Give 'Em Hell, Kid

I can't stop now

Helena’s P.O.V
I knew I could come to Juliah for comfort; she was so understanding and loving, even though I was a bit of a handful. And Tess apologizing also made it a little better. I wasn’t alone.

I knew I was making a big deal out of nothing, but I was sick and tired. Gerard watched my every move, and now he’s got Frank pushing me too. I knew my problems wouldn’t fade by themselves, but with love and care I could get rid of them without doctors, I knew I could. I just needed support. And even though they didn’t believe me – I tried my best to eat. I wanted to eat. But it’s like someone or something held me back, like someone had brainwashed me by saying food is poisonous. I missed food, I missed candy, I missed everything about it.

Now and then I ate some nuts when no one was around, I didn’t want them to see me shove food in my mouth; it would only trigger their desire to make me eat.

“I better go home” I whispered as I got up from the couch. I didn’t want to, but I had to. I knew Frank was going back to Chicago tonight, and even though it would kill me I wanted to be there to say goodbye. I had to stop hiding and run away from my problems.

“Okay, honey, but you know you can always come to us if you need a break, right?” I nodded in response before I went back to my home. It was once my safety place, now it was a chamber of horror.

“Hi, Helena, calmed down yet?” I hated when Gerard did that. When he was sarcastic and plain evil.

“I guess”

“We didn’t mean to make you feel bad, sugar. We just want to help you”

“I know, but you’re doing it wrong. Pushing me to eat isn’t going to make it better. And I know you’re about to call the doctor. I beg you, Gee, don’t” I felt my eyes tear up as I said it.

“I won’t. I know you’d probably hate me if I did”

“Hate is a big word”

“So is love. And I love you”

I knew he did, and I knew how hard it was for him to see me suffer, even though he had never felt such pain. I went to my room and Frank followed. I sat down on my bed, and he stood by the window staring at me.

“What?” I was annoyed by all the staring going on around here.

“Nothing. It’s just… You don’t have to act like you’re not affected by this. I know you’re strong, but it’s just so much pain a person can take, Helena. I want to take you out for dinner tonight, but if you don’t want to, I respect that. But I really want you to eat; I don’t want anorexia to take you away from me. From us.”

“I know, Frank. You can take me out for dinner. I’ll do my best. I promise”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Planetary [Go!] - My Chemical Romance
