Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


Scarlet and her best friend ventured into their very quiet apartment. It had been months since Scarlet had last stepped foot in here and the place hadn't changed at all. It had the same couch, same TV, same magazines placed on the coffee table. It all seemed different though; to them both. It was like they had stepped into a foreign home, a strangers apartment. It felt cold and empty, both of them thought, knowing that Jake and his happiness, his jokes, just his presence, would never be in this apartment again.

Scarlet felt tears start to well up in her eyes as she thought this but she held them back, she had done enough crying today. Her eyes were red, puffy and she just felt drained. Sam though however couldn't hold in her tears or her sobs as one escaped her lips. Scarlet turned to comfort her best friend but Sam shook her head, grabbed her suitcase and rushed down the hall, disappearing into her bedroom before Scarlet could do anything.

The brunette sighed and grabbed her own bag and ventured off towards her own room. She left the door open, in case Sam decided that she needed her. She put her suitcase beside her closet before falling back into her large bed. It was much more comfortable than a bus bunk or a hotel room bed but it still felt like something was missing; Alex.

She hadn't really been apart from him since they got together almost 2 months ago; apart from their small breakup. It would be weird sleeping in this large bed alone. Sam had offered for Alex to come over to stay the night, saying that she wouldn't mind but Scarlet and Alex both agreed that it would be best if he didn't. They weren't sure how Sam would react to seeing a couple together so soon after she lost her own boyfriend.

Scarlet stared up at her white ceiling for a few minutes before she sighed and sat up, her tired bones creaking as she went. She ran a hand through her messy and tangled brunette hair and decided to take a shower; she needed to get the tour stink off of her. Plus a nice hot shower would help relax her a little.

After her shower she unpacked her suitcase, a large pile of clothes set aside, needing to be washed the next day. She then went down the hall and pressed her ear to the wood of the door, listening in. She heard nothing so she figured Sam had gone to sleep so she went back to her own room and reached for her phone, dialing her boyfriends number.

"Hello, my love." He greeted when he answered on the second ring. "How are things there? You two holding up okay?"

"Things are alright here. It's really hard to be in this apartment though... Jake basically lived here... It's just not right thinking that he'll never be here again..." Scarlet said sadly, thankful that more tears didn't well up in her eyes.

"I'm sure. How's Sam?" He asked, his voice full of sadness.

"We got here and stood in the doorway for a minute or so and then she started crying and rushed off to her room, I haven't seen her since. I don't hear anything from her room so I think she's asleep." Scarlet explained, going to sit down on her bed.

"Yeah, I'm sure she's exhausted. I'm sure you are too, why don't you get some sleep, babe? Want to meet up for breakfast in the morning?" He suggested, making Scarlet smile.

"I would love to. Where?"

"How about Betsy's Diner, do you know that place?" Alex offered.

"Yeah, I do. I love that place. How about around 9:30?" She suggested while she ran a hand through her still damp hair.

"Sounds perfect. I'll see you then, sweetheart, I love you. And if you need anything, like someone to just talk to or someone to cuddle with just call me. I'll be over there in a second if you need me." Scarlet couldn't help but smile wider. She had to have had the best boyfriend ever.

"Thank you, Alex. I love you, too." With that they both hung up. Scarlet plugged her phone into charge for the night before turning off her light and crawling into her cold bed. It was so large and... empty. She didn't know what to do with all the space.

Though she didn't have to wonder for long before a shadow appeared in her doorway in the shape of her best friend.

"Scar? You awake?" Sam's voice was quiet and rough from crying.

"Yeah, I am." Scarlet sat up. "Are you okay?" Sam just shook her head. "Aw, sweetie, come lay with me." Sam quickly took up her offer and made her way to the other side of the bed, getting under the blankets. They both laid back down and faced each other. Scarlet could now see that Sam was still crying. "I know it seems like the end right now but things will get better, I promise. You know that Jake wouldn't want you to mope about him for long; he'd want you to get on with your life."

"Yeah, I know." Sam whispered. Scarlet sighed and reached over, taking her best friends hand in hers, gripping it tightly.

"Let's get some sleep. I love you, Sammi." Scarlet saw Sam smile in the darkness and nod.

"I love you, too Scar." Sam squeezed Scarlet's hand. "Oh, and I know that you were supposed to move in with Alex tonight, I overheard you two talking a few days ago, and I just want to say thank you for not yet. I couldn't have stayed here tonight alone. I'll be fine in a few days though and then I want you to move in with him."

"Are you sure, Sam? I can stay here, he totally understands." Sam shook her head.

"No, you two are meant to be together. I'm thinking about going back home for a little bit anyway." Scarlet frowned.

"All the way back to California?" Scarlet whispered. Sam sighed and nodded her head.

"Not forever, just for a few weeks. I need to get away, clear my head, ya know?" Scarlet nodded.

"Yeah, I do. You do whatever you need to do, I understand." Sam nodded again and squeezed Scarlet's hand again.

"Thank you, Scar. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." With that the two best friends slipped into a slumber, their hand still linked together, comforting each other through the night since neither of them had their loves there with them.

When morning came and the friends woke up, Sam said she was going to go spend some time with Jake's mom so she got ready and left, leaving Scarlet alone to get ready for breakfast with Alex. She dressed in simple relaxed clothes, did simple makeup, she just wanted to leave and be back with Alex already.

She pulled into the parking lot of the diner they had agreed on right as her clock changed to 9:30. As she parked and began to walk to the front she saw Alex standing by the door, smiling at her. She couldn't help but smile back and walk just a little faster.

"Good morning, my love." He greeted her before leaning down to press his lips to hers in a hard kiss.

"Morning." She said when they pulled away, a little breathless.

"Shall we?" He offered her his hand, making her smile and take it, lacing their fingers together. They went into the small diner and got a table quickly and ordered food, both of them already knowing what they wanted. "So how were things this morning?" He asked her as they both sipped at their coffee's.

"They were good. Not long after I got off the phone with you Sam came into my room and slept with me. She knows that I'm planning to move in with you." That's when Scarlet remembered how Sam was planning on going back to California for a while.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked when he saw her frowning.

"Sam wants to go back to California to be with her family. She said she needs to get away and clear her head." Scarlet explained. "I understand why she wants to go. I'll miss her though." Alex nodded and reached across the table to take Scarlet's hand in hers.

"I know you will, but hey, now you get to move in with me." Alex said, trying to cheer her up, which he succeeded when a large smile spread to her face.

"I know and I'm happy about that. I don't like not having you there beside me, it doesn't feel right." Alex smiled and nodded.

"I know exactly how you feel. My bed was so big and empty. I just wanted to hold you but you weren't there." Alex did a small pout, making Scarlet laugh.

"Well soon you can do just that. You wanna stay the night tonight? I'm sure Sam won't mind." Scarlet offered.

"I would love to. Anywhere you are is where I want to be." Once again Scarlet couldn't help but think that she has the best boyfriend ever as they smiled at each other, their hand still laced together on the table. "I love you." Alex said.

"And I love you." They both leaned over the table, their lips meeting in the middle for a soft kiss...
♠ ♠ ♠
Scarlet's outfit

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check out my other Alex stories if you haven't. I started another new one. lol
Those Summer Months
Time Heals All Wounds