Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


Scarlet, Sam, Alex, and Max stood in the doorway of the now completely empty apartment. Nothing was left in it now but the pair of silver keys on the kitchen counter, where Scarlet had told their landlord they would leave them.

"Come on." Alex said softly, taking Scarlet by the waist and leading her out of the apartment, Max and Sam following. They walked in silence down the familiar halls and out to the parking lot. Parked beside Alex's black range rover was a yellow moving truck, packed full with Sam, and some of Scarlet's, possessions. The sight of it brought tears to Scarlet's already red eyes. Alex sighed and pulled her against him tightly.

It was killing him to see her so upset. She was constantly crying. She hadn't even slept the previous night, Alex had awoken several times to her crying. He would move closer, tucking her body into his and would kiss her neck but her tears continued and she'd tell him to just go back to sleep but he couldn't after this so they eventually ended up getting up around 4 in the morning and downed two pots of coffee, watched two harry potter movies, unpacked a few of her possessions before they left for the apartment at 9. It was now 11 and time for the final good bye.

Scarlet looked up at Alex, smiling at him softly, giving him a silent thank you, before she left the comforting circle of his arms and walked over to Max. They hugged tightly and exchanged promises to talk soon before he got in the drivers seat of the moving truck. Alex went to the window to talk to him, giving Sam and Scarlet some privacy.

"I'm sorry that i'm leaving." Was the first thing Sam said, making Scarlet shake her.head.

"Don't be sorry. I understand why you have to leave. I'll come out to Los Angeles as soon as I can." Sam nodded at Scarlets words and pulled her best.friend into a hug.

"I'm glad you are with Alex. You two will have such cute babies. Don't break up ever again!" Sam said, making Scarlet and Alex, who had just walked back over to them, laugh.

"We won't, don't worry." Alex reassured before hugging Sam tightly.

"Well.... bye." Scarlet said softly, smiling softly. Sam returned her smile before.getting in the truck. Max started it up and drove off, Sam waving out the window until they disappeared from view. "Let's go home, Alex."

"Alright." Instead of moving towards his car though, he pulled her into his arms. "I love you." He said, pressing his lips to her forehead.

"I love you." She lifted her head to reach up and meet his lips with hers before letting him go. She went to his car and got into her seat. Alex sighed and too got in.


As the days passed, Scarlet's mood changed. She woke up with a smile on her face, wrapped in the arms of the man she was in love with. Yes, she missed her best friend, but she spoke with her every day so it wasn't all bad. Plus, with a boyfriend like Alex, she couldn't help but be happy.

"Let's go out."Alex spoke from his place on the couch next to Scarlet. His arm was behind her back and her head rested on his chest as they watched TV. "Like on a date. We haven't really gone on a date in forever." Scarlet lifted her head to look at him.

"Yeah? A date does sound nice." She answered, making him smile. "What will we do?

"We can go to dinner and then maybe a movie or mini golf or something." He shrugged. "Whatever you want."

"Can we go dancing?" She asked. "We haven't really danced since we were on tour." They both fell silent. They were both thinking about their last time at a club. It had ended with a short, yet awful, break up that had almost destroyed them. "We won't drink as much though. And it will just be me and you, I won't leave your side." She said, making him smile.

"You better go get ready then. Put on your dancing shoes." He spoke, making her grin and peck his lips before jumping up from the couch. "We leave in an hour!" He called as he heard her racing up the stairs and into their bedroom.

He smiled and stood up as well. He followed her up the stairs but by the time he got to their room she was already in the ensuite bathroom, the shower running and her clothes tossed around the room where she threw them in her rush to get ready. He smiled and picked the clothes up, putting them in the clothes hamper. He then went to his.dresser and chose a new outfit to wear. He settled on a pair of black skinny jeans, that may have been actually Jack's, and a black button down shirt. He finished his outfit with his grey Nikes. He looked in the mirror on the wall and checked his hair. He looked pretty good.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and out walked a towel clad Scarlet. The shower had shut off without Alex even noticing.

