Status: I have finally got a new computer and will try to post very soon. So sorry :( Date: 10/29/2012

Back to December

Chapter 12 - What do you have up your sleeve?

The new year had rolled in on a good note. Christmas went great, they had spent in Quebec with Kris’ family and it felt like playoffs were coming to soon. Everything was falling into place quite quickly, as if nothing had ever changed between Kris and Mandy.

While Quinn was in school Kris and Mandy went shopping at the local mall. Kris had not been playing lately due his recent concussion. Not being able to play felt a little bittersweet, in one sense he was upset because he couldn’t play the game he loved to play for almost his entire life, but in another sense it was great that he got to spend time with Mandy and Quinn also.

As they passed by a certain store Mandy couldn’t help but stare at the display. It was filled with a crib, change table, baby clothes, blankets and a maternity mannequin. If Mandy had the life she dreamed of she would have two kids and one on the way by now. She would definitely have to bring this up with Kris, she wanted another baby and she wanted one now. They may have just rekindled their relationship but Mandy didn’t see a point in waiting, she felt as if they sort just picked up where they left off, so why wait to have another baby. Even Quinn was ready to be a big sister, she had marked down on her Christmas wish list: A baby brother or sister.

“Mandy?” She heard in the distance.

“Sorry what?” She snapped out of her thought.

“You were just standing in front of that display.” Kris pointed out too the store in front of them.

“Oh sorry.” She jumped, being pulled out of her thoughts

Mandy wondered what life would be like if she could go back in time and change things around, it was something that crossed her mind too often. Living by the motto ‘live life with no regrets’ was not for her. She felt as if there where many regrets in her life. Although many regrets filled Mandy’s past, there are thing’s she would never change. Everything that fell in to her box of non-regrets had to do with Kris, she didn’t regret throwing away the beautiful 70 dollar white blouse he destroyed the day he met which was also her first day of teaching in Pittsburgh. Without that day she would never have what she does, a beautiful daughter that she couldn’t possibly imagine her life without.

“Mom?….Mom?….Mommy!” Quinn said

“Sorry what?” She said snapping out of her toughts as she stared out the kitchen window.

“When is daddy gonna be home?” The little girl asked. Something she’s been asking all week.

“He’ll be back just before dinner, so very soon! Go wash up!” She smiled and Quinn ran to get ready for dinner. Just as Quinn ran to go get washed up, the front door opened and in came Kris, home from his road trip.

“Hey, how was your week?” He said walking up to her and placing a kiss on her lips.

“Good, how was the road trip?” She asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Daddy!” In came a scream and running feet down the hallway. Kris smiled and crouched down with his arms opened and Quinn came running into them. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, as did she.

“I missed you baby girl!” he said into her hair. He couldn’t possibly love anyone quite as much as he loved his Quinny.

“Me too!” She smiled.

“Hey, look I got you something!” He said walking over to his carry on bag. He pulled out a plastic play horse set for her barbies. Quinn was obsessed with horses, and ever since she found out about horse riding lessons she had been begging her parents to enrol her.

“I love it! Thank you daddy!” Quinn said giving him a big hug and kiss, then ran off to go play with it.

“What about me? Did you get me anything?” Mandy smiled wrapping her arms around his neck again.

“Oh you’ll get your present tonight.” he winked and squeezed her ass. She laughed and continued on dinner. Kris helped her out as they talked about their week.

“Oh Quinn is going over for a sleepover tomorrow at Sid and Julie’s.” Kris said

“Okay.” Mandy said simply.

“Yeah I asked if they would, I figured it’d be nice to have a night just the two of us.” He smiled coyly.

“What do you have up your sleeve Kris?” she questioned.

“Nothing.” He smiled and continued working on the salad.
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Sorry it's short, I know it's been forever. I'll be posting more frequently, the past couple of months have been crazy!

I have another story I've been working on, it's a Jordan Staal one. It will probably be about 6-8 chapters. If your interested in reading it, please let me know!

Thank you for reading!
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