Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


"So you don't know what they talked about?" Sam asked her best friend as the two of them sat in front of the venue; each had a cigarette clutched in their fingertips. Since the break up Scarlet had gotten back into smoking heavily. As well as drinking, which explained the beer bottle in her hand, a matching one in Sam's.

"Nope," She answered, taking a long drink from the bottle. "Alex and I talked a little bit, but it was just about the show later. Max seemed pretty upset though." Scarlet shrugged and took a drag from her cigarette.

"What do you think it was about?" Sam pushed making Scarlet roll her eyes and shrug.

"I don't know and its none of my business as I'm not dating either of them." Scarlet took one last puff from her cigarette before stubbing it out on the ground beside her and standing up. "I need to go get my camera for the show. They go on soon." Sam nodded and stood up too, following the brunette into the venue, moving around the crowds of people until they made it safely back stage.

Sam and Scarlet stood side stage with a few members of the other bands on the tour before Scarlet felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to come face to face with a very somber looking Max.

"Hey, Scarlet." He greeted, looking down at the ground, his hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets, making her frown; Max Green was very rarely ever nervous. "I need to talk to you alone for a second." She frowned deeper but agreed anyway and followed him to a small corner away from the other people.

"So what's up?" She asked, putting her own hands in her jacket pockets.

"Its about the other night.... at the hotel...." The man brought his hand up to the back of his neck, tugging at the long hair there and still not meeting her eyes.

"What about it?" Scarlet didn't really want to talk about this but she was curious as to what she had to say.

"We.... well... we didn't actually sleep together.." He said quietly; so quietly that Scarlet almost didn't hear him over the commotion on stage.

"We didn't?" When he shook his head she felt her heart begin to soar and a huge weight be lifted from her shoulders.

"That's what Alex was talking to me about at Starbucks earlier. He already knows that we didn't." Scarlet had a second to think about why Alex didn't mention this to her earlier before she looked across the way to see none other than the man himself; he was looking over this way, a look of concentration on his face before his eyes met Scarlet's. "He wants you back, Scare-bear." Scarlet barely even heard her ex boyfriend as she broke into a grin while Alex too began to smile.

They both started to walk towards each other but soon Scarlet got too impatient and broke into a run, jumping on him the second they met, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, his arms going tightly around her waist.

"Max told you?" He asked making her nod and smile wider. "I'm sorry for how I acted. I was just hurt and-" Scarlet silenced him quickly by pressing her lips to his in a heated kiss.

"It's in the past now right? Nothing happened and we can just go on like it never happened." She said, pulling away from his lips to look down at him. He nodded while she jumped down but kept her arms around his neck; both of them smiling uncontrollably.

"I love you so much, Scarlet. I don't want to ever lose you again." She nuzzled her nose against his.

"I love you, too. And you never will again. I need you, Alex." He grinned and leaned close to her, almost kissing her lips.

"Than you can have me." He whispered before connecting their lips for another kiss. They broke apart when someone ran up to them, enveloping them in a tight hug.

"YAY!!!" Jack yelled as he hugged his two friends.

"Jack let us go, I need to kiss my girlfriend more." Alex said, shoving the tall and lanky man away from them, making Scarlet laugh before Alex did just what he said he would...


"So should I go stay with someone else tonight?" Sam asked the couple as they all made their way back to the hotel after the show.

"Yes." The couple both responded at the same time, looking at each other as they walked, Scarlet's arm around Alex's waist and his over her shoulders. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, making her heart soar with happiness.

"Alright, well you two have fun." With that Sam moved forward and went to link arms with Matt. ahead of them.

They all disappeared into their hotel rooms and got ready for bed after the brilliantly amazing show.

"You were very good tonight, Alex." Scarlet said as she stood at the mirror of the bathroom, taking off her makeup. He appeared in the doorway of the bathroom and grinned at her.

"Well thank you, my love." He walked forward, taking slow steps until he stood behind her. He moved his hands, resting them on her hips before inching them up her grey tank top, resting on the soft skin of her waist. He turned her around and pressed her against the counter, making every line of their body touch, including their lips. "Scarlet," He whispered, pulling away a little, keeping their foreheads pressed together, both of them with their eyes closed.


"When we get home from tour next week... move in with me?" He whispered. She pulled back to look him in the eyes to see that he was completely serious.

"You really want me to?" She questioned him.

"I need you to, Scar. I can't go a day without seeing you. I need to wake up every morning to your beautiful face. I need to fall asleep holding you in my arms. I want to cook you dinner. I want us to try to randomly bake things but never actually get anything done because we end up getting into a food fight. I want us to make love on every surface in my house. I want your car to be parked beside mine in the driveway. I want to get the mail and see things addressed to you. I want to invite our parents over for dinner. I want you to be with me forever and always, Scarlet Jane Mayson." He spoke all of this while looking into her eyes, never missing a beat.

"Then I'm yours, Alexander William Gaskarth, forever and always." She answered him quietly, a happy smile on her face, matching his before he pressed his lips back to hers and pulled her into the bedroom where they reconnected in a way that they hadn't for weeks....
♠ ♠ ♠
they are back together! yay!
Go check out my other Alex story When You Love Someone its the sequel to So Wrong, It's Right. and I update it a little more than I do this.
thank you!

comment and let me know how happy/sad you may be about them getting back together. :D