Status: It will still be updated - I'm not quitting on this story, don't worry - I'll just be posting less during the school year due to reading assignments, and writting assignments. Just please don't give up on this. I'm so close to the good part! ;D

Think Again

"Ye be sittin' in the company of the Mighty Captain Parish"

You play the hand you’re dealt. I think the game’s worthwhile.
-Christopher Reeve

We were getting settled on the plane. I sat next to the window in one of the booth seats with Derek next to me. Spencer slid in across from me with JJ next to him. Hotch and Rossi sat across from us in a two seated table. We were all ready to go home.

"One thing I don't get," I said, "What did the missing skin mean before he started cutting them all?"

"Carl didn't think his victims deserved their skin, so he cut off the part they wanted changed." Derek sounded disgusted.

"Oh... poor Thomas Legrange."

"Why him?" Spencer asked.

"Wasn't he the one with his...." JJ trailed off.


Derek cringed, "Not cool, man."

I smiled, "I'm sure that's not an operation he told many people about."

Derek shook his head for a moment then said, "You promised us a new game."

"Oh!" I smiled, "How many decks of cards do you have?"

"We keep enough decks for everyone." Derek said.


"Play enough poker games with Mr. Las Vegas over there and you need some solitaire time."

I giggled, "Do you let him deal from his own deck?"


"Oh... well.... We're all going to need a deck of cards."

JJ got them and we all began to shuffle. I explained the rules, how it was a speed oriented game, and how to win it. We took the first few rounds slowly, then sped it up. I played a couple rounds at my usual speed which proved to be too much for them. By the end of the flight, Spencer was the one who had a firm grasp of the game.

We went back to the BAU headquarters where we were greeted by Penelope and a man I didn't know. When the doors opened, she smiled at us.

"My babies all home safe and sound." She came over and hugged all of us, minus Hotch and Rossi. "I'm glad you're all okay."

"We're all fine, Garcia," said Hotch, "We just need to grab our things and head home... reports can be done tomorrow."

"How about we go out and celebrate our job well done" Derek said, "Drinks and bar food."

"Are you talkin' hamburgers," I asked.



"Sure, I'll come," said JJ, "Let me call Will first and see if he can find a last minute babysitter."

I looked at JJ as she smiled. Will? Babysitter? What was that about? At the risk of sounding stupid, I would wait and ask Garcia about it. Thankfully, she and her mystery man were joining us as well. Hotch said that he would be there, but he had to go home to get his son first, and Rossi, was of course, all over the idea.

Derek knew of a place we could go, and we all went to our cars. While we walked, Penelope pulled me aside, "Kels, I want you to meet my dark and handsome, Kevin Lynch."

Smiling I shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, Kevin."

"Howdy." He smiled, "So do you know where we're going?"

"Nope... I'm following Derek, so we'll see."

"Alright, see you there, love!" Penelope smiled and the two of them got into her car.

I continued down to mine when I saw Spencer getting into his car.

"Hey!" I said.

He looked up and smiled, "Hi."

"Are you coming?"

"N-no, I think I'm sitting this one out."

I frowned, "Why?"

He shrugged, "I just am."

"That... is the lamest excuse I have ever heard."


"Spencer Reid... you are going to come to this, or so help me, I will never tell you my favorite book, and I won't talk to you for a week."

"I just don't want to go."

"But I want you to go.... I have a lot of fun with you."

Spencer frowned as he looked at me, prompting me to pout at him until he was nodding his head, "Fine, I'll go."

"Yay! I'll follow you."

Spencer sighed and sat in his car and waited for me to start mine before pulling out of his parking spot. I followed him through the streets of Quantico, pulling into a public parking lot. Getting out, I met Spencer, Garcia, Kevin, Derek, Rossi, and JJ in a group.

"Are you ready for this, Kelsie," Morgan asked.

"Um... sure?"

Everyone smiled slyly as we moved to the entrance of the bar across the street. The neon signs in the windows promised draft beer and showed support for the various sports teams the surrounding area provided, and one other thing... karaoke night.

I laughed, "Derek Morgan, you sly mother fucker.... I totally hate you right now."

Derek chuckled, "Is that some of that pirate mouth you promised?"

"Hell yes... and there will be plenty more if you think you're picking my songs."

"Come on, can't I pick one?"

I smiled, "We'll see."

~Spencer's POV~

I was giddy.

Keslie wanted me to be here. She considered me her friend. I had planned to go home and read a book I had picked up about the theoretical weight of a human soul and the scientific facts behind it, but this might be better.

Just as long as no one makes me sing.

I don't do well in front of crowds, unless I'm doing something related to my areas of study. I could however, use this time to see how Keslie acted in an overly social environment.

We entered the bar and were greeted by the sound of someone attempting to sing a song the group called 'Wind Beneath My Wings.' We sat down at a long table and we ordered our drinks. I ordered a Long Island Ice Tea, never really being fond of the taste of beer. Morgan and Kelsie placed an order for hot wings - a lot of hot wings - and cheese sticks for the table to munch on. I was seated near the wall with Kelsie across from me, JJ to my right, Morgan next to JJ, Garcia next to Kelsie followed by Kevin, with Rossi at the end. After a couple of minutes, Hotch joined us with Jack in tow, and by Will LaMontagne Jr.

