Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens

Twenty - Nine

"Alexander! Put me down!" Scarlet screamed when Alex had swept her up into his arms when they stepped through the door.

"Just practicing for when we cross the threshold as a married couple in one short week." Alex explained as he put her down. She smiled up at him.

"You that excited, huh?" He grinned back down at her, reaching forward to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close.

"I just can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He responded softly, unable to keep the smile off of his face. She had a matching one of her own.

"We've had a long engagement. The day is finally almost here."

It has been almost an entire year since the couples engagement. The past year had brought surprisingly almost no trouble for the couple. There was a few days four months previous where Alex slept on the couch for a week after he said the wrong thing about the argument Jack and Sam had been in at the time. There was also the time where she took another touring job with Escape The Fate, meaning she would have to be away from Alex and with Max instead for almost two months. That ended with Alex storming from the house only to return two hours later with flowers and an apology.

Apart from those moments it had been smooth sailing for the two. After he proposed, they finished the tour they were on and immediately began planning their wedding. They decided to have a long engagement as it would give them more time to plan their perfect day and also to get all of the people saying they were moving too fast off their backs. The day was almost here. Everything was planned, everything ordered, the dresses and tuxes all fit everyone perfectly, which is where they had just returned from; their last fittings.

"I'm counting down the days." Alex said, making her laugh.

"Me too." She reached up and kissed his lips softly. "You are still okay with having no bachelors party, right?" They decided that their would be no bachelor or bachelorette party, instead Jack and Sam, their best man and maid of honor, are throwing them a huge party two days before. It will be just the same, just no strippers and it was going to be together rather than separate.

"A party is no fun unless you are there." Was his answer, making her laugh but roll her eyes none the less.

"You are a dork." She said as she stepped away from him. "Come on, lets go get ready." She began making her way towards the stairs but he again grabbed her and swept her up bridal style into her arms. "Alex." She whined as he carried her up the stairs, making him laugh.

"You must keep those feet nice and rested for our night of dancing!" He explained, making her shake her head.

"I repeat, you are a dork." He just laughed as they got into their bedroom.

"Wear something sexy." Alex said when he placed her back on her feet.

"Don't I always?" She questioned as she walked over to their closet.

"Yes, that you do." He agreed.

After the couple got changed and ready, they went back downstairs to find a group of people in their living room.

"Yes please, come on in. Make yourself comfortable." Alex spoke when he saw his friends all lounged out on his couch.

"We have." Jack said, plopping his feet up onto the coffee table.

"Feet down, Jack." Scarlet scolded making Jack instantly take his feet down.

"How did you guys even get in, anyway?" Alex questioned as he sat down in the chair, pulling Scarlet down into his lap.

"The spare key that Scar gave me." Sam explained from her place beside Jack.

"I'm regretting that decision." Scarlet grumbled, leaning back into Alex's chest.

"Are we going or what? We have a party to get to." Rian grumbled from the other side of Sam, his girlfriend Cassadee beside him. Zack and his girlfriend Katie sat on the love seat.

"Yes! Let us go!" Jack exclaimed, jumping up. Jack and Sam, along with everyone else, decided that they would be taking a taxi to and from the club tonight. They were originally going to have a designated driver, but no one wanted to not get drunk tonight so this was just easier. Jack, having already called two taxi's for the group, pushed everyone out the door and into the yellow cars.

As soon as they pulled up to the club, Sam took Scarlet's hand and led her inside and to the dance floor while the guys went to find a table and get drinks. #1nite by Cobra Starship began playing as the girls moved their bodies to the beat, being swallowed up by the crowd. A pair of arms wrapped around Scarlet's waist from behind making her jump as she figured it was some drunk creeper but when she looked up it was her fiance. She smiled and began to move against his body again as his hands pressed into her stomach, pulling her closer. Jack came up to Sam and they too began to dance together in a similar manor. As a Ke$ha song came on they decided to get a beer so they made their way over to where everyone else was at.

