Status: Finished!!!!

Through the Lens


It was currently show time. All Time Low were just minutes from going on stage, and then Escape The Fate would be on.

"Are you going to be okay?" Alex asked Scarlet as the two of them stood a few feet from her ex boyfriend who smirked at her.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to the front and take pictures while your on stage and then when you guys are done I'm just going to stay on the bus until we leave." Alex nodded and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

"I'm sorry this has happened." She shrugged and smiled up at him softly.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." He opened his mouth to say something but she just pressed her lips to his, pulling back to smile at him again, getting a smile in return. "Now, go out there and have a good show." He grinned and kissed her again before walking with her to the exit of the stage, which she quickly went through and took her place in front of the stage, her camera ready as the four guys ran out on stage, making the place erupt in screams.

All Time Low's set went great, Scarlet got some amazing pictures. When they left the stage, she made her way back, Alex greeting her at the door.

"You did great." She said, hugging his sweaty body. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks, babe. I was watching you the whole time." She laughed and nodded as he reached for the beer he had been drinking.

"I know, I got pictures of you looking at me." He smiled and reached down to kiss her but suddenly someone grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. She frowned and pushed the person away, seeing that it was Max. "What are you doing?!" She questioned, stepping closer to Alex again, who wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You never gave me a hug earlier, you and this kid just walked away from me. You just go from one musician to the next, don't you? And so soon after us?" Max questioned her, smirking. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Will you just leave me alone, Max, please?"

"You sure do look gorgeous, Scare-bear." Max stepped closer to her, running a finger across her shoulder, following the strap of her tank-top. Alex shoved him away.

"Don't touch her." Max chuckled and took a step back.

"Protective little boyfriend you got there, Scarlet." Scarlet shook her head and turned and walked away, quickly leaving the venue.

"Just leave her alone. Everything has been perfect lately, she does not need you coming in here and ruining it." Alex said, getting up close to Max, trying to be as threatening as possible, making Max smirk.

"She's mine. So I suggest you leave her alone."

"You're the one who left her, dumbass."

"Oh. Is that what she told you? Want to know what really happened?" Alex stayed silent, not sure what to say. "I flew out to Baltimore to surprise her, got to her house to find her fucking some other guy. The best part was, that the guy she was fucking was my old best friend and the old singer for my band. He always had a thing for her, never realized she had a thing for him too. You just wait, she's cheated before, don't think she won't do it to you, too. Her and I were together for years and it still didn't stop her." With that Max turned and grabbed his bass guitar before joining his band mates before they went on stage.

Alex stood in silence, unsure whether he should believe Max or not. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before going back to their dressing room where Jack was laying on a couch.

"Hey, where's Scar?" Alex just shrugged and went into the bathroom, slamming the door after him. He took a quick shower before getting dressed and walking back out to see that the rest of the band plus Scarlet were not in the room.

"Whatever Max told you, was a lie." Scarlet said, walking up to Alex who didn't even look at her, he just stared at the wall over his head. "He does that all the time, he lies, gets in peoples heads so they do what he wants."

"So you didn't fuck his old best friend?" The whole room gasped as Scarlet looked at the ground.

"We were already broken up. I did sleep with Ronnie, but it was after Max walked out on me, I promise." Alex sighed and shook his head.

"I'm going to go out and meet the fans." Jack agreed to go with him so the two of them left, leaving Scarlet to stand in the middle of the room, close to tears.

"Scarlet," Matt said, walking towards her.

"I'm not lying. I would never cheat on Max or anyone." Matt sighed and pulled the girl into a hug.

"Alex knows that, he just needs time to calm down. Let's go back to the bus and when he gets back, he'll be fine." Scarlet nodded and grabbed her bag and followed Matt out of the dressing room and to the back parking lot. On the way there they passed the group of fans who were talking to Alex. Alex turned to look at Scarlet. Their eyes connected for a few seconds before he turned his back on her. Matt sighed and put an arm around Scarlet and pulled her quickly to the bus.

"I'm going to just go to sleep. Tell Alex he can have the bunk tonight. I'll sleep in the back." With that Scarlet went quickly to the back lounge area and shut the door before falling on the couch, letting tears fall from her eyes, being absorbed by Alex's pillow quickly.

Everything had finally been going good and now it was ruined just because of one man.
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Not sure I really like this chapter this much. comment to let me know what ya think. (:

thanks to