Status: I have finally got a new computer and will try to post very soon. So sorry :( Date: 10/29/2012

Back to December

Chapter 15 - A second chance

The summer night filled the air and people gathered around the rooftop venue. The little lanterns created a romantic atmosphere along with the band playing created a great backdrop to all the chatter that was going on. It was a beautiful night to celebrate the love Kris and Mandy finally realized they had for each other.

A young brunette walked up to the microphone with her glass of champagne ready to propose a toast to the happy couple.

“Well, we all know this isn’t the first time we do this for Kris and Mandy.” the crowed began to roar with laughter. “I’m just gonna make this short and sweet. Mandy as your sister and maid of honour, I say congratulations on your engagement. I’m happy this has all worked out for you big sis. Now if you’d all raise your glasses to the happy couple, may joy and happiness fulfil your life together.” Victoria said smiling at the couple.

She got down from the stage and walked over to Kris and Mandy each giving them a kiss and a hug. Congratulating them privately on their engagement. The trio chatted amongst each other for a few moments.

“Hey there’s a handsome man with bed head walking up to you.” Mandy smiled at her sister.

Victoria turned around and smiled at her boyfriend of three months, James Neal. He offered his congratulations to the couple and the young new couple headed out to the bar. Victoria and James met a while back when she came down to visit Kris and Mandy after the announced they had gotten back together. After meeting him she decided to find herself a job in Pittsburgh. Mandy was happy to have her sister close again, they had always been close growing up because of the 18 month age gap between them.

As James and Victoria left for the bar a 30 week pregnant Julie and her husband Sidney came towards them.

“Congratulations!” Julie squealed and hugged Mandy tightly.

“Oh my god! Look at you, you look great.” Mandy said to her pregnant friend.

“Yeah right, this baby has worn out its welcome, I feel huge.” She huffed.

“Well you still got ten weeks to go.” She smiled

“Feels like years when you have three others at home.” Julie sighed.

“So do you know what it is yet?” Mandy was curious if it was another girl for the Crosby’s or finally a boy.

“Nope it’s a surprise just like the other three.” She rubbed her belly

“Well you better hope for a boy.” She laughed and so did Julie with a nod in agreement.

“I’ll let you do your rounds. Congratulations, I’m so happy for you two.” She smiled, her and Sidney went off to socialize with the others.

The night went on without a hitch. Mandy and Kris were so glad people came for a second engagement party. They made their way to the stage to thank all of their guest for showing up.

“Hello!” Mandy said into the microphone. “Kris and I would just like to thank everybody for coming out tonight, we know many of you have come from out of town and we appreciate it. So thank you to all of you who have supported us along the way. I’m glad we get another chance at this, I love you and I love you Kris.” She smiled with tears in her eyes looking up a Kris, he kissed her and took the microphone from her hands.

“Thank you everybody for coming out. We’ve had a wonderful time tonight and I hope you have to. We’ll see you all next summer for the actual wedding.” He kept it short and sweet. About and hour later people started to filter out and it was just Kris and Mandy left on the rooftop with a glass of wine. They sat on the outdoor love seat, Mandy had her legs stretched out across Kris’, her nude Jimmy Choo’s on the ground next to them. Kris ran his hand along the blush dress she wore and looked at her with sleepy eyes.

“Tonight was a perfect.” She smiled, her eyes closing on her.

“You’re falling asleep.” He smiled at her brushing away the dark strands of hair that had fallen in her face.

“I am.” She nodded opening her eyes.

“Alright lets go home, we have to pick Quinn up in the morning.”

Mandy woke up the next morning and headed for the bathroom. She looked herself in the mirror, she looked exhausted and definitely was not feeling well.

“Ugh, I didn’t drink that much last night, did I?” She asked herself.

She decided jumping in the shower might help ward off the sick feeling. As she got out she felt much better. Putting on her Victoria’s Secret kimono she headed towards the stairs. By the time she got to the top pf the stairs she felt sick again.

Entering the kitchen she saw Kris making some breakfast. The overpowering scent of eggs and bacon made her feel worse.

“Good morning.” Kris said as she sat at the island placing her head in her hand.

“Good morning.” She groaned.

“A little hung over?” He asked with a smirk.

“I guess, I don’t know why I didn’t drink that much.” Mandy frowned.

Kris reached into the cupboard grabbed a bottle of aspirin an poured her a cup of coffee.

“Here.” He pushed the bottle and mug towards her.

“No thanks, I don’t have a headache I just feel sick.” She said taking a sip of her coffee.

Coffee hadn’t help it only made her feel worse along with the smells that were taking over in the kitchen. Mandy couldn’t believe how sick she felt from only a few glasses of wine. She sat at the island and only picked at the food placed in front of her.

Moments later she began to see little black dots, dizziness taking over her. She got up and rushed to the bathroom, expelling the sickness from her body. She sat on the cold floor until she heard a knock on the door.

“Hey, babe you okay in there?” Kris said leaning against the door.

“Yeah I’m fine.” She said still not feeling very well.

“Can I come in?” He asked

“I guess so.” She sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took awhile to post, my computer has decided not to work the majority of the time. I guess that means its time for a new one!

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