Status: I have finally got a new computer and will try to post very soon. So sorry :( Date: 10/29/2012

Back to December

Chapter 5 - You are not my wife anymore

A few weeks later Kris was on the road again this time to Philadelphia. Quinn again wasn’t happy to see her daddy go, Kris and Quinn had a special bond and he hated leaving here behind at home, he just really hated to see her upset. Mandy was sort of happy to see him leave, she was tired of seeing Liv pull up in the drive way almost everyday, even though she didn’t come inside, all Liv did was park at Kris’s and then they would head out in his car but Mandy couldn’t help but feel a pinch of jealousy. She thought it should still be her he takes out on dates, but her life didn’t work that way anymore, she wasn’t Kris’ girlfriend, she was his ex-wife.

Mandy was watching TV while Quinn was down for a nap. She sat there quietly watching episodes of True Blood she had missed. Suddenly the phone rang, she figured it must be Kris calling to talk to Quinn, well too bad for him she was napping. When she looked at the caller ID it was number she didn’t recognize.

“Hello?” She answered cautiously.

“Umm…Hello is Kris there?” A female voice said at the other end of the line.

“No.” Mandy answered simply.

“Oh do you know when will be back, I’ve been trying to call his cell and he hasn’t been answering.” The girl said.

“Oh he is in Philadelphia until Tomorrow. May I ask who is calling?” She asked trying to put a name to the voice.

“Oh sorry, this is Liv.” The know known girl named Liv said.

“Liv as in Kris’ girlfriend?” Mandy questioned.

“Yes, I am that Liv.” She said into the phone.

“Well listen here OLIVIA-” Mandy began to raise her tone and become rude with Liv who hadn’t done anything wrong.

“It’s just Liv as in like Liv Tyler.” she said a bit surprised by the change in mood of Mandy.

“Well Liv , you listen and listen good! I would really appreciate if you wouldn’t call MY house for you’re boyfriend, he has a cell phone number USE IT! Look I don’t want some slut calling here for my ex-husband at all hours of the day-”

“What are you talking about its only 1pm.” Liv cut her off and was confused by her reaction.

“Either ways you shouldn’t be calling here!” She shouted and hung up abruptly on the girl.

Liv was left on the end of the phone utterly confused as to what she had done. She was completely clueless to why his ex-wife would be so angry with her. Liv hadn’t done anything wrong to Mandy, she couldn’t understand why her phone call would make Mandy so upset. Liv was the type of girl to see past the negative and figured she might of just been having a bad day, and maybe her ex-husbands new girlfriend calling set her off. It must be hard living with your ex and having to see them move on with someone else.

About half an hour later in the Letang household the phone rang again. This time around it was Kris calling, Mandy figured it was for Quinn.

“Hello.” Mandy answered.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” Kris shouted at the other end clearly pissed off.

“I don’t know what you are talking about Kris?” she asked confused.

“You damn well know what I am talking about!” he shouted again.

“No I don’t, would you mind refreshing my memory?” she asked being full aware of why he was so angry with her.

“Lets that phone call you had earlier with Liv!” He wasn’t quite yelling but his tone was raised.

“Oh that!” She laughed.

“Yeah that! What the fuck, gives you the right to speak to her like that or anyone for that matter.” He was shouting again. Mandy really made his blood boil.

“I don’t know Kris! I do know one thing, you shouldn’t have your slut calling my house!” She started to shout also.

“Liv is not a slut Mandy! There is seriously something wrong with you, like how fucked up are you to do that to some innocent girl, who you do not even know!” Kris was yelling know, he couldn’t hold much in anymore.

“Well don’t be giving out the house number to random girls!”

“What does that even mean? ‘don’t give out the house number’. Liv isn’t just some random girl either she’s my girlfriend, you’re not!” That last phrase Kris spat really hurt Mandy and she began to cry.

“I’m over this!” Mandy once again hung up the phone on someone.

Mandy headed upstairs to her daughters bedroom and began packing her some clothes. Once she was done with Quinn’s stuff she headed to her room and packed her self some clothes also.

“Quinn, Quinny, come on wake up sweetie.” Mandy shook her daughter lightly.

“What mommy?” She said in a sleepy tone.

“We are gonna go away for a few day’s come on lets go.”

“Where are we going?” Quinn asked.

“I’ll tell you when we are one our way.” She picked her daughter up, got into her car and made her way to the airport.

Kris got home the next day and entered a unusually quite home. Normally the first thing Kris received when he got home was Quinn running full speed into his arms, but there was none of that and no one was home. It seemed strange that no one would be home at 7 O’clock in the morning, usually a that time everybody as just getting up. Something strange was going on and Kris didn’t like it.
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I am so sorry I haven't updated sooner, but between graduation, prom and work, I've been way to busy. I will be posting more regularly now!

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