Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


"Come on, Scarlet. Could you go any slower?" Rian called into the bathroom where the girl was getting ready, all the guys were already done and were in the lobby waiting on her.

They had all checked into their hotel rooms. Since Scarlet was a last minute addition to the tour she had to share a room with Rian and Alex, but it wasn't all that bad as she still got a bed to herself as there were two beds and a couch with a pull out bed.

"Why yes, I could, actually." She answered as she stepped from the bathroom. Rian gasped and stared at her, wide eyes.

"Holy crap." He muttered, looking her up and down. Her hair was pulled up in a messy, yet sexy bun on her head, she had a black cross necklace around her neck, simple eyeliner around her brown eyes, light pink lipstick on her lips and blush on her cheeks. She was dressed in the slimming, strapless red dress that Alex had made her pack. The look was complete with a black bracelet on her wrist and a pair of plane black high heels that made her a few inches taller. "You look gorgeous." Scarlet smiled and looked down at the ground, her cheeks turning even more red.

"Thank's Rian. Shall we go?" She asked, smiling up at him as he nodded and went to the door, holding it open for her. The two of them went down to the lobby together where everyone froze and stared at her.

"Wow." Alex whispered as she turned the shade of a tomato.

"I so call first dance with her." Jack exclaimed, running over to Scarlet who laughed.

"Can we just go now?" She asked, feeling very self conscious with all the guys staring at her. The club that they had decided on was only two blocks away so they were walking to it.

"Ever been to a club before, Scarlet?" Alex asked her as they walked in front of the group. She could feel all of their eyes on her, mostly her ass, but she didn't pay them any attention.

"Only once, Max took me but he got so wasted it turned into me just babysitting him." Alex smiled and held out his arm to her. She smiled and linked their elbows.

"Well tonight will be fun, I promise." She turned and looked up at him, they were almost the same height now that she was in heels but she still had to look up a little.

"I'm excited." Luckily the awkwardness and tension between the two of them since Sam had called had left them, letting them go back to themselves.

"That's good." They then arrived at the club and were let inside after showing their ID's. "Why don't we get a drink and then find a table." Alex suggested making her nod so they made their way over to the bar. "Two beers please." Alex asked the bartender who nodded and handed them to glasses of cold beer which Alex took, handing one to Scarlet who quickly took a large gulp of it. "Slow down there, tiger. No need to rush the beer." Alex joked as he took a small drink of his own while Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"Come on." She turned away from him and began to look for everyone else. They found them at a large couch in the far back corner, all of them with their own drinks already.

"There you guys are, thought you'd stolen my dance, Alex." Jack said, standing up as the two of them approached. "Care to share this dance, my lady?" Jack spoke to Scarlet who giggled and took another large drink of her beer before placing it down on the table.

"Of course, good sir." She placed her hand in Jack's awaiting hand and allowed herself to be tugged off to the dance floor.

"Alex," Alex peeled his eyes away from Jack and Scarlet as they danced and moved together on the dance floor and turned to look at Matt who was staring at him with a sad look on his face. "Why do you keep doing this to yourself?"

"Do what?" Alex questioned, looking back at Scarlet as she laughed at how Jack was dancing. Alex looked away and took another drink of his beer.

"Say that you don't like her when it's obvious that you do, and it's obvious that she likes you." Alex rolled his eyes.

"We do not like each other, Matt." Everyone rolled their eyes.

"It is so obvious, man. I see the way you look at her, and I see the way she looks at you." Rian said. Alex had no time to answer as Jack and Scarlet returned, laughing and out of breath.

"That was fun." Scarlet said as she picked up her beer again and chugged it all. "Woo. Alex, wanna dance with me?" Alex was actually surprised she had asked bug agreed. He put his beer down and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor where her and Jack had just been. On The Floor by J-Lo soon started as they stepped onto the dance floor.

They moved and swayed to the music. Alex's arms wrapped around her waist and her arms around his neck, almost every inch of their bodies pressed together. This was a lot more intimate than her and Jack's dancing had been.