"One week until you sign your life away guys. Excited?" Zack asked them as they sat down.

"I think I'm going to sleep for the next week just so it passes by quicker." Alex answered, making everyone laugh.

"Yeah, you'll need to sleep as much as you can now because I'm sure you won't be getting much on your honeymoon." Cassadee said, winking at the couple.

"I know I don't plan to." Alex responded, smirking as he ran his hand up Scarlet's thigh. She laughed and smacked his hand away.

"Well I like my sleep." She said. Then Heaven by Dj Sammy and Yanou came on, which was one of Scarlet's favorite songs so she stood up and pulled Alex up with her. "Come on, we shall dance!" He laughed and allowed her to pull him into the large mass of dancing bodies.

The rest of the night passed in a blur of drinks, dancing, making out, most of which was between the guys and their respective girlfriends, but there was a moment where Alex kissed Jack.

"We should get going, its almost 2 in the morning." Zack said. The club was still completely packed.

"I don't want to go yet!" Scarlet yelled as she walked back up with Alex, each of them having a full beer in their hands.

"Well we are going." Katie said as she and Zack stood up. She came over and hugged a very unstable Scarlet. As soon as Katie let her go she lost her balance and fell into Alex's arms.

"Wow, you just can't leave my arms can you." He slurred, making her giggle.

"You know it." She responded as she stood up straight. Zack and Katie said their good byes to everyone else before they left.

After another hour of dancing, almost none of them could stand up straight so they all got into a cab and headed home. As soon as they walked in the door Scarlet took of her shoes and threw them randomly away from her.

"You know what I feel like doing?" She asked, turning towards Alex to wrap her arms around his neck.

"I'm hoping that you say me." He responded instantly, making her giggle and shake her head.

"Maybe after but first!" She responded. "I want to go swimming!" She stepped away from him and began to run towards their backyard where they had a very large pool. Alex laughed and began to follow, unbuttoning his shirt as he went. He took off his shoes and threw them in the corner as he heard the back door swing open. When he got outside his fiancee was already in nothing but her bra and panties. She smiled at him and walked over to help him slid of his shirt and pants.

"Come on!" She said, taking his hand and running towards the pool.

"We aren't skinny dipping?" He questioned, pouting, which made her giggle.

"I guess we can." She brought her hands back and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the ground while Alex watched her closely, waiting until she was completely free of clothing to slide off his own boxers. She giggled again before swan diving into their pool. "Come on in, its perfect." She said when she surfaced. He didn't need to be told twice before he too dived in. They swam together for about ten minutes before going over to the shallow end and curling up together on the step, his arms wrapped around her tightly.

"What made you decide to go swimming at 3:30 in the morning?" He questioned her. She shrugged as she buried her face in his neck.

"Seemed like the thing to do at the time. I'm cold now though." She shivered. It was March, meaning it was a little chilly, luckily they had a heated pool, but now being half out of the water, she began to shiver.

"I know something that would warm you up." He said, placing his hand on her chin to lift her head back up so he could look at her before he pressed his lips to hers, making her giggle. She turned so she was straddling him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Mr. Gaskarth, you sure are a horny bastard." He smiled and kissed her again as he moved so they were again neck deep in water and pressed her up against the side of the pool.

"And you, soon to be Mrs. Gaskarth, love it." She simply answered this with a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I met Alex Gaskarth, guys! Well... again, as I had met him before but I couldn't get a picture with him and then Saturday at Warped Tour, I met the whole band again, still no pictures though. But then, me and my mom were leaving and we passed this little baseball diamond where people were playing wiffle ball and my mom was like "is that Matt Flyzik pitching?" And sure enough, it was. So we went over there and Alex came out and took a picture with me. (: Greatest day EVER. Alex said he loved me and Jack held my hand.

I also got a picture with Vinny. :D

Scarlet's party outfit.