Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens

Twenty - Four

"So you two seem to be doing alright living together." Alex's mother commented, smiling across the table at her son. "You two seem serious. When does your father and I get to meet her?"

"Well... how about friday night we come over for dinner?" Alex suggested. "She would have come with me today but she had to work."

"Friday would be wonderful." Isobel Gaskarth smiled widely as alex nodded and took a drink of the soda that she had placed in front of him almost as soon as they arrived.

It has now been 4 months since Scarlet and Alex moved in with one another. It was nearing Thanksgiving. Time had.flown by. Sam was still in California and was having the time of her life, it was exactly what she needed, though she was coming back for a Thanksgiving visit in a few days, staying with Scarlet and Alex, needless to say...Scarlet was excited.

"So what are you two doing for thanksgiving?" Isobel asked Alex.

"Well... the day before Thanksgiving we are going to her parents house for dinner. The next day we are having a big.feast and party at our house. We want to.come here to do something too, when would be good?" He asked his mother.

"How about the day after your party? I'll invite the family, it will be a lovely evening."

"Sounds good. Geez, three thanksgivings in three days, im going to weight a thousand pounds by the end. And then of course when christmas rolls around. I'll be starting the new year obese." Alex joked, making his mother laugh. Then she just stared at him, an observant look on her face. "What?" He questioned.

"You really are serious about her, huh?" She asked, making Alex frown.

"Of course I am, why do you ask?" Isobel smiled softly and shook her head.

"You just seem so different, so carefree, happy. I don't think I have ever seen you like this about a girl, not even Lisa and you two were pretty serious." She explained.

"Scarlet is who I want. I mean, sure we are moving pretty fast, but I love her and I wouldn't want anything about our relationship to change, she's perfect, ma."

"It doesn't matter how fast you two are.moving, as long as you are happy, thats all that matters." Alex was so happy that he had such an amazing and understanding mother, he didn't think they got any better than the woman sitting across from him.

After a few more hours of chatter with his mother, Alex bid her good bye with promises to see her and his father that friday at 6 with Scarlet. He then made his way over to Jacks house where he saw the rest of the guys cars parked out front.

"You're late, Gaskank!" Jack yelled at him as soon as Alex walked into the house. His three best friends and band mates all sat on the couch, waiting for him. "Too busy doing Scar that you forgot we had practice?"

"Ha ha. No, Scarlet is working, I.was.visiting with my mom." The guys grumbled about that not being a good enough excuse before they went to the basement where they ran through some songs. Alex had been writing for their next album like crazy so they ran through some of the songs and perfected them before Alex's phone rang.

"Just let it go to voicemail, we are on a roll here." Rian said as Alex pulled his phone from his pocket.

"No," He looked down to see that it was an unknown number calling him. "It might be important." With that he answered it. "Hello?"

"Alex? Alex Gaskarth?" A female voice on the other side spoke, making him frown. If this was some scam, someone looking to interview him, he'd be pissed.

"Yeah, who is this?"

"Sarah Jenson from Memorial Hospital, you are the boyfriend of Scarlet Mason?" Alex's blood began to run cold in fear, the guys hovered around him, questioning him who it was.

"Yes, I am. What's happened?" he questioned.

"She was involved in a hit and run accident. She was crossing 4th street when a drunk man lost control of his car." Alex's eyes grew wide and his heart raced. "She is awake and responsive, she gave us your name and number, saying that she wanted you here. When you arrive the doctor will explain her injuries to you." The women explained.

"Tell Scar that I am on my way." With that Alex hung up and turned, wide eyed to his best friends.

"Dude, what happened?" Zack questioned.

"Scarlet was crossing the street and was..." Alex found himself unable to finish the.sentence, his breath cought in his throat.

"Was what?" Jack pushed.

"I have to go." Alex said, grabbing his leather jacket from where he had put it earlier. "Ill call you guys later." His friends stared after him as he ran up the stairs.

He drove to the hospital in record time and rushed in to the nurses station.

"May I help you sir?" The blonde nurse behind the counter asked him calmly.

"Scarlet Mason, my girlfriend, what room is she in?" He questioned.

"Oh, you must be Alex. I spoke to you on the phone." The nurse stood up. "Follow me, I will bring you to Scarlet." Alex nodded and followed her down the hall. They walked for what seemed like hours to Alex but was really only a few minutes until they approached a room. The nurse gestured inside. "You can go inside, I'll imform that you are here." Alex just nodded before he entered the room as the nurse walked away.

Before him lay Scaret on a a very white bed. Her dark hair was pulled back away from her face, showing the many cuts and bruises on her usually perfect skin. A cut above her eyebrow even had stitches. On her right wrist was a red cast and her leg, which stuck out of the blanket, was casted as well. She also had cuts and bruises on all parts of her skin that was showing. Though through all of this, she was smiling. She was looking right at Alex, a smile on her face.

She lifted her uncasted hand out towards her boyfriend, both of them silent as he moved across the room to take her hand and sit gently on the bed beside her.

"Baby girl..." he whispered.

"I'm fine, really. Just some cuts and a few broken bones, it could have been much worse." She said, shrugging which made her cringe a little in pain. Alex sighed and leaned down to kiss her cheek softly, careful of the cuts and bruises.

"I know and Im so thankful that you aren't seriously hurt." Alex thought back to the few seconds of paralyzing fear on the phone when he thought she was dead. Now seeing her here, alive, just a little battered up, he could breath a sigh of relief.

Then the doctor walked in. He seemed to be a nice man, and his handshake with Alex was strong. Alex trusted him to care for his girlfriend.

"Well, we just got Scarlets final xrays. All is well apart from the obvious broken arm, leg, and two broken ribs." He explained. "This could have been much worse; Honestly, at the speed he was going, you should be dead." Alex shuddered at the thought of Scarlet dying and squeezed her hand tighter. "So, tomorrow you will be able to go on home. You will just have to have a nice relaxing thanksgiving, nothing crazy."

"That will be fine." Alex answered, making the doctor nod.

"You'll have to take good care of her Alex. I will warn you, Scarlet, those ribs will bother you for awhile. As will everything else. You will be in a lot of pain and will need to rest. Your wrist brace will come off first, then your leg brace, then you will need physical therapy to get used to using your leg at full strength." He continued to explain, making them nod. "You should get some rest, Scarlet. Alex you are more than welcome to stay here." The couple nodded and the doctor left, closing the door after him.

"How do you feel?" Alex asked her, making her smile.

"Im so hyped up on pain meds right now, I can't feel a thing." She said, a goofy smile still on her face.

"Well you should get some sleep." She.nodded. "i'll be here." He sat down on the chair beside the bed, still holding her hand. "Good night, Scar. I love you."

"I love you too." She said as she put her head down and began to doze off.

Alex just sat, watching her, thankful that she was okay. If she died... he shuddered at the thought. He couldn't live without her. With her hand firmly in his, he too began to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
This new mibba is a lot to get used to. Not sure if I like it or not.
Hmpf. Comment/sub/recommend :)