Status: It will still be updated - I'm not quitting on this story, don't worry - I'll just be posting less during the school year due to reading assignments, and writting assignments. Just please don't give up on this. I'm so close to the good part! ;D

Think Again

"You know why, Spencer... please don't make me say it"

Out, damned spot! Out I say! One: Two: why, then, 'tis time do't. - Hell is murky! - Fie my lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? - Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?
-William Shakespeare

The next morning I sat down at the table and took a long drink from my coffee. Setting my cup down, I leaned in my seat, resting my head on Derek's shoulder.

"You okay, Kels?"


"What's wrong?"

"I was up all night."


I nodded to the board still broadcasting my list of similarities between deaths, "I stayed up all night thinking about that list, and got nothing from it."

Morgan wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Well, I'm sorry that happened to you."

I shrugged, "I'm indifferent."

He chuckled, and Hotch set down a large pile of paper in front of me. I leaned forward and read the name Macbeth on the cover. Looking up at our team leader, I shrugged.

"Rossi and I want you to audition for Lady Macbeth."

I frowned, "I'm sorry?"

"The UnSub feels that he is in control, we need someone on the inside to get to know him."

"But I'm not 16 or 17 years old."

"I don't think that's going to be an issue."

I sighed, "Um... okay. When am I doing this?"

"An hour."

"Well, lucky us, I'm well versed in this play." Getting up, I turned to her famous speech about blood, and moved to a corner.

~Spencer's POV~

I moved to stand by Hotch and frowned, "How do you know this will work?"

"Rossi and I believe that we have a profile, but we need her to do this first before we know anything else."

"Mind sharing?"

"We believe that age isn't important, that he's going after the girls who are successful in general."

"But what if you're wrong? She's too old for the UnSub."

"But old enough to get to know him."

I frowned.

"Trust me Reid.... I know what I'm doing."

He walked away and was replaced by Morgan. He nudged me with his elbow and asked, "How are you doing, kid?"

I shrugged, "What do you mean?"

"With Kelsie?"

"Oh.... I'm a little uncomfortable with Hotch having her do this, but otherwise I'm fine."

"When are you gonna ask her?"

"I think I'm going to hold off on that."

"What? Why?"

"She knows I like her."


"So?" I scoffed, "So I can't ask her now! She knows how I feel, and she did nothing about it. It's obvious she doesn't like me back, so why the hell should I waste my time?"

Morgan frowned, "What do you mean waste your time? Do you like her?"


"No. Do you like her?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but I gave up, "Yes."

"Then ask her. The only thing you can do that's going to waste you time is to not ask her."

I looked away, "I don't know, man."

"Hey," placing his hands on my shoulder he said, "There's no harm in trying."

"Yeah, except constant humiliation whenever I'm with her."

Morgan sighed, "Anyone ever tell you that you need to lighten up?"


"Spencer," called Kelsie from her corner, "Could you come here please?"

I gave Morgan one last look before walking over to the other side of the room. I came to a stop beside Kelsie, and waited for her to say something.

"I'm scared," she whispered.

"What? Why?"

She shrugged, "I don't know.... I feel like this is a test and Hotch is putting everything on me."

"He's not."

"How am I supposed to find him? We have no idea who we're looking for."

I shrugged, "We'll be there to help you."

"Will you sit in the auditorium while I audition?"


"I um... would feel better if I knew you were there."

"Why me? Wouldn't you want Morgan or Hotch or... someone who's more intimidating than me?"

Kelsie blushed and looked down at the script in her hand, "You know why, Spencer... please don't make me say it."

My heart jumped into my throat and I nodded, "Yeah, yeah, or course. I'll be in the auditorium."

She smiled, "Thanks."

~Kelsie's POV~

Walking onto the stage, I had a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I haven't had this feeling in years. Turning to the open space at the front of the stage, I smiled, "Hello. My name's Kelsie Parish. I'm auditioning for Lady M."

The director leaned forward, his body - but not his face - entering the lighted area of his desk. "Hello, Kelsie, is this your first audition?"

"With this company, yes."

"Is this your first Shakespeare?"

"No sir. I've performed in predominantly Shakespearean plays."

He leaned forward even more, his face entering the light. He was beautiful. He had blonde hair that hung down to his shoulders and framed his strong features wonderfully. He smiled at me and I felt my insides clench, and it took all of my will power not to swoon. "What scene are you working with?"

"Act 5, scene 1."

He smiled wider, "I'll read the part for the Doctor. Begin when you feel ready."

I recited the passage, and when I completed it I bowed my head to indicate the end. The director was silent, then applauded. Standing, he walked up to the stage and held out his hand.

"Bravo, Miss Parish, bravo."

I smiled, "Thank you, sir."

"Oh please.... Dorian Wilde, call me Dorian."

I smiled wider, "Dorian."

"