Status: I have finally got a new computer and will try to post very soon. So sorry :( Date: 10/29/2012

Back to December

Chapter 7 - I could watch her

It had been a week since the whole incident where Mandy was asked to leave. Mandy was left with no where to go, so she had to make a difficult decision and head back to Tennessee with her parents. She wanted to take Quinn, but Kris wouldn’t allow that. It has been a hard week for Kris to take care of her all by himself. With practices and games, it was difficult for him to watch his little girl all the time. The teen girl next door was sure making some good babysitting money. It had come that time again where Kris would head out for a road game and usually this wouldn’t be a problem, but now it had become one because who would watch Quinn while he was away?

“I just don’t know who will watch Quinn while I’m away.” Kris said to Liv, they were sitting on the couch watching a movie while Quinn was upstairs sleeping. Liv had been spending a lot of time with Kris and his daughter, now that Mandy wasn’t around.

“I could watch her.” Liv piped up.

“Are you sure? Its not just for a few hours here, it’s a few days, she’s a good kid but she is still a lot to handle on you own.” Kris tried to make sure she understood that taking care of a child by yourself was no walk in the park.

“Yeah, I mean I understand it can’t be easy to take care of her by yourself, but you don’t have much choice Kris. Unless you bring her with you but then who will watch her during the times you are at the arena?” Liv said

“Well see, I’ll talk to Quinn see if she’s comfortable with it. Okay?” He looked at her then place a kiss on her lips and she nodded. “Well lets go to bed.” He got up of the couch, picked Liv up and she squealed.

“Quinn how would you like if Liv watched you while daddy went to go play hockey?” Kris asked his 4 year old daughter, as she sat across from him and Liv beside her.

“Hmmm…okay!” She piped up. Quinn looked over at Liv and gave her a sweet smile.

“Great now, you be good for Liv when I leave, I’ll call when I land and after the game like I always do.” Kris explained looking at Quinn in the eyes.

“Yes, Daddy!” she smiled.

“He doesn’t love you anymore Mandy and you just have to accept it.” Mandy’s mother Nicole said to her daughter

“It’s not fair I still love him!! Why do you think I agreed to that stupid idea of living with him for Quinn?” Mandy cried
“I know its not what you wanted for the two of you, but sometimes people fall out of love with one another, unfortunately it happened to you.” Nicole said trying to be empathetic towards Mandy

“If I could go back in time and change everything I would!” She cried louder

“Look he’s got a new girlfriend, maybe you should go back to Pittsburgh get yourself your own place, talk things out with Kris, go find a job, maybe the elementary school you used to teach at is looking. Just figure it out, ‘cause its not about you or him its about Quinn.”

“Quinn you be good for Liv and I’ll be back Saturday evening.” Kris said kneeling down at Quinn’s level.

“Yep” Quinn nodded

“Okay bye sweetie, I love you.” he said giving her kiss and a hug.

“Bye daddy, I love you too!” she smiled. By now Quinn was use to Kris leaving, she didn’t like it but she had come to terms with it.

“Bye Liv, I’ll be back soon, call if there is any problems.” Kris said as he got up from Quinn’s level and looked Liv in the eyes. He was still worried about leaving Quinn alone for the first time with Liv.
The minute Kris got to his room, he grabbed his blackberry and called home. It rang, once, twice, three times know he was beginning to worry on the fifth ring Quinn picked up.

“Hi daddy!”

“Hi Quinn, how is everything at home?”

“Great!” She exclaimed “We coloured, then went to the park and when we came home we made cupcakes! From scratch!”

Kris laughed to himself knowing she had no clue what “from scratch” meant.

“That’s great, can you let me talk to Liv?” He asked

“Okay…Livy!!” Quinn yelled.


“Hey, how is everything?”
“Great, everything has gone very well.” Liv said sounding proud of her self. She should be Quinn wasn’t an easy child to care for.

“She hasn’t giving you any trouble?” Kris asked

“Nope, just a very busy little girl.” She laughed

“That she is, well I gotta go, tell my Quinny I love her.”

“I will, bye Kris. I love you.” She said, unsure if he would tell her he also loved her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry I have updated in ever!! I feel terrible for doing so!!!
I know its short but I knew I had to finally post someting.
My summer ended up not going as planned when a family member fell ill, so thats where focus was.

Thank you for sticking with me!
Please comment, I love your feedback!