinner or doing my homework.

“Hazel! Come join us, Hazel!” I turned around seeing London, Max, and Alison all swimming and splashing each other in the ocean. Max came out of the sea and steps onto the stand and took several steps till he reached me in the middle of the beach.
“What’s wrong, Hazel?” he ask placing his hands on my hips.
“Uh,” I say “nothing.”
“Hazel,” he says knowing better that nothing’s wrong.
Before I answer I watched the sun hit Max’s pale skin and his black hair making it look almost dark brown. “I just want to know what you are already.” I say.
Max’s eyes widen searching my face looking for an answer. Before he could answer we heard a talk-show man say, “Twelve o’clock last night a teenage girl named, Heather Wilson, died unexpectedly during her sleep. Her parents claim that she was murdered, for they swore they heard something going on in Heather’s room. After the noise was gone, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson went to Heather’s room finding her died a minute after the noise.
“Now, here’s Katy with the weather report.”

I woke up looking at my radio; it was the news playing in my dream. I knew Heather Wilson; she sent to my school, she was London’s best friend.
I rubbed my eyes getting up, who would kill Heather? I ask myself getting out of bed and going to school. I realized that yesterday was Monday, the fifth, it was the first Monday in September. I realized that last month, August, the first Monday of that month someone else in Maryland had died unexpectedly. Since July someone has been dying “unexpectedly” on the first Monday in the month.
Who was next? I thought quietly. The last few people, who died, I didn’t know, therefore I didn’t pay attention to the deaths. But now since Heather has died, everything fell into place. There was a murder in Maryland, attacking their victims the first Monday of each month.
I went down stairs changed and ready for school bumping into my dad on the way down. “Wow, take it easy there, now.” My dad says laughing. I didn’t laugh; I was in too much of a rush to see Max again.
“Whatever,” I murmur and walk to the door taking a red apple. “Later,”
My heart started to ach, remembering that my mother had died. She died in a car accident with her sister, I was home with dad. And, now, he seems like the only one that I’ll ever be home with.