Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens

Twenty - Eight

As the next few days went by things were very awkward between Jack and Sam, making it very awkward for any one to be in the same room as them. Jack told Sam that he didn't like her like that, apologized for leading her on and said that he wouldn't do it again. Sam was devastated and took to spending as little time on the bus or around the guys as she could. Scarlet, being her best friend and the reason she was on tour, spent most of that time with her; meaning that unless Alex joined them, which he rarely did as Sam usually made a big deal about her being the third wheel, Scarlet's time with her boyfriend was cut to when they were asleep, or the short moment they had before and after shows where they would share a few sweet words and a kiss or two before both going off to work.

Right now was one of the times that Sam had drug Scarlet away from the tour bus so that she could avoid Jack. They were currently walking around a park. Sam was smoking a cigarette but as Scarlet had quit months ago she was simply texting Alex back and forth, barely even listening to anything Sam was rambling on about. It had been the same thing for the last week since Jack 'dumped' her. "I just don't understand." "How can he be so heartless." "I feel like I'll be alone forever." Scarlet knew that she should be listening and consoling her best friend, but it had just reached a point that Scarlet had just stopped caring.

New Message from: Alexander
Received: 3:18pm

What do you say we have a big group dinner tonight? We can have it around 5 so then we can go out, just me and you? Have some romantic time, and then some alone time in our hotel room. How does that sound? Matt got you and I our own room. ;D

Scarlet smiled at her boyfriends text message.

"We are all going out to dinner tonight at 5, just so you know." Scarlet said, cutting off Sam with whatever she was saying.

"Well... I don't wanna go. Were you even listening to anything I was saying?" Sam said as Scarlet responded to Alex.

To: Alexander
Sent: 3:19

Sounds perfect. I can't wait; especially for our alone time. ;) I miss it.

"Yes I was listening, Sam." Scarlet said, looking up at her best friend as she pocketed her phone. "It's just that all you've been doing the past week is complaining about how Jack played you. It's gotten kind of old to be honest. I mean, you should have talked to him before you jumped in bed with him." Sam's mouth dropped open, completely offended by Scarlet's words.

"Well I'm sorry that not everyone is in a perfect relationship like you and precious and perfect Alex." She retorted, making Scarlet roll her eyes.

"Come on, Sam. Seriously?" Sam crossed her arms and stayed silent. "Let's just go back to the bus, we are going to get situated at the hotel. I don't know who you are rooming with, but I'm sure Matt wouldn't have put you with Jack." Sam nodded and followed Scarlet back towards the tour bus.

"I guess you and Alex have a room to yourselves?" She asked as the bus came into view.

"Yeah, that's what he said." As they drew closer they could see a few members of the band and crew milling around, going back and forth between the bus and the hotel. Alex, Jack and Rian stood by the tour bus, presumably waiting for the girls.

"Hey, babe!" Alex called as soon as he saw Scarlet who smiled and hurried her pace, not caring that Sam was falling behind. She fell into the arms of her boyfriend, smiling at him as he nudged her nose with his. "I can't wait for tonight." He whispered, his voice low and rough, making her giggle.

"Me neither." He smiled and kissed her lips softly before he looked over her shoulder and smirked. He nodded to something behind her making her turn in his arms so she too could see what he was looking at. A few feet away from them Sam and Jack stood standing close together, talking. Jack was rubbing the back of his neck and Sam was staring at the ground, nodding every once in awhile.

"He came and talked to me earlier. He confessed that he misses her and that he just may actually have had feelings for her. He wants to try a relationship with her." Alex explained in Scarlet's ear, making her smile and nod as she watched the two of them hug, Sam now smiling. "They are sharing a room tonight too, so I wonder what will get on between them." Scarlet laughed and turned back around.

"I don't really care, to be honest." Scarlet admitted. "Is our stuff already upstairs? I need to go shower and get ready for dinner." Alex laughed and nodded. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a room key, holding it out to her.

"Yeah, I carried it up. Room 348." She nodded and took the room key, pocketing it. She pecked Alex's lips and stepped away from him.

"Sam! Come on! We have a dinner to get ready for!" Scarlet called to her best friend who was still hugging Jack who had a huge smile on his face as he held her.

"Look sexy! Tonight is gonna be a good night!" Alex called to his girlfriend as they walked inside. Scarlet turned and smiled at Alex before her and Sam went inside.

"What are you gonna wear?" Sam asked her as they pressed the button for the elevator.

