Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


Scarlet and Alex both groaned as they were awoken by loud banging on their hotel room door.

"What the fuck?" Alex grumbled as he sat up. Scarlet was the one who actually stood from the bed. She searched the floor for something to put on and finally settled on a pair of Alex's boxers and his t-shirt before she rushed over to the door as the banging continued.

"Scarlet!" There stood, none other than Max Green. As soon as the door was opened, he stumbled and fell onto Scarlet, gripping at her, using her to keep standing. "Oh, sorry." He said, trying to stand on his own but Scarlet kept both of her hands on her arms as he staggered.

"Max? Are you okay?" She worried that he had gone off and gotten high again but as she looked into his face, she saw that he was going through very bad withdrawal. "Oh, Maxy." She said, running a hand across his sweat covered forehead.

"You said you would come and check on me." He said quietly. "You didn't."

"I know, I'm sorry. Me and Alex got caught up." Max looked across the room at Alex who had still not gotten out of bed but was sitting up, securely holding the seat against his body, covering himself up.

"By that you mean you were too busy fucking him." Scarlet was glad the room was dark so Max couldn't see the blush that rose up on her skin.

"Max, let me find the room key you gave me earlier and we will go back to your room so Alex can go back to bed, okay?" He nodded and allowed her to lean him against the wall while she rushed around the room, searching for her jeans. She quickly found them and dug the key card Max had given her earlier in the day out of the pocket before turning to the bed where Alex sat, raising his eyebrows at her. "I'm sorry Alex." She came over to him to kiss his lips. "I won't be gone long. He needs me." They both looked over at the man who had his eyes closed, looking like he was about to throw up. "I've never seen him this bad." Alex sighed and nodded, pulling her down for one more kiss.

"Go take care of him, I'll see you in a little bit." She smiled and nudged his nose with hers.

"Thank you." With that she went back over to Max and took his arm. "Come on, Max, let's get you to your room." She waved at Alex once as she pulled the other man out of the room. They walked down the hall to the room he was staying in and went inside. The room was a mess, it looked like he had been trowing things. Though luckily none of it looked broken so as soon as he was asleep, Scarlet would clean it all up.

"I don't feel so good, Scar." Max grumbled, bringing his hand up to his mouth. Scarlet had no time to do anything before he ran away from her and into his bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before he threw up. Scarlet sighed and went to him, holding back his hair while he emptied his stomach. Once he was finished he slumped back against the bathtub while Scarlet soaked a washcloth in the sink and kneeled down beside him, resting it on his forehead.

"Hold that there." She instructed him, allowing him to hold the cool cloth to his sweaty forehead while she stood up and wet another one and came back to him to wipe his mouth before she flushed the toilet and tossed the washcloth into the sink. "Can you stand up or are you going to be sick again?" Max sat in thought for a few seconds before he started to sit up.

"I think I can get up." Scarlet nodded and took the washcloth from him, putting it in the sink with the other before taking his hands and pulling him up.

"You still okay?" She questioned, getting a nod in return. "Why don't we get you changed into your pajamas and then into bed?" He just nodded again so she pulled him back into the bedroom part of the room. "Where are your pajamas?" They both looked around the room where all of his clothes were tossed all around the floor.

"Um... I don't know. I kinda went into one of my rages and threw everything." Scarlet sighed and nodded.

"Just go sit down and I'll find something." He obeyed like some sort of dog and went to sit on the edge of the bed while she went around the room, grabbing random clothing articles until she finally found a pair of pajama pants and a random t-shirt. "Change." He took the clothes from her and changed into the clothes quickly.

"Thank you for all of this, Scarlet. It really means a lot to me." Scarlet just nodded and instructed him to lay down and go to sleep. She sat beside him for a few minutes until he did finally fall asleep before she looked around the trashed room and sighed.

She set to work, gathering up all the clothes. She didn't know what was clean and what was dirty so she just took a sniff at all the clothes she came across and organized them into piles of clothes that didn't smell too bad and could be worn again, and things that needed to be washed, about four times to get the stench of booze and sweat out of them.

She folded the clean clothes and put them in his suitcase while making a pile of the dirty clothes beside it. She found all his pairs of shoes and stacked them by his suitcase as well. She then picked up the hotel phone, which looked like he had tossed off the desk and put it back in its place. She picked up other random things that had been thrown around the room and put them in their appropriate place until the room was clean.

She sighed and walked back over to the sleeping man and looked down at him sadly. It killed her to see him like this. She brought her hand down and brushed his hair from his face before leaning down to press her lips to his forehead.

"Goodnight, Maxy. I love you." She whispered before turning and leaving the room quietly, unaware that Max had been awake and had heard her, felt her lips against him. He fell asleep with a wide grin spread across his face..
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that this is turning more into a Max Green story and I apologize for that but please, bear with me, all of this is important to get to the Alex stuff. Alex is still the main point around the story, I promise. (: Don't give up on this story yet.

I am aware that this chapter sucks. truly sorry. my insomnia/anxiety/depression is really catching up with me... so much for having a nice relaxing vacation. blegh...

and... if anyone likes making banners and would like to make one for this story, it would be much MUCH appreciated. (: Im not that great at it. heh.