Status: I have finally got a new computer and will try to post very soon. So sorry :( Date: 10/29/2012

Back to December

Chapter 6 - I am going to ask you to leave

When Kris got home and didn’t find anyone there it seemed strange. They were always home when he came back from a road trip. He decided to call Mandy’s cell phone, it was off. He’s was beginning to worry and wonder what had happened to them. He decided to search through the house and see if he could find anything that might lead him to find their whereabouts. As he searched through the house, Kris went into the luggage closet, he notice that the red suitcases were gone. As soon as he realized the suitcases were gone he knew exactly where they are or will be.


“NO MOMMY I DON’T WANT TO GO WITH YOU!!! I WANT TO GO HOME AND SEE DADDY!!” Quinn screamed through the airport causing everyone to look at them.

“Quinn! That’s enough okay!” Mandy scolded her daughter. “Look you will see your daddy when we come back home in a week or so okay sweetie?” Mandy’s tone was now soft with Quinn.

“NO! I WANT TO SEE DADDY NOW!!” The little girl cried.

“Quinn, that’s enough screaming, now we are going to get on that plane and go see grandma and grandpa in Nashville.”

“I DON’T WANT TO SEE GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!! I WANT TO SEE DADDY!!” Quinn was being very stubborn as she crossed her arms over her chest.


Tears began to spill from Quinn’s eyes as her mother yelled at her. All she wanted was to go home and see her dad, the little girl had been away from him long enough and didn’t want be away any longer.

“Excuse me miss, would you please come with us?” A security guard asked Mandy, she nodded her head and began to follow him with Quinn.

Kris began to dial the number, the phone rang a few times then someone picked up.

“Hello?” A man said on the other end

“Hi Greg this is Kris, is Mandy there?” Kris asked his father in-law or ex father in-law.

“Umm no she isn’t Kris wouldn’t she be at home with you?” He asked confused.

“Oh well when I got home today nobody was here and the suitcases were gone.”

“Oh my Kris I haven’t heard from her, well not in the past few days anyways.”


“Well Ms. Letang-”

“It’s Lockheart now.” She cut of the head of security and smiled.

“Ms. Lockheart, I am going to have to ask you to leave the airport.” He said sternly.

“What about my luggage and the tickets I paid for?” she questioned him in a rude manner.

“We will ship you your luggage and reimburse you tickets. Now if could please leave and take your daughter back home.”

Mandy got up and picked Quinn up into her arms and proceeded to the exit. She got in to the car and put Quinn in the back.

“Are we going to see daddy?” Quinn asked her mom.

“Yes sweetie.” She said softly and smiled then got in the drivers seat.

As Kris hung up the phone he smashed it on the kitchen counter in frustration. He went and sat a the kitchen and rubbed his face with both and sighed. He couldn’t believe that Mandy would just take off like that. Take of with his little girl, just leave no phone call, no note, nothing. Then he heard the door open and close. He looked around and saw Mandy coming in with Quinn.

“DADDY!!” Quinn said excitedly and ran to him. Kris got up and got down to her level. He wrapped his arms tightly around her little body and she wrapped her little arms around his neck.

“I missed you so much baby girl.” He said and kissed the side of her head.

“I missed you too, we almost went to grandma and grandpa’s.” Quinn frowned and Kris looked up and glared a Mandy.

“Quinn why do you go upstairs and play while I talk to mommy.” He got up and looked down at her.

“But I want to stay down her with you.”
“Go.” He pointed do the stairs and smiled. She smiled back and made her way to the stairs.

“Look Kris I don’t feel like getting into this right now, I’ve had a long.” Mandy said

“Well I came home and have been worrying about what could’ve happened to my daughter and her mom”

“Look Kris I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” She said and tears started to fall down her face.

“Yeah you shouldn’t of, but you did. Mandy just leave!” Kris said before he lost it on her.

“Where are me and Quinn going to stay?” She asked worried.

“Quinn’s staying here. You? Well I really don’t care.” He said and turned away. Mandy went to go get her things and started to cry harder. She got everything and left without saying goodbye to anyone. Mandy went to a hotel figuring Kris had probably called everyone she knew and told them.

“Daddy where did mommy go?” Quinn looked at Kris from across the dinning table.

“She went to go stay somewhere else hunny.” He said to her.

“Where is she staying?” She questioned him again

“I don’t know, but I don’t think she’ll be staying with us anymore.”

“Oh…well I’m done daddy.” She pushed her plate away from her and got off the chair.

“Okay go clean yourself up, I’ll clean off the table and the kitchen. Then we can watch a movie.” Kris said. Quinn nodded and smiled.

Kris went into the living room where Quinn was playing with some toys.

“Come on lets go put your pj’s on.” He said to Quinn and put his hand out to her.

“Okay!.” She got up and grabbed his hand and they headed up stairs. He put Quinn in her purple pyjama’s and he went to put on some sweat pants and a penguins t-shirt.

“Which movie do you want to watch Quinny?” Kris asked. She went to the movie cabinet and picked one.

“This one again?” He asked as she handed Toy story 3 to him and nodded. She had probably seen this movie a hundred times already. He put the movie in and laid on the couch with Quinn on his chest, he used to always do that when she was a baby. The father and daughter duo watch the movie and eventually fell asleep, from the long stressful day.
♠ ♠ ♠
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