Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Somebody, save me

Frank’s P.O.V
Dammit, Helena’s not coming with us. Time for a good excuse not to go with Juliah alone! Oh, I know what to say. “Oh, crap! That reminds me, we’re visiting my uncle this afternoon. I’ll see you tomorrow though” I said before I basically ran off. I giggled; I don’t even have an uncle. But she didn’t need to know that.

But the lie made me think. Not about lying itself, but my uncle. My dad. I remember the day my mom came home crying. I was around eight years old. I didn’t really understand back then, but after a few years I realized why dad never came home, and why Uncle Tom never came to visit anymore. At first, I didn’t even know what terror was, and I’d never heard of World Trade Center, but it was on the news all the time, even years later. Then I knew, my mom didn’t even have to tell me. It’s been ten fucking years, but it’s still painful to think about that I’ll never see them again, I’ll never hear their voice again, I’ll never get to tell them how much I love them. I don’t even have a grave to turn too given that they never found their bodies. Just parts of it.

I didn’t want to go home, my mom would be there, and right now I needed to be alone. So I kept walking, I didn’t even care where I ended up as long as I didn’t have to talk to anybody.

I started to think about the reason we kept moving around. The first time was because my mom didn’t want to live in our house anymore, she threw away almost everything that belonged to my dad and the house reminded her of him, so we moved.

As the years went by I got more and more rebellious, and I’m positive that’s her motivation to move. She wants me to start over, make some friends and get an education. I don’t think she realized that moving around was even more painful than staying, even though I ended up being a loner. I needed something to hold on to, something that eventually would be familiar and safe. New places and new people only made it worse. I fucking hate this place. I fucking hate myself. Can’t someone come and take the pain away?
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Title: Save Me - (Smallville soundtrack)
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