Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Someone else can come and save me from myself

Frank’s P.O.V
During recess I went out to have a smoke. Again; I didn’t care about the “No smoking!” sign outside. If you take my smoke away you’d wish you were dead. I’m serious.
I walked across the schoolyard and sat down at a bench behind a huge oak tree, trying to be as invisible as possible. I was happy no one had pushed me around yet, but I prepared for it anyway – I knew some jock would beat me up during the day. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Here we go, I thought to myself and crushed out my cigarette.
“Hi!” A voice said behind me, but it wasn’t a male one, it was definitely a girl. I turned around to face her, it was Helena, or, the chick I thought was Helena. I didn’t reply though; I just stared at her. She was pretty. She had beautiful, brown eyes and her lips were glossy. Normally she wouldn’t be my type, but she seemed interesting. If she could just skip the lipgloss-thingy she’d be sort of perfect.
“You’re new, right?” I nodded as I was speechless and generally have no social skills.
“Well, my friend Helena and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out after school, since you’re new and all” She said and smiled at me. What? She wasn’t Helena? Oh my god, I’m so stupid making assumptions.
“Sure” I replied, still confused. From now on I’ll just call them “chick 1 and 2”, it’s so much easier.
“Okay, I guess we’ll see you later then. Meet you at the gate?”
“I guess”
“Dammit, Frankie, try and have an actual conversation for once!” my sub conscious yelled at me.
“Yes, I’ll meet you at the gate after school” I added. Happy now, sub conscious? “Yes”, it replied. Fuck you inner voice.
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Title: Leave Out All the Rest - Linkin Park
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