Status: Complete.

Sometimes Love Can Be Mistaken for a Crime

Hey there! Here’s a new Yu-Gi-Oh crossover oneshot I cooked up one day. I was listening to Father Figure by George Michael, and the line “Sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime” instantly began giving me ideas for a new oneshot. So without further ado, here is my new oneshot. The title is taken from one of the lyrics of Father Figure by George Michael.

Disclaimer: Genius Kazuki Takahashi owns Yu-Gi-Oh. Hallie Eisenberg is real, so nobody owns her. And I own the oneshots, songfics, drabbles, stories, novellas and poems I cook up from time to time.

As a matter of fact, I was looking up the male equivalent of a temptress, and this is what I found out. “Temptress” is female, so one definition of the male version of a temptress is a tempter – a person or thing that tempts, especially to evil.