Status: Still working

Deadly Kiss

Deadly Kiss

“Did you hear the news?” Alison ask coming up to me in school. We walked through the hallway together, it wasn’t the same. Everyone was quiet and whispering about what happened. And then London’s blond hair caught my eyes, for the first time in my life, I saw London King in a corner by herself . . . sobbing.
Nobody went over to comfort her.
Everyone just stared and walked by.
The only one who would be comforting her . . . would be Heather.
For the first time, and probably the only time, my heart was breaking for the only London King.
“Heather Wilson died last night.” I whispered turning my attention to Alison, but I didn’t want to be with Alison right now. I murmur, “Excuse me, one second.”
I slipped through the crowd and went over to London. I stood there not knowing what to do; all I knew was that someone had to comfort her. Finally, she realized I was there; she whipped her noise and said, “What do you want?”
I sat down next to her, not saying anything, and hugged her. She didn’t say anything; she just cried whipping her tears on my shirt. I didn’t care if she was going to leave a mark.
“Why are you being nice?” She asked after a while I wondered how I was being nice . . . I was just letting her cry on me.
I shrugged, “You never did anything wrong to me,” I say and to me that actually meant a lot.
She nodded and sniffled, “I saw you and Max yesterday . . .”
“Oh,” I say taking my arms away and looking down. Hell here I come. . .
“Don’t worry, Hazel, I’m not going to do anything.” She says whipping off her running mascara “I mean, I totally was, but after what happened . . .” her breaths came out wavy “I’m going to try my best and not act like a bitch all the time.” She says nodding then went back to subbing saying, “That’s what she would’ve wanted me to do. That’s what she always wanted.” She sobbed more before saying, “I just wish I made the change before she died.”
I suddenly felt really bad. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and smoothed her hair saying, “It’s going to be alright, it’s going to be alright . . .” I kept saying positive things to her.
“Thanks,” she says when the second period bell rang. “Thanks, for being a friend.” She got up and walked off. I rubbed my eyes thinking about what to do now.
“Sorry about what happened.” Max says coming out of nowhere and sitting down beside me.
“It’s not my lost,” I say looking around in the quiet hallways, it was second period, everyone was in class. Why wasn’t Max?
“Well, I’m still sorry.”
“Look . . . about yesterday,” I started but didn’t know how to finish. “I shouldn’t have –”
My words where stopped by his lips. Max kissed me hard at first then softens up a little. I couldn’t stop kissing him, but I needed answers.
“Before I keep kissing you,” I whispered moving slightly away “Are we . . . dating?” I wanted to know what to tell people if they ask, I want to know if I’m taking things too far.
Max’s face suddenly got hard and serious. “I need to go,” he says quickly.
He got up starting to walk away. Fury took over me as I said, “Oh, no you don’t.” I got up and grabbed his arm pulling him back making him face me. “You are going to tell me what’s going on or else . . .” no threats came into mind until I spitted out, “or else I won’t kiss you anymore!”
He raised one eye brow saying, “You think you’re the only good girl kisser in the school?”
I knew it, he was a player, just playing and toying with my heart.
“No,” I said knowing there are actually girls in this school that are better at kissing than me. “But, not only will I not allow you to kiss me, we won’t even talk! I won’t even look at you!” Once I said this, I regretted it. I so deeply wanted to see him and talk to him . . . every day. Not only that, it didn’t sound like a threat at all.
Max tips his head back a laughed “I’ll talk to you later, Hazel.”
“I hate you!” I screamed at him running behind him and punching him as hard as I could. I knew that I was weak and he was strong and my punches meant nothing to him.
Max grabbed my wrist pushing me against a locker. He’s body was right up against mine, I suddenly forgot everything with him so close. He’s got me under his spell again. The only thing I was thinking about was kissing him . . .
I spited in his face to make him go away. He whipped the spit off and laughed, but didn’t move.
“Ew,” he chuckles “did you actually spit on me?”
I wasn’t in the mood for laughing. Sternly I said, “Yes, I did.”
He suddenly became serious too, locking his eyes on mine. For a spilt second, I thought he was going to kiss me until we were going to take it to the next step. But he didn’t.
Max sharply threw himself off me and his next words stabbed me in the heart, “Stay away from me.”
Before it hit me what was going on, he was walking away. “What if I don’t want to?” I asked before he got too far away.
With the sound of sadness in his voice he says, “If you don’t . . . something bad will happen to the both of us.”