"You look sexy." Scarlet commented, her eyes roaming down his body, making him grin.

"So do you." She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Get out, you aren't allowed to see me until we leave. Go downstairs." She ordered, pointing at the door making him laugh. He moved towards, not the door as instructed, but to her instead.

"Wear something sexy." He leaned down and placed his lips on hers in a heated kiss. She was so much shorter than him that she stood up on her tip toes just so he didn't have to bend quite so much. Her arms wrapped around his neck as his arms wound around her waist.

Before they got too carried away, Scarlet pulled away, taking a step away from Alex.

"Bye. See you in like 45 minutes." She spoke, making him laugh and now actually leave the room, closing the door after him. He went back downstairs and sat on the couch until there was a knock on the door, making him frown and get up to answer it. Before he got there though the door opened and in walked his tall, blonde ex girlfriend. He froze where he stood, his eyes widening.

"Hello, Alex." Lisa spoke, smiling at him.

"What are you doing in my house? I haven't even spoken to you in months." Above him he heard his bedroom door opening, making Lisa frown.

"Is someone else here?" She asked, making Alex nod.

"My girlfriend. She lives here." Was his answer before Scarlet walked down the stairs, stopping on the last stair, her hand on the railing and a frown on her face as she looked back and forth between the two. She was dressed in a pair of pajama pants and one of Alex's.tshirts as if she had put something on quickly just to come down here.

"Alex?" She questioned him, looking over at him. He looked back at her, his hands stuffed his pants pockets.

"This is Lisa, my ex girlfriend. Lisa, this is my girlfriend Scarlet." He introduced. The girls eyes moved from Alex to look at the other. They stood in silence, glaring at each other.

"Nice to meet you." Scarlet finally said before turning back to Alex. "Are we still on for tonight?" She asked him, making him smile and nod.

"Of course." She smiled back before making her way over to him. They were all silent as they looked at each other before Scarlet reached up and pressed her lips to Alex's who smiled against her lips and kissed her back, placing his hands on her waist. "I love you." He whispered when they pulled away.

"I love you." She responded, pecking his lips before turning and making her way back towards the stairs, giving Lisa a smug smile as she passed.

"So, how long have you been with her?" Lisa asked as soon as they heard the bedroom door shut.

"That's none of your concern. Now, please leave." Alex commanded.

"Actually, I came by with the dogs. I'm sure you miss them. And I realize that it was wrong of me to just take them as they were more yours than mine." She answered, making Alex very excited.

"Yes! I want them!" He said excitedly, making her smile. She gestured for him to follow her, which he did. They went out to the car where sure enough his dogs Sebastian and Peyton were at, the windows cracked to let air in. As soon as they spotted their owner, they began barking and clawing at the doors, wanting to get at him.

As soon as the door was opened, they jumped at Alex, making him smile and lean down to pet the dogs.

"Come on, let's put them out back." Lisa said, making Alex nod. Together they put the dogs in the backyard and watched them run and play in the once familiar yard.

"Thank you. I have missed them." Alex said, turning to smile at Lisa, who returned the smile. Just then the back door opened and out walked Scarlet. She was dressed in a simple black dress with black heels. She looked at the dogs and smiled.

"Baz and Peyton, I take it?" She asked. Alex had of course mentioned his dogs to her.

"Yup. She's letting me have them back." Alex responded. "Well, sorry to cut this short, but Scarlet and I have plans so we must go." He then said to Lisa who nodded.

The three of them made their way to the front and after a quick and awkward good bye, got in their respective cars.

"Sorry about that. She kind of just... showed up." Alex said as they drove away.

"I know. Its alright. Let's not worry about it. Now, its just about me and you." She said, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Us." He corrected, making her smile..
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Sorry that this sucks, im sick and just, bleh,
Leave me some love. :)