
Ch. 1

Mercedes winced as she fell to her knees, the damp concrete scuffing her legs through the thin denim of her jeans. This couldn’t be happening. This could not be happening. She wasn’t strong enough. She needed her friends, her brother, and her boyfriend. A small smile spread across her face as her memories of Kayleigh, Ellie, and Calei flooded her mind. She really needed them right now. Her smile was short lived, she didn’t know were they were, if they were alive. She could have nothing left...
After a few more painful moments of thinking about the unknown, Mercedes pushed herself onto her feet. She reached out with her hands and touched the alley wall. It slithered with grime under her fingers. If she would have touched the grimy wall a year earlier she would have probably puked, but now the only thing that mattered was that it was solid and gave her at least some support. She slowly limped down the alley trying to find somewhere to sit…to sleep…to cry…
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I need some serious feed back.