Wake Up


What is depression? Is it a feeling? or a disease? Could it be contagious? It's like a constant war with yourself. You try to decide whether or not you are experiencing a problem, but it passes by. The feeling gets stronger. Impulses rush. And suddenly, you're in tears. You feel as if your screams aren't heard, and take relief in the blade which is held tightly in your fist.

The days seem to get longer. Your mood escalates. You feel worthless, but at the same time, you are feeling selfish. This is common. You become closed off. You forget how to accept, love, and smile. It's not your fault. You feel helpless. Why? Why you? Anger. Regret. Guilt. Insanity. What could be next on this horrifying roller coaster ride?

You pop a few pills, trying to take away the pain and escape reality. It works for a while, but you start to not feel like yourself. You're losing your identity to Depression. As it takes you into it's arms, you realize you can't escape. But you know anything can be overcome. You begin to feel better, and learn to cope.

Months pass. You begin to feel down again. The pills have quit working. You feel frustrated, sick of trying to deal with this problem. You refuse help, guidance, and continue to build your brick wall around your feelings. You don't want help. You go back to your old habits, drinking to feel better. Snorting some Angel Dust to feel high. Unhealthy to continue, but once you're addicted you can't just stop.

Overdose. Nobody's there to help you. You're alone. You've given up your family, your friends, and your world for drugs and unhealthy habits. That's when you break. Like oil and water, you can't find a balance. Nothing works anymore. You're dead, a corpse that won't accept anything but another line or another shot. You're lost.

Once you hit rock bottom, you feel as if you can't get up. You're wrists have been cut, you're lungs have been trashed. Your liver hates you. What's left? You don't know what it feels like to be happy anymore. All you feel is pain.

You take a few more pills, say goodbye to the few you have left, and decide it's time. You try to make it quick, but as the tears roll down your cheeks, you're given a last opportunity for a new life. There are only a few seconds left before you'll be a peace with yourself. Unhappy. You've been through so much, and you can't take it anymore. You pull the trigger. And there you are.