Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


"No!" The yell could be heard all through the entire tour bus, making everyone who was in the front lounge frown and look towards the back bunk and lounge area where Scarlet and Alex had been alone together. Nobody had any time to investigate before Alex came running out and went to hide behind Zack, who frowned.

"Um. Alex? What is going on?" He questioned his friend, trying to turn and look at him but Alex just kept him turned.

"She... she wants to-" He was pointing towards the hallway he had just come running from, where now they could hear Scarlet laughing. "She wants to-"

"What does she want to do, Alex?" Samantha asked her best friends boyfriend who still looked horrified. Scarlet appeared from the bunk area, giggling, which made her boyfriend cower behind the muscular bass player even more.

"I tried to put makeup on him." Scarlet explained, going to sit on the couch beside Jack. Everyone burst into laughter and Zack walked away from the horrified singer, making him pout.

"She didn't just try, she basically succeeded! See, look!" He pointed to the corner of his eye where nobody saw a single thing. Jack stood up and went over to Alex, staring close at his eye.

"Yeah, there's a small black spot there." Jack confirmed, making Alex nod in satisfaction.

"I think you'd look good with makeup on, Alex." Matt commented, making everyone chuckle. Alex shook his head and went to take the spot on the couch beside Scarlet that Jack had vacated, resting his arm on the back of the couch behind her shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled fondly, leaning a little into his warm body.

"Why did you decide you wanted to put make up on him, Scar?" Rian questioned the women who shrugged, turning her eyes away from her boyfriend who was smiling at her as well.

"Just felt like it." She answered. "I felt that he would look good in makeup. I just wanted to see if I was right or not." Everyone laughed.

"The only good part was her on top of me pinning me down." Alex spoke, making everyone roll their eyes but smile still none the less. "Speaking of her being on top of me, when will we be in a hotel again? I miss alone time with my gorgeous girlfriend." Scarlet blushed at his words and elbowed him a little, though really she missed being alone with him too. It had been awhile since they were last truly alone.

"Not for another week or so." Matt answered, looking down at his schedule. "So, very sorry but you two will have to refrain from having sex for just a little while longer." Alex stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.

"That's no fun." Everyone laughed at him.


"Let's go get fucked up tonight!" Jack exclaimed to the whole bus. They had been off stage for about an hour now, the crew about done with take down and all the fans had their pictures and autographs from the band, so they were all just sitting around on the bus, bored.

"I agree. We should go out and have some fun." Samantha said, standing up and reaching down to grab Scarlet's hand, pulling her from her boyfriends grasp, making previously mentioned boyfriend groan. "We leave in half an hour. Me and Scar have the back lounge to make ourselves look sexy, so no one bother us."

"I'm going to go ask the other bands if they would like to join us." Zack said, making his way towards the door as the two girls ran back to the back lounge, shutting the door after them. The plugged in their hair straighteners and curlers and pulled out all their makeup. They spent a few minutes doing each others makeup before Sam curled Scarlet's hair and then Scar returned the favor to her best friend by straightening her hair.

"What should we wear?" Scar asked, looking down at all her clothes that they had in here.

"Let's wear something we bought the day I got here!" They reached for the shopping bags and chose the dresses that they had bought a few days before. After slipping on their high heels, they checked each others appearance, fixing a few small things before checking the time, seeing that they had 2 minutes before their half an hour was up so they grabbed their purses, after sticking money, ID's and cell phones inside, and left the back lounge.

They entered the front area to see it packed with not only the ATL band and crew, but also Escape The Fate and a few of the other bands that were on the tour. Scarlet and Sam pushed through the group of people until they found Scarlet's boyfriend.

"Holy shit. Why have I never seen that dress before?" Alex questioned Scarlet, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close.

"I just bought it the other day, the day Sam got here." Scarlet explained, making Alex nod.

"Alright, come on! Let's go!" They heard someone yell before everyone began to venture out of the tour bus, spilling out onto the street, and on their way to the club that was a few blocks away.

"You look gorgeous, Scare-bear." She turned to see Max smiling at her, she smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Max."

"Max, you are going to be my dancing partner tonight, because I don't have anyone." Samantha said, coming up behind the three and linking arms with Max, who nodded.

"It would be my pleasure, my lady." Sam rolled her eyes but smiled none the less.

"Tonight shall be fun, huh?" Alex asked his girlfriend, who nodded.

"I think it will." Oh how wrong they both were.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sam and Scarlet's outfit

Sorry its been a few days, school has started and its my stressful senior year. woo-hoo.
I'll try and update the next few days, but I'm babysitting the next few days after school, don't know how long I will be doing that but I'll try my best to update afterwards. (:

what do you guys think is going to happen at the club?I wanna hear your thoughts. (: