Status: I have finally got a new computer and will try to post very soon. So sorry :( Date: 10/29/2012

Back to December

Chapter 2 - Me and my Daddy

Kris played with Quinn in the back yard, they ran around playing with all the toys in the yard, laughing and enjoying spending time with each other.

He couldn’t believe how quickly time got away, it seemed like a couple if minutes ago she was that little baby he would rock to sleep every chance he got. Now she was four, she was going to start school soon, then she’d be off the middle school, then high school, she would be getting her drivers license, heading off to college and eventually starting her life on her own. Thinking about that started to give Kris a headache, he wanted to be with that little girl every moment he could, travelling all the time limited their time together so Kris wanted to cherish all the time he had with Quinn.

Mandy watched them from the kitchen window, she smiled to herself. Kris was a great father, she couldn’t fault him on that. Sure he made a few bad decisions and one very selfish decision, but aren’t we all aloud to make one selfish decision in our lives, Mandy thought, its just Kris’ wasn’t in her favour.

“Dad?” Quinn asked as they walked back to the house.

“Yes baby?” Kris looked down at the little girl who’s little hand was in his.

“When are you leaving next?” She looked up at him with sadness in her big brown eyes.

“I leave again in two days, for a game in Canada.”

“Oh…” Quinn said in low sad tone, directing her vision to her feet. Kris got down to her level.

“Quinny…come here sweetheart.” Kris said and wrapped his arms securely around his little girl. “I know you don’t want me to leave, but I have too, we got to go win some games.” He smiled at her wiping away the few tears that fell down her little face. She nodded in agreement and they headed back into the house.

“Just in time dinner is ready.” Mandy said to them as they got in.


Kris sat in his hotel room after a disappointing loss to the Toronto maple leafs. He picked up his phone and decided to see if anyone was awake at home, the phone rang three times and some picked up on the other end.

“Hello?” Mandy said into the phone.

“Hi, you’re still up is Quinn?” he asked wanting to say goodnight to his little girl before she fell asleep.

“Yes she is, I was just about to put her to bed, then you called.” She said at the other end of the phone, sounding a bit angry.

“Well…can I speak to her?” He asked

“I guess so.” She sighed angrily.

“Mandy don’t start with me, I just want to say goodnight to my daughter.”

“Our daughter.” she said her tone rude. Then he herd shuffling on the other end.

“Daddy?” An excited little voice immediately changed Kris’ bad mood into a good one.

“Hi baby.” he said.

“Hi daddy, you guys lost…” she said her tone changing to sad.

“I know sweetie, but its okay there are more game still this season. Well Quinn, daddy just called to say goodnight and tell you that I love you very much.”

“Goodnight Daddy, I love you lots too.”

“Sweet dreams baby girl.”

“Bye…” She said her tone was really sad now. Kris hung up the phone and went to sleep.

Kris was barley in the door when two little arms wrapped tightly around his legs.

“You’re home!” She squealed and looked up at him then went back to hugging his legs tightly.

“I am baby, I’m home.” Being home felt good. He then picked Quinn up and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I missed you daddy.” She looked him in the eye.

“I missed you too Quinny.” He said and she smiled hugging him tightly and he held her close.

“Oh your home.” Mandy said heading towards the entrance putting an earring on wear a dark purple fitted dress.

“Where are you going?“ He asked coldly. Kris was still a little bitter about the conversation they had on the phone the other night.
“I have a date tonight.” She said

“Oh…” Was all Kris managed to get out. It was still weird and uncomfortable seeing each other go out on dates.

“Yep and there he is, I didn’t make anything so its up to you Kris.” She said heading out.

“Well it looks like its just me and you Kiddo.” Kris said to Quinn who smiled at him.

Mandy got home around 11 O’clock, she set her things down in the kitchen that was just off of the entrance, then headed down the hall into the living room and found Kris fast asleep with Quinn also sleeping on his chest like when she was a baby. She smiled and covered them up.

“Mommy?” Quinn said in a groggy tone.

“Yes hunny, its me. Come on lets go to bed” She said and picked her up as they made they’re way towards the stairs leaving Kris on the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its short, in the next few chapters everything will start progressing alot more. Thank you to all those who have read so far and subscribed. Comments are very appreciated, I'd love to hear your feed back.
