Status: I have finally got a new computer and will try to post very soon. So sorry :( Date: 10/29/2012

Back to December

Chapter 4 - Anything for my little girl

A few months later it was now January and the second half of the season was beginning. Kris began dating a new girl named Liv she was a pretty girl, with medium brown hair, brown eyes, she stood 5’6”, and she had the girl next door charm.

The penguins were having a family function on Sunday. Whenever something like this would go on, Kris and Mandy would go together with Quinn so their daughter had memories of the both of them.

Mandy was still friends with all the other wives and girlfriends or as they’re called The WAG’s, so when Quinn went off to play and Kris found buddies to chat with, she wasn’t left alone. She was good friends with Julie Crosby, when they found out they were pregnant at the same time it made them even closer, they were able to express to each other what one was feeling and have someone too understand all the changes. Julie also just had her third daughter, whom they named Mya Trinity Crosby. So her and Julie sat at a table with some of the other wives and girlfriends.

“I cant wait to have a baby!” Said Cara the women who finally got Max Talbot to marry.

“Yeah but you and Max need to stop your partying ways.” Julie said knowing full aware that the party man himself, married a party girl.

“I know I can stop, its just can he.” Cara looked over to Max who wasn’t drinking since it was a family event but still if it was he would definitely be one with a drink in his hand.

“So Julie when you and Sid, having another one.” Mandy laughed, being completely aware that Julie didn’t want anymore kids, but Sid still didn’t get his boy yet and he wasn’t ready to stop, although Julie was happy with her three girls.

“Ugh, I don’t want another one! But Mr. Hockey over there.” She nudge her head in Sidney’s direction as she was holding Mya. “Probably won’t stop until he reproduces a boy!” The girls laughed at her frustration.

“Well two is good for me.” Chimed in Ben Lovejoy’s wife Avery, who rubbed her growing bump that held her second child.

“Mandy don’t you want more kids?” Julie asked seriously

“I would love to have more kids, but that includes a husband and I don’t have one those.” She sighed and looked in Kris’ direction.
Kris carried a sleeping Quinn who fell asleep on the way home into the house. He went up to her room and put her in bed. It was only 5 O’clock, but the little girl had an action packed day. He went downstairs and found Mandy sitting in the living room.

“Hey I’m gonna head out for a bit. Quinn‘s in her bed sleeping” He said in a low tone and Mandy just looked over her shoulder and nodded.

Kris left and headed to meet the girl he was dating, Liv. As Mandy spent the night at home.

Kris and Liv walked around Pittsburgh for a while talking about each others lives.

“So you really love that little girl of your’s, huh?” Liv asked, Kris had been going on and on about Quinn.

“I do, she’s the love of my life, the only reason I live the way I do.” He said smiling but that quickly turned into a frown when he thought about the way he lived his life.

“Your families must really think you guys are crazy?” Liv asked another question.

“They do.” He said matter-of-factly “…But they understand that it’s what’s best for my daughter.” He smiled at Liv and she smiled back at the long haired boy beside her.

The night progressed and went very well, feelings were really beginning to developed between the two and hopefully would eventually be more. Liv had already fallen hard for Kris, she loved the fact that he put his daughter first and wouldn’t she hoped he wouldn’t have it any other way. What she didn’t love that his ex-wife still lived with him, she thought that was a little weird.


Kris got home around nine, when he entered the living room Mandy was still on the couch, but this time she had Quinn with her who was sleeping in her lap. Kris made his way over to the couch and took a seat.

“So she woke up?” Kris said lightly

“Yeah she’s sick, she threw up everywhere.” Mandy said clearly exhausted

“Poor baby.” he said looking at the little girl who looked like she was sleeping so peacefully.

“Yeah she started getting sick about half an hour after you left.”

“Here you go to bed I’ll stay with her.” he said picking Quinn up off her lap and sitting in the reclining chair holding her tight to her chest. Mandy smiled at him gratefully and headed up the stairs.

“Hey Kris?” She said in a low tone standing on the stairs, Kris looked over the back of the recliner. “Thank you.” she smiled.

“Not a problem Mandy, anything for our baby.” He said looking at the little girl cuddle to him. “Goodnight.”


Kris fell asleep on the recliner about an hour into a movie, he tried to stay up but his eyes just wouldn’t let him. He felt a shifting on his chest that woke him up, he looked down and saw Quinn who looked up at him with big sad eyes.

“Daddy, I don’t fell so-” before she could finish her sentence she had thrown up all over Kris and began to cry. Wishing she had chosen to do that in the bucket beside the chair, Kris just held her close as she threw up not wanting to alarm her. The rest of Kris’s night consisted of cleaning up puke and cuddling his sick daughter as she cried.
♠ ♠ ♠
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