"I'm sorry about the stuff with Sam earlier." Scarlet spoke into his ear. He just shook his head and squeezed her closer to him.

"Don't even worry about it. Just worry about right here, right now. You look so gorgeous, Scar. Even more so than I had thought you would in this dress." Scarlet smiled and ran her hands over his shoulders and up his neck, getting lost in his hair as she moved her body up against his in time with the music. He moved his hands from her lower back onto her hips, moving his own hips against hers.

She pulled back and looked in his eyes, smirking at him.

"Why did you ask me to come on your with you and the guys, Alex?" She questioned him.

"We needed a photographer." He answered, a small crease between his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but why me?" She questioned, making him frown more. "I mean you had never seen my photos, you didn't know a single thing about me, you just saw me with a camera, I could have been awful at photos for all you knew." He shrugged.

"I just... when I saw you... I don't know." He bit his lip as he thought of a way to explain to her. "I just.... felt connected to you." Scarlet stared up at him, amazed that he had felt that connection too, she thought that she had just imagined it. "Do you know what I'm saying?" She nodded.

"I felt it too. That's why I stared at you like a complete idiot for a few seconds." He laughed and nodded as the song ended.

"Wanna go back to the guys or keep dancing?" She looked over to where the guys were sitting, some of them were looking over at the two of them, while others pretended that they hadn't just been looking.

"I wanna go somewhere with just you. No guys." He smiled and nodded, pulling back to take her hand.

"I know just the place." He pulled her off the dance floor and to the door. "Gonna make a beer run first." He said when they left the club. She laughed and nodded. So they found a liquor store and bought a twelve back of beer.

"Where are we going, Alex?" Scarlet questioned as they walked down the dark streets.

"Somewhere." They got back to the hotel and she figured they were just going to go back to their room but instead he pulled her through the parking lot and towards where the tour bus was parked.

"The bus?" She questioned as they stopped at the door, him putting in the pass code to unlock the door.

"Yeah, no ones in here, it's perfect for us to just chill together." He opened the door and held it open for her. She walked inside and sat down on one of the couches. He sat down beside her and opened the beer, handing her one. "Ready for our own crazy night to begin?" She laughed and nodded.

"So ready." He took a large drink of his beer before standing up and disappearing down the hall where the bunks were. "Alex? Where are you going?"

"Hold on." She heard him call before he reappeared a few seconds later with a box in his hands.

"What's that?" She questioned, standing up after taking off her high heels.

"Twister!" He said, holding up the box. She laughed and shook her head.

"I can't play that game in this dress, I'll probably rip it or something." He stared down at the tight dress, biting his lip before he grinned.

"Hold on." He put the box and his beer down on the table before once more disappearing into the bunk area, coming back a minute later with a bundle of clothes in his hand. He handed them to Scarlet who smiled and rolled her eyes. "There ya go, now go change so we can play." He took off his own shoes and grabbed for his beer.

"Fine." She went into the small bathroom and changed into the basketball shorts and t-shirt that Alex had given her. They were rather large on her but she loved how every time she moved, she smelled nothing but him and it made her smile. She took off her makeup and took her hair out of the bun, putting it in a messy ponytail instead. She walked back out to see that Alex had set the game up in the middle of the floor.

"Ready?" He asked when he saw that she'd walked out. She nodded and grabbed her beer, taking a long drink of it, drinking almost half of it. "You will go first." He flicked the spinner so it spun around and soon landed on left hand red. "Left hand red." He spoke to her so she sighed and kneeled down, putting her left hand on one of the red circles. He then spun it for himself. Getting right foot green.

It went like this for awhile, they would spin the spinner and do as it says, all the while both of them were drinking until there were only 2 beers left from the 12 pack and it was very late at night. They were tangled together, seconds away from falling.

"How am I supposed to get my right hand over there? I have to either go over you or under you!" Scarlet said as the spinner instructed her to put her right hand on red which was on the other side of Alex who was spread out in a sort of crab walk type thing, each hand and foot on a different color. She had three limbs on one side but now had to get her right hand to the other side of Alex somehow. She reached up and over him, successfully getting her hand on the circle. She was leaning over him, their bodies pressed together, she had one arm on each side of his head now.

