Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


The singer rushed down the halls, searching for his ex girlfriend but found that she was no where around. He went down to the lobby to search for her but she wasn't there, Jack and Matt were though.

"Hey, have you guys seen Scarlet?" He questioned them, rushing over to their seats.

"Yeah, she just left, said she needed fresh air and some starbucks. She looked like she was about to cry. Did something happen?" Matt questioned but Alex didn't stop to answer, he was already rushing from the lobby, looking back and forth, wondering where the closest Starbucks was. He remembered passing on on their way in, so he ran to his right, hoping he was going the right direction.

He ran for about five minutes until he finally found the cafe and went inside, finding that there were only about 3 customers in there. One of which was a skinny brunette sitting at a booth in the back, a cup of hot chocolate in front of her but her face was buried in her arms and her shoulders shook with obvious sobs.

Alex began to walk towards her but before he got there, someone sat down across from her, their own cup of hot chocolate in their hands. Alex watched as they reached over to run their hands through Scarlet's long hair. She looked up and smiled softly. Anger bubbled up inside of Alex as he watched her smile at the man who ruined their relationship.

Alex stood a few feet away, watching the two of them converse back and forth. He tried to hear what they were saying but they were too far away so he didn't catch anything but he saw that she was still crying but was nodding her head. Max reached across the table and tried to take her hand but she pulled away from him.

"Oh my god! You're Alex Gaskarth!" Alex groaned as he heard some girl behind him yell this, making basically the whole cafe hear it, including Scarlet who turned to see if her ex was in fact there. Their eyes connected and she gave him a pleading look, as if asking him to get her away from Max.

Alex turned to the girl behind him and smiled at her, signing what she was holding out to him quickly, and taking a picture with her before walking over to his ex girlfriend, sliding into the booth beside her.

"Well hello." Max greeted, smirking at Alex.

"Hi." Alex acknowledged him, sliding his arm behind Scarlet on a reflex like he always did, but she didn't pull away, in fact she leaned into him, much like she always did too. "How are you two?"

"We are perfect. Just figuring out when she is going to come out to Vegas to see me." Max answered, smiling over at Scarlet who quickly shook her head.

"I did not say that I was, Max. I said I would think about it." She said but Max seemed to be unfazed by her and continued on smiling. Scarlet sighed and looked up at Alex. "Don't you think we should be getting back to the hotel? Gotta get ready for sound check." Alex nodded.

"Yeah, of course." He got up from the booth and held his hand out to Scarlet, helping her up. "Actually, will you go order me a coffee, I need to have a word with Max?" Alex asked Scarlet, handing her some money that was in his pocket. She looked back and forth between the two men before taking the bills and nodding, walking towards the counter as Alex sat back down. "Listen, Max. I want answers, and I want them now." Max smirked and nodded.

"Ask and I shall answer." He said, waving his hand out, as if offering something, which made Alex roll his eyes.

"Did you and Scarlet actually sleep together that night?" Max's smirk grew.

"Scarlet really can't remember, huh?"

"I asked you a question, now fucking answer it." Alex growled at him. "If you do not tell me a straight answer right now, I will fucking beat your ass, and do not think that I won't. I would do anything for Scarlet. She is the love of my life. I need her, Max. This whole thing is destroying her, can't you see that? Can you not see that she hasn't slept in days or even eaten for that matter? If you two didn't sleep together, you need to come clean about it before it fucking kills her." Max stared at the man with blank eyes before looking over at the counter where Scarlet waited for the coffee. Max saw how her clothes did hang from her slim body and there were dark circles under her eyes. She did look pretty bad, but still gorgeous in the man's eyes.

"Alright, the honest truth?" Max said, looking back at the man across from him who waited impatiently for an answer. "We got really close to doing it. We basically did but then she burst into tears and started saying how I wasn't you and how you would hate her and that she couldn't lose you. She started screaming about how a fucked up bitch she was so I comforted her, and then she fell asleep. Nothing else happened. So no... we actually did not sleep together..." He trailed off, looking down at the table, picking at a spot on it.

"Why did you tell her that you did then?" Alex's heart was souring, they hadn't slept together! He tried to contain the smile from his face as best he could.

"I want her back, that's why. I love her, Alex. I have since I was a kid. She's been my life. I get it though, I lost her and she's found someone else... I accept that now and you are right, this break up with you is destroying her. She needs you. So... I'll tell her the truth tonight." Max said, looking up as Scarlet walked back over, Alex's coffee in her hand.

"Hey. Everything all talked out? We really need to get back to the hotel, Alex." She said, handing the coffee to the man who nodded and stood up.

"Thank you, Max." Alex said making the man nod. Scarlet looked between the two men before grabbing her hot chocolate and turned to walk towards the door with Alex.

Max watched them go, knowing now that after he told her later tonight she would be pissed at him and most likely never speak to him again. He sighed and stood up, following the two from the cafe. He almost had her back and was just going to lose her again. What he wanted though, was for her to be happy. He just had to accept the fact that, that obviously wasn't with him....
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i got no comments on the last chapter...

glad to know people like what i write....