Guys Book to Girls

How a Girl Should Respond to the Things you Do

Lets say.... that you are shy and you don't really know how to ask the girl you are wanting to date out. Sometimes you are not for sure how to ask them out so you just decide not to say or do anything. If you do that then you have the risk of loosing your girl, the girl that you wanted to ask out, because you did not even try. You might get rejected but that is just how life goes I guess your going to score some then you are going to loose some. Lets say you never ask her out, you are going to be asking your self what would have happened if I would have tried to ask her out. She got tired of waiting on you and she went for another guy, but deep into her heart she still likes you and whenever you talk to each other you still feel a connection. You don't want to loose that connection, so you go to ask her out. Then you remember that she has a boyfriend and you had blown your chance of even getting with her. If you really love the girl and you are shy you should overcome the shyness and just go for it. I understand that she might say no....... but I don't really no what to tell you on that one just that maybe she is not ready for a real love. You feel the same but she is afraid to get her heart broken. Therefore she might reject you, all I can say is just keep standing by her until she gets ready for the time to take a chance. The next time that you know that the girl likes you but you are to shy all I can tell you is that the rest of your life you are going to be wondering what would have happened if you would have dated. All I can say is GO FOR IT, be wild and take a chance.
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Shy Guys please just try because it might actually work out for you