"I don't know yet. Maybe that new skirt I got last week, I don't know." Sam nodded. The two continued on with outfit talk all the way to Alex and Scarlet's room where sure enough their bags were. Sam left to get her own bags from her and Jack's room while Scarlet showered. After she showered and Sam returned with her outfit of a red dress and black heels, they chose a black skirt and a black lace top for Scarlet with black lace flats. Sam then did her hair in soft curls and part of the way clipped back. When they finished with their makeup and jewelry, it was 4:58 and there was a knock on the door.

"Whoa." Alex said as he stepped into the room, seeing Scarlet and Sam. "You look gorgeous." He said, quickly making his way over to the brunette who was smiling and blushing and taking her in his arms and kissing her lips. "You two ready to go, then?" He asked when they pulled apart.

"Sure are." Sam said, smiling at them. Together they made their way out of the room and down to the lobby where everyone else was waiting.

"We all ready?" Matt asked when they approached. He got many grunts and nods. "Good, lets go!" He led the way out of the lobby and down the street. Scarlet looked over at Alex who had a large grin on his face and kept his hand in his right pants pocket, as if holding onto something, while his left hand stayed in Scarlet's.

"What's got you so happy?" Scarlet asked him, smiling also.

"Just a beautiful day, don't you think?" He answered, his smile growing. Scarlet looked up at the semi dark sky, seeing it covered in clouds and noticed how their was a chill in the air as the wind blew.

"It's cold and its about to rain, how is that a beautiful day?" She asked, making him laugh and let go of her hand to instead wrap it around her waist, pulling her close as they walked. She put her right arm into his jacket around his back so she could keep warm.

"It just is." Was his only response, making Scarlet shake her head; the couple stayed silent the rest of the way to the restaurant a few blocks away.

After their large group got seated and then ordered, most of the crew kept glancing at Alex. Jack even smacked his arm, gesturing him as if to say something but Alex just smiled and shook his head, taking a sip of his wine. Scarlet frowned but did not ask what it was. Finally after they ate, the stares got worse.

"Okay, Alex?" Scarlet said, leaning over to whisper in his year.

"Yes, my love?" He answered, his fingers running down the stem of his wine glass.

"Why does everyone keep staring at you as if waiting for you to do something?" He laughed and shook his head.

"Nothing, love. Just be patient." He reached over and patted her leg, smiling at her. She just shook her head and fiddled with her napkin. Finally Alex cleared his throat. "Alright, if I could have everyone's attention please."

The table fell silent and everyone looked at him, most of them smiling; Jack was practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. Sam looked over at Scarlet from the other side of Jack and gave her a knowing smile, making Scarlet frown. Did everyone else know what was going on? Was she out on some secret? She had no time to dwell on it as Alex began speaking again.

"So... most of you already know what is about to happen, so just bare with me as I have things to say before I actually get there." He turned his seat towards Scarlet, turning her seat as well so they were facing each other and took her hands in his. "Scar, baby." He started, making her frown and look at his face as he smiled. "You and I have been through thick and thin, we've been through so much together, obsessive ex's, drugs, alcohol, breakups, cheating, lies... you name it and we've dealt with it. We've come through all of that though. Everyone tells us that we are moving too fast, that is true, I mean we haven't even known each other a year.... and yet... you are the most important person in my life.

I want to spend every single second with you, you are on my mind every minute and even if you are just a room away from me I ache to have you in my arms again or just even in my site. I love you with every fiber of my being and I hope that you feel the same. I need you in my life, Scarlet... Which is why," Alex released her hands, digging into his pocket. Scarlet was shaking and breathing heavily, taking short rapid breaths, her eyes wide as she felt the tears well up. This wasn't happening, was it? As Alex pulled out the small velvet box though, she knew that it was. "Scar, baby... Will you marry me?" Alex held out the now open box to show her the beautiful diamond ring. She gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth as the tears fell down her cheeks.

"Of course, Alex." She whispered out, nodding her head. Alex grinned, a tear of his own falling down his cheek as he pulled the ring from its cushion and slid it onto her finger. It fit perfectly. As soon as the ring was on her finger she reached forward and gripped his neck, hugging him tightly. He pulled back a little to kiss her lips over and over again.

"Forever baby, just you and I." He whispered before he kissed her again...
♠ ♠ ♠
Scarlet's outfit
Sam's outfit

I've had their engagement planned for a while now. hehe. :D
Only a few more chapters left!
Comment/subscribe/recommend( which I already have 3, thanks guys!!)

I leave for LA in the morning and will not be back until Wednesday night. I will try to update while I am gone, but no promises. So hopefully this update holds you over until then. (: