Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


"Here we go!" Scarlet's mother called to the group of girls. "It's time!" All of the girls giggled and began to walk towards the door.

When Scarlet left the room that had been designated for the girls to get ready in, walking out into the lobby of the church, she was met with a tight hug from Jack.

"You ready?" He asked the brunette who smiled widely. "Alex is a nervous wreck. He gave me something for you though." He reached into his jacket pocket to pull out a long thin box.

"Alex got me something?" Scarlet gasped as she took the box in her hand. She pinched the lid in between her thumb and pointer finger, pulling open the box and gasped. On the red velvet cushion sat a silver heart shaped locket with a small diamond on the front. "It's beautiful." She pulled the necklace from the box, Jack taking the box from her to put it back in his pocket.

"Open it." He instructed. She quickly did just as he said and felt tears well up in her eyes. In the locket was two pictures; both were of Scarlet and Alex. One was a picture from the first day they had gotten together. She sat on his lap, his chin on her shoulder. She had her hand up, resting it on his cheek while they both smiled widely. The picture across from it was their engagement photo. They were facing each other, his hands on her waist as they smiled at one another. Her left hand was on his cheek, easily showing off the gorgeous diamond ring on her finger.

"I am marrying the greatest man in the world." She whispered, quickly wiping at the tears that fell from her eyes before they ruined her makeup. Her mother rushed over and handed her a tissue. "Will you put it on me, Jack?" She held the beautiful necklace out to her fiance's best friend who smiled and nodded. Scarlet turned around, holding her long curly hair to the side so he could clasp the locket around her neck.

"Places everyone, it's time!" The wedding planner, Michelle, called from the doorway where she had just peaked her head through to make sure everyone was in their places. "Alex looks anxious enough, better not keep him waiting." Everyone smiled and lined up. Scarlet's mother went through the doors to take her seat while Scarlet's father came over to Scarlet, smiling down at her.

"Ready, sweetpea?" He asked her. She smiled and reached up to peck his cheek. She hadn't bothered with any lipstick or gloss, knowing that the kiss her and Alex shared would just ruin it anyway.

"I'm more than ready."

"You did good." Scarlet only giggled at her fathers words before she took his arm that he offered to her. In front of her, music started as Zack and Katie linked arms and walked out. Zack looked handsome in his tux with red bowtie and vest, matching the other groomsmen as well as Alex. Katie, as well as the other two bridesmaids had red knee length halter dresses on. All of them looked stunning in their dresses. Following Zack and Katie was Rian and Cassadee, then Jack and Sam. "It's our time." Scarlet's father leaned over to kiss his daughters temple before they began their walking. The music changed and everyone stood and turned to look at the bride as she walked down the isle, a wide smile on her face.

Scarlet looked around the room, returning people's smile before she looked forward and met the eyes of her gorgeous soon to be. He stood at the alter with the guys to his left, his hands clasped in front of him. His hair was slightly combed, but not too much. He wore the traditional tuxedo but on his feet were a pair of high top converse with red trimmings on them, and they were shiny, as if they were dress shoes, they just had that right amount of pizzazz to fit Alex's personality.

The isle seemed to stretch on for miles, taking hours for Scarlet and her father to reach the alter, but in reality it hadn't even taken a minute. Scarlet turned towards her father and kissed his cheek before turning towards Alex who had his hand outstretched, waiting for her. As soon as their hands touched, an electric spark shot through their hands, warming both of them. They both knew that they had found their soul mate and were about to tie themselves to them forever.

The wedding ceremony progressed smoothly, not a single hitch. Apart from when Alex was saying his vows and had actually gotten so emotional about it that he had to stop and wipe his tears and catch his breath before he could continue, which in turn made Scarlet's eyes flow like a waterfall and grip his hand tighter.

"Do you, Alexander William, take Scarlet Jane, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live, through sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

"Forever." Alex whispered, staring straight into Scarlet's eyes, gripping both of her hands tightly, never wanting to let go.

"And do you, Scarlet Jane, take Alexander William, to be your lawfully wedded husband, as long as you both shall live, through sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?" Scarlet smiled up at Alex, more tears escaping her eyes, her makeup now completely ruined but she had no care at all. All she cared about was the man in front of her.

"Of course."

"The rings then, Jack." The minister said, gesturing to Jack who quickly nodded and reached in his pocket to pull out the two rings, handing them to the minister who handed Alex Scarlet's wedding band first. Alex easily slid the ring onto Scarlet's finger, smiling at her the whole time. As Scarlet slid on Alex's, her hands shook. As soon as the ring rested in its place, Alex gripped her hands, stopping the shaking. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Alex, you may kiss the bride."

Alex wasted no time in placing his hands on Scarlet's waist, her hands pressing into his chest as he dipped down, his lips landing on hers in their first kiss as a married couple. The place broke out into loud applause and cheers as their lips moved together, both of them smiling against the others lips. They pulled apart to smile at each other. Alex wrapped his arms around her waist, while hers went around his neck. He picked her up and spun her around as she giggled, burying her face in his neck.

He put her down before they turned toward the still clapping crowd. They smiled at everyone before linking hands and made their way down the isle together, waving and smiling at their friends and family before they made it to the front entrance way. Their wedding party behind them as the doors closed, leaving the eight friends together, exchanging hugs and kisses.

They were then rushed away to take wedding photos while everyone went across the street to the hall where the reception was being held at. After the photos the newly married couple went and changed into their reception clothes. For Scarlet it was a simple white knee length dress with lace on the shoulders and a pair of red flats. Alex changed into a red button down shirt, putting on the bowtie he had been wearing in the wedding.

"Thank you for the necklace, Alex. I love it." Scarlet spoke as she checked her hair and makeup in the mirror. He smiled and walked over to her, taking her in his arms.

"You are welcome, wife." He pressed his lips to her forehead. "You ready for our reception now?" She nodded and stepped away from him, taking his hand and leading the way out to where their wedding party was waiting for them. "Ready?" Alex asked them, making them nod.

So they made their way across the street. They got their introductions into the large room to loud cheers and took their place at head table. Soon it was time for the toasts.

"Alright," Jack said, standing up, his champagne flute in his hand. "I am starting this toast shit, so everyone listen to me." He started, making everyone laugh. "I just have to say, Scarlet and Alex, I love you guys and congratulations. You are both my best friends and I am so glad that you two have stayed together all this time and are going to be together forever now. I look up to your relationship and I hope that Sam and I will have that too. Now tonight I want you two to consummate your marriage and make me a Godfather, now!" Everyone laughed as Jack lifted his glass, making everyone do the same before they drank. Sam laughed as she stood up.

"Now it's my turn to try and top that." She started. "Alex, this is a best friends warning, you break her heart, and I break you." Everyone laughed. "I know you won't though, you two are perfect together. I have never seen you happier, Scar, and I've known you a long long time. Alex, I've known you for awhile now, and you are such a great guy, you are perfect for my best friend. So congratulations, you two. And here's too many many years of you two together. And like Jack said, go make babies tonight." Everyone laughed as she brought her champagne flute to her lips and tossed her head back, downing the entire thing in one drink.

Alex then stood up, smiling around the entire room before looking down at Scarlet, his smile growing.

"Welcome everyone. It's great to see you all on this magnificent day! Today is by far the greatest day of my life, I have married the love of my life and I plan to spend forever with this gorgeous women. We could not have asked for a better crowd of people to be present for our union. We love you guys. Now let's party!" Scarlet and Alex had agreed that rather then both of them making a speech, they would just make one. Alex sat down after they all drank and leaned over to kiss Scarlet's lips. Soon everyone was eating and chatting with one another.

After the food was finished, the lights dimmed and the music began.

"If the new couple would please come to the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple." The DJ called, making the couple take hands and make their way to the middle of the designated dancing area as everyone crowded around them. Their chosen song began as he rested his hands on her waist, her arms around his neck as they smiled at each other.

"How's the married life treating you, Mrs Gaskarth?" Alex asked her as they swayed and everyone watched.

"It's been pretty great so far. The only problem is..." Scarlet started, making Alex frown. "I married a dork." Scarlet finished, making Alex laugh and kiss her forehead.

"Too late now though. You've already signed the paperwork. Can't switch me for a new husband." Alex told her, making her shake her head.

"Good, because I wouldn't want to anyway." He smiled and kissed her lips as their song ended and everyone clapped for them. The rest of the night the couple danced with almost every family member.

Around 11 at night, Alex stood on the side of the dance floor, drinking a beer with Jack standing beside him.

"Where's Scarlet?" Jack asked him, a beer of his own in his hands.

"Last I saw she was with her cousin." Alex explained. They both looked around and finally found her on the other side of the dance floor, spinning around with her three year old cousin in her arms, who was giggling widely as they spun. Scarlet stopped and bounced the small girl, making more giggles erupt from her little mouth, Scarlet laughing softly herself. Alex watched them with a smile on his face.

"What are you thinkin', man? You got a weird smile on your face." Jack told him, frowning at his best friend.

"Don't you think Scarlet would make a great mother?" Alex spoke, still watching his wife play with the toddler. Jack smiled and smacked his best friends shoulder in a friendly pat.

"Dude, you two just got married a few hours ago. I know I said in my toast to go make babies, but-"

"We are not going to have children now, Jack, calm down. I'm just saying in the future, I know that we will and I know that she will be a great mother. Don't you think so?" Alex interrupted. Jack looked over at the women now too, smiling.

"Yeah, I think she would." Jack agreed, making Alex smile and nod.

Later, the couple was back on the dance floor. A lot of people had left as it was after midnight but the band and their crew still remained. Most of them were sitting around, making jokes and still drinking. Scarlet and Alex were the only people on the dance floor. The song was slow and romantic as she curled against his body, her head resting on his shoulder, her eyes closing.

This was the perfect ending, to the perfect day.
♠ ♠ ♠

They are married! Maybe one more chapter left, guys! :( that actually kinda makes me sad...