"Well hi." Alex said, chuckling up at her. She giggled and looked at their position.

"Can you reach the spinner?" Alex nodded and leaned down on his elbow, reaching his hand to flick the spinner but right as it stopped the tour bus door opened, making them jump and topple over, Scarlet landing on top of Alex, making them both laugh.

"What is going on in here?" Rian questioned as he, Jack and Zack walked in, staring at all the beer bottles and the two tangled up.

"We're playing twister but she fell on me." Alex said, pouting as he wrapped his arm around Scarlet who shook her head from where it rested on his chest.

"He's the one who fell, he took me down with him." She protested.

"Why are you guys here? What happened to the club?" Zack asked as he made his way over to the two of them, helping them up while Rian cleaned up the empty beer bottles. Scarlet reached for one of the remaining beers and opened it, taking a drink of it.

"We wanted to go be alone instead." Alex answered, taking the last two beers, opening one and shoving the other in his pocket. "We weren't done having alone time either. Rian, sleep in Matt's room or something." Alex said, taking Scarlet's hand and making her giggle.

"Night guys." She said to them as they left the tour bus.

"Yeah, so nothing going on with them." Jack said, making Rian and Zack laugh. "I think it's cute, though. They seem happy."

"Yeah, they really do." Rian said. Meanwhile Alex and Scarlet were making their way up to their hotel room, finishing off the beer that they each had.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" Scarlet asked when they reached the hotel room.

"I want... you." Before Scarlet could do anything else, she was shoved up against the wall and Alex's lips were on hers.

She was shocked at first but with her drunken mind, she was soon kissing him back, her fingers weaving through his long hair. Their lips slid together as he reached down and lifted her up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist as he moved them over to the bed, tossing her down on the pillows, making her giggle. He climbed on top of her, reconnecting their lips.

She slid his hands down his chest, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. When she got them all open, she ran her hands up and down his smooth stomach and chest.

"You are so gorgeous, Scar." He said, moving his lips from hers, trailing them down her jaw and to her neck. She tugged at his belt loops, crashing their hips together, making him moan against her soft neck.

Alex jumped off of her when they heard someone clear their throat. Alex turned around to see Rian standing in the door way, his eyebrows raised.

"I told you to stay with someone else." Rian rolled his eyes and came more into the room, closing the door after him.

"So? You can't kick me out of my own room." Alex sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "And anyway, your date fell asleep." Alex turned to Scarlet to see that she had in fact fallen asleep. He laughed a little and stood up.

"Help me, would you? Pull back the blankets when I pick her up." Rian sighed and nodded, walking over to the bed as Alex picked Scarlet up in his arms. Rian pulled the blankets back and Alex placed her in them, covering her up. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"What you gonna do when she wakes up and doesn't remember a thing of what you guys did last night?" Rian questioned as they got changed for bed.

"She will.... she has to... we had a connection." Rian rolled his eyes and laid down on the pull out bed of the couch, where he would be sleeping for the night.

"Goodnight, Alex. Get some sleep." Alex just nodded, turning out the lights and laid down in his own bed. He stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes just thinking about what just happened, the feeling of her lips on his, her soft hands against his chest. He craved it... he needed it.

He slowly got up from the bed and quietly made his way over to Scarlet's bed, and crawled in next to her, cuddling up to her, wrapping his arms around her. She shifted, resting her head on his chest, and her arms around his shoulders, making him smile and drift off into sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Scarlet's outfit

At the part they are dancing, it makes it sooo much more fun to visualize it all if you listen to the song along with it.
On The Floor by Jennifer Lopez

hahah. thanks for all the comments guys, glad that you guys like what I am doing because I am in love with this story right now. (: I wanna know what you guys think about this nice long chapter. If you read any of my other stories, which i know that there are a few of you here that have, you'd know that I don't always have super long chapters. haha.

thanks to
As Above_So Below
and of course, my favorite commenter