Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


It was a day off for the band and crew today. They played a show last night in Los Angeles, California and then drove up to San Francisco where they are resting in their hotel rooms for the day until the show tomorrow night.

Scarlet sat at the small desk that was in the room, her laptop in front of her, looking through all of the pictures she had taken during this tour. Since her and Alex had gotten together one month ago, they had taken to taking pictures together at every chance they got. Now as she scrolled through them all, she realized just how many they had taken.

The bathroom door behind her opened making her turn to see her previously mentioned boyfriend walk out in nothing but a towel, water dripping off his body and steam following him out. Scarlet smirked at her boyfriend who just grinned back at her. Matt had done some switching around and got them their own room so they could be together and alone on their one month anniversary.

"You know," Scarlet said as she turned back to her laptop, clicking next to find yet another picture of her and Alex together, their arms around each other and grinning at the camera. "We take way too many pictures together. My whole camera is basically pictures of us, or pictures of you. I really need to start taking pictures of the rest of the band, I'm not really doing my job very well." She heard Alex laugh before she felt his arms circle around her shoulders and his bare chest pressed against her back. She could feel the water soaking into her grey tank top.

"You are doing your job. You are doing it perfectly." Scarlet smiled and shook her head, clicking to the next picture which was of Jack on stage. "See, you take pictures of the rest of the band." She shrugged and went through the rest of that shows pictures, finding that she actually had taken more of the other members than she had thought.

"I just feel like I don't get them as much as I should." She then got to a segment of pictures of Matt. It was three days ago. The band was off meeting fans and the take down was already finished. Matt and Scarlet had been sitting on the edge of the now empty stage, facing out into the empty ballroom. Scarlet had pulled out her camera and began taking pictures of them together.

"See, you got plenty of Matt." Alex said, laughing at the picture she had just changed to. It was Matt holding a Mickey Mouse doll and grinning like a little child on Christmas morning.

"I guess." Scarlet then shut her laptop and unplugged her camera. She turned around as Alex let go of her. She pointed her camera at him and snapped a picture of him holding up a peace sign and scrunching up his face in a pout. She stood up and took a full body shot so who ever may come across these pictures would see he was in a towel.

"You know, if you promise to not show anyone these pictures, I just may take off my towel." He said, raising his eyebrows at her a few times. She laughed and shook her head, turning off the camera and putting it down.

"Maybe some other time." Alex pouted and reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her body against his. She smiled up at him, wrapping her arms around his warm shoulders, her arms being dripped on from his wet hair. "So, are we doing anything tonight? It is our one month, you know." Alex smiled and ran his hands up and down her sides before resting them low on her hips.

"Sure. We could go out to dinner and then explore the city a little bit, just me and you." He suggested, making her nod.

"That sounds good." He smiled and leaned his head down, meeting her lips with his own. He pulled her closer to his body, gripping at her hips. She moved her hands from his shoulders, up his neck and into his long and wet hair as their lips moved together heatedly, their breathing beginning to race just a little bit. Alex opened his mouth and slid his tongue across her lips, successfully getting her to open her mouth, allowing his tongue to meet hers, taking the kiss deeper.

Alex began to walk her backwards until her knees hit the edge of the bed and they tumbled backwards and onto the soft mattress. She giggled against his lips and ran her hands back down his neck and down his spine, making him visibly shiver under her touch. He quickly rolled them over so she was on top of him, making her giggle once more. She lifted away from his lips, smiling down at him. Her hair was like a curtain, falling around his face, shielding them both from the world, it was just the two of them right now.

She reached her head back down, attaching her lips, not to his lips, but to his jaw instead, working her way down his neck where she bit and sucked at for a little while, getting sounds of satisfaction to flow from Alex's lips before she continued to work her way down his chest, kissing and biting at the soft skin. She worked all the way down to the top of the towel at his hips before making her way back up, finding his lips once more.

They both broke apart and groaned when there was a knock on the door. Scarlet kissed Alex's lips one more time before crawling off of him and going towards the door as he went to his suitcase and began to search for clothes.

"Max?" Scarlet asked when she opened the door to find her ex slouching against the doorway. He had sweat running down his face, the circles under his eyes had grown darker and he looked miserable. She recognized this easily. He was going through withdrawal. "Is everything okay?" She questioned.

"I'm trying Scarlet, I've given up drugs again, just for you. I haven't done anything since that two weeks ago when i fell off the bus and you put me to bed. I'm going crazy though, I can't do this without you. You helped me last time, please, help me again. I need you." He begged her, actually clamping his hands together and tears actually leaking from his eyes. Scarlet creased her eyebrows together in concern.

"I'm sorry, Max." She turned to look in the room where Alex was slipping a t-shirt over his head. He met her eyes and just shrugged before disappearing into the bathroom, closing the door after him. "Alex and I have plans tonight, we've been together for a month, so we thought we'd go out and do something." Max actually smiled a little.

"Remember our one month? I went to your house at midnight and stood under your window and-"

"Sang to me until I came outside." Scarlet finished for him, smiling and nodding.

"And then we went down to the strip and snuck into Casino's and pretended to be some rich couple until we would get kicked out. We spent that whole day together. Just me and you, hanging out, getting into trouble. We sat under the stars and you fell asleep in my arms. I woke you up then at midnight and took you home."

"And my dad tried to kill you." Scarlet added, making Max laugh and nod.

"That was a great day though." Scarlet smiled sadly and nodded.

"Yeah, it was." She agreed. "Look, I really am sorry I can't be with you tonight. I'll come and check on you though when we get back tonight, okay? What room are you in?" Scarlet heard a bang from the bathroom but ignored it as she watched Max point to his right before reaching into his pocket.

"215, just three rooms down. Here." He handed her a room key and smiled at her. "Just in case I'm asleep." Scarlet nodded and put the card in her back pocket. "Have fun tonight with Alex, Scare-bear." Max reached forward and kissed her cheek before disappearing down the hall.

Scarlet closed the door and turned back to the room as the bathroom door opened. Alex walked out, his hair stuffed under a beanie now. He ignored Scarlet and reached for his Nike's, slipping them on his feet before reaching for his phone, stuffing it in his pocket.

"Alex?" Scarlet asked timidly as he continued to move around the room, ignoring her.

"You can go be with him tonight, I'll just go out with the guys." Alex said, adjusting the beanie on his head.

"No, I want to be with you, not him." Alex stopped and stared at her.

"Than why are you going to his room after we get back?" Scarlet opened her mouth and then closed it, crossing her arms over her chest. "Just go be with him like you really want to. He needs you."

"I don't want to be with him, Alex. I want to spend my day with you. It's our one-"

"It doesn't matter. I can never give you a better one month as he apparently did." Scarlet moved across the room to stand in front of him.

"That was years ago, Alex. It doesn't matter now. I want to be with you today. I won't go to his room later, I'm sorry." Alex stared down into her sad face and immediately softened. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lips softly.

"Don't be sorry, I'm sorry. He just drives me crazy. I just worry every day that he's going to steal you away from me." Scarlet shook her head and kissed his lips again.

"I don't want to be with him. I want you, and only you." Alex grinned and nodded.

"Than you can have me, baby."

"Good, now let's go. The city awaits." She took his hand and pulled him out of the room....
♠ ♠ ♠
uh-oh. Max almost messed things up.
I did way better at updating, huh? not such a long wait.

so, thank you to the people that I should have thanked last chapter:

and now, thank you to the people who commented the last chapter:

Happy 4th of July everyone. (: