Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens

Twenty -Six

The holidays passed in a quick blur for Scarlet and her boyfriend. They ended up having a party on Thanksgiving, even with Scarlet's casts. They then had to go to his parents house the next afternoon with very bad hangovers, but it was fun none the less.

Christmas came and went. The band surprised Scarlet with a brand new, very expensive camera that made her cry like a baby when she unwrapped it. Scarlet got her casts off right before New Years and in celebration the couple had an even bigger party, sharing a kiss at the stroke of midnight like numerous other couples throughout the party. Including Sam and Jack. They passed it off as a drunkin accident but Sam had confessed to Scarlet that she was perfectly sober and Jack the same to Alex.

Now it was February and time for All Time Low to go back on tour. Scarlet would again be joining them as their photographer. Matt too hired Sam as an assistant for Vinny at the merch table so she too would be joining the gang on tour again. She was doing very well, California had helped her get over Jake as best she could and open her heart to new romance.

"Excited for tour?" Alex asked his girlfriend as they laid in their bed the morning before they were to set off.

"Yeah, I am. Are you?" She questioned, turning to look at him. His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her as close to his body as possible, making her smile and bury her face in his warm neck.

"Of course. I've missed being on stage." He answered, making Scarlet nod as her eyes began to slide shut. "Hey now, no falling asleep. We have things to get done today."

"I want to stay like this all day though." She responded, gripping his shirt in her hands, pressing her nose into his neck, making him smile.

"We can stay like this for a little while i guess." He said, making her smile. After a few minutes Scarlet found that she couldn't fall back asleep even though she was incredibly comfortable. She slid her arms around Alex's neck. "Babe?" He questioned, thinking she had been asleep. Instead of answering, she tossed her leg over his waist and pulled him over, rolling them so he was on top of her, making him laugh. "Well good morning." She looked up at him and smiled before reaching up to connect their lips.

He rolled them over, her now on top, his hands slinking up her hips and to her waist, his fingers meeting bare skin as her tank top slid up. His touch made shivers errupt through Scarlets body and the desire for Alex increased tenfold. She needed him as close as possible and as much of his skin touching her as she could get. Her hands yanked at the hem of his shirt, their lips disconnected and his arms released her as she rid him of his tshirt before their lips were reconnected and his hands were back under her tank top.

Scarlet ran her hands down her boyfriends bare chest as his lips moved to her neck. He bit and sucked at the tender skin at her pulse while her nails dug into his back, just how he liked it. He slid his hands up, pulling the fabric up with him until she too was free of her top and exposed as she didn't sleep with a bra on.

They rolled over again and Alex pressed his bare chest against her own bare chest, making them both moan as their skin slid together. They reconnected lips as he moved his hands down to her pajama pant clad legs. He gripped her thigh, pulling her leg up and around his waist. She pulled him down closer to her. One of his hands got lost in her long hair, the other running back and forth on her thigh to her hip.

Just then their bedroom door burst open making them both jump apart and Scarlet reach for the blanket to cover herself with. Alex glared at Jack and Sam who stood in the doorway. Sam was giggling and hiding her face while Jack stared at them, a smirk on his face.

"Well sorry to interrupt. We'll go downstairs. You two take your time." He said and reached for the door as he and a still giggling Sam left the room.

"Fucking Jack, man." Alex groaned, falling back onto the pillows and putting his arm over his face. Scarlet giggled and slid over to him. She reached over to kiss his cheek before getting out of the bed.

"We can continue this later." She told him as she made her way over to their bathroom. He just laid on the bed as she went to take a shower. Five minutes into her shower, Alex came in and they continued, and finished, what had been started before their best friends interrupted. They then got dressed and made their way downstairs hand in hand to find Sam and Jack sitting on the couch watching Dora the Explorer. Jack had his hand need inside a box of lucky charms and was stuffing his mouth full by the handful.

"Well there's the happy couple." Sam said when she saw the two of them walk in. Alex let go of Scarlet and went over to Jack. He grabbed the box of cereal from his hands and then smacked him upside the head.

"Ow!" Jack complained, rubbing where he had been hit. "What was that for?"

"What do you think, dumbass. And get your own cereal." Alex answered before leaving towards the kitchen. Jack pouted and got up to follow his best friend, probably to get more cereal. Scarlet went and took his vacated seat.

"Sorry about that, by the way." Sam.apologized, making Scarlet smile and shake her head.

"Don't worry about it." Scarlet reassured her. "So what are you two doing here anyway?"

"Well... I need a girls day. We have things to talk about. Want to go shopping?" Sam asked her, making Scarlet nod.

"You know i love shopping." So after calling good bye to the guys they got into Scarlets car. "So whats up?"

"Well... you know how i've been staying at Jacks house, right?" Scarlet nodded. "Well the last few nights we've... "

"You've what?"

"Messed around." Scarler couldn't keep the smile off her face. "I dont know what to do though."

"What do you mean?" Scarlet questioned her, stopping at a red light.

"I don't think it means the same thing to him. I think its just like... a casual fuck kind of thing. " sam spoke, her voice full of sadness, making Scarlet sigh.

"It's not. I see the way he looks at you, he likes you just like you like him." Scarlet said, making Sam smile.

"You think?"

"I know." Little did they know just how wrong she was, as Jack was currently telling Alex how great Sam was because they could have casual sex and not have it mean anything. Someone was gonna get hurt...
♠ ♠ ♠
Just so you guys know, there isnt much left of this story. :( but! There may or may not be aa sequal, haven't decided yet.

I graduate in 4 days! So excited!