Dear Angelica

I love you

Dear Angelica,

I’ve honestly been thinking about how exactly I’m going to say this for some time. I’m terrified of what your reaction might be. I don’t know what I would do if you turned me down because having you in my life is pretty much all I know. Truth is, I was planning on saying this to you, instead of just giving you this letter, but I was too much of a coward to tell you in person. There isn’t really an easy way for me to do this, but I guess I should just throw it out there, right? So, here goes…

I love you.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, and you’re wrong. I don’t mean to say I love you as a friend. I have somehow managed to fall deeper in love with you than I have ever fallen for anyone else. And that’s saying something. I love the way you smile at the smallest of things, how you can’t stand babies, how your fingers can’t help but curl up when you get excited over something, how your nose scrunches up when you laugh, how your fingers like to trace the my scars, how you play with my hair or kiss my cheek just because you feel like it. I love the way your eyes glow when you get good news or when you look at me and smile this soft smile, the kind of smile that I rarely get to see. Damn, I just love you. I really have tried not to feel this way because I know chances are you don’t feel the same. Just because you say do doesn’t mean it’s the truth. I would be devastated to know it was all a lie, so please refrain yourself from breaking my heart. Or frontal lobe… whichever way you want to look at it is fine.
I realize I’ve lost my writer’s touch, and I can’t seem to make things sound as nice as I used to.

I just wish to let you know, I love you.

Forever yours,
Nicolas Alexander Borgia