Kelsie watched as Will bent down to kiss JJ, then looked away and over to Jack. Leaning over to Garcia they spoke quietly to themselves while we pulled another table over to make room.

"Nice of you to join us," said Kelsie to Hotch with a smile.

"Couldn't miss Karaoke night," he replied with a smile.

"You sing?"

"No," he chuckled, "Never again. Tried it in high school."

Kelsie smiled, "Choir?"

"Pirates of Penzance"

"I was the lead when my school performed it my freshman year."

Hotch smiled wider, "No kidding."

"Who were you?"

"Pirate Number Three."

Kelsie smiled and accepted her drink as the waitress handed it to her. I think I enjoyed Hotch when I was working alone with him. I usually see him at the BAU, and he is very much like an emotional rock. Seeing him interact like this was very surreal. For Kelsie however, it looked quite normal.

The appetizers came, and Kelsie went for the chicken first grabbing a few to put on her plate.

"Like Buffalo wings," Morgan asked.

"Oh yeah," Kelsie said, "Best darn food ever."

"Where's that pirate mouth?"

"It disappears when small children are around."

"Pirate?" Jack's small voice rang out from the spot next to his father.

"Ar," said Kelsie, "Ye be sittin' in the company of the Mighty Captain Parish. How ye be named?"

"Captain Jack!" He smiled, "I'm the best pirate... in the whole world!"

"Aye, I be hearin' of you," Kelsie smiled, "Maybe in a few tides we can exchange adventures."

"Like stories?"


Jack beamed and we were all stunned. I've known Jack since he was born and he is still shy around me. Will and JJ looked at Kelsie, JJ with a slightly suspicious eye.

"So who's going to sing first," asked Kevin.

"I will," said Kelsie, "Seeing as this is why Derek chose this place."

"No, no," he said, "I'll go first. Warm the mic for you."

She smiled, "Go for it, Big Shot."

Morgan stood and went to the sign up list and wrote down their names. No one appeared to be next, so the person in charge brought him up. Music started to play and we cheered. JJ leaned over and said "'Can't Touch This' by MC Hammer."

My knowledge on current music wasn't that well developed.

Kelsie heard and smiled, "You don't know MC Hammer?"

I shrugged.

"We'll work on that."

Morgan started singing, and he wasn't that bad. The entire bar seemed interested in his performance, applauding when he was finished. Kelsie left the table and took the mic from him and told the DJ what song she wanted. Morgan shook his said and laughed, "Vanilla Ice, baby!"

Kelsie rapped, not looking at the monitors, which impressed everyone in the room. When she finished everyone cheered and the DJ asked her to perform again. She thought about it then gave him a song.

"This one is to make her feel comfortable," said the DJ, "Hit it rock master!"

The sound of piano came with a bass, and everyone smiled.

Just a small town girl,
livin' in a lonely world.
She took the midnight train,
going anywhere.

I knew the song and so did the bar patrons. Again when she finished, everyone cheered and she passed the microphone off to the next singer. Sitting down we all congratulated her on an awesome job well done, then we ordered our dinner.

When our food came, Jack walked over with his chicken strips and fries, "My daddy says to ask you if I can sit on your lap."

Kelsie smiled, "Well of course you can sit on my lap." Taking his food, she placed it next to her's and hoisted the small child onto her knee.

"You're really great with kids," observed JJ, "Almost too good."

Kelsie smiled, "Thanks."

"How old?"

She frowned, "I'm sorry?"

"How old is your kid?"

She looked at JJ, and so did I. This was so unlike her.

"I-I don't have any children." Kelsie said.

"You don't?"


"Oh, sorry... my mistake." JJ blushed.

"Why would you ask?"

"You're just... way too good to not be a parent."

Kelsie smiled, "My best friend back home has a little brother who is eighteen years younger than us, so I've been around kids a lot."

JJ nodded, "Are you thinking about having one?"

Keslie grew quiet, then said, "Maybe I'll adopt."

JJ nodded.

Keslie helped Jack eat his food, and I leaned over to JJ, "What was that about?"

"I'm just making sure she's okay."

"Okay? Okay for what?"

Looking at me, she frowned in confusion, "You... of course."

Looking from her to Kelsie, I watched as Jack asked for a pirate story. Kelsie smiled and said, "Thar we be, a ship o' forty crew, lookin' in the eye o' the mighty kracken!"

I found that not only myself and Jack, but the entire table was totally enthralled in her story. Sitting back in my chair, I smiled.

These butterflies weren't going away any time soon.

All good music resembles something. Good music stirs by its mysterious resemblance to the objects and feelings which motivated it.
-Jean Cocteau
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little fun with the gang. :D
Just so you know... yes. Kelsie sang 'Ice Ice Baby.' It's a favorite of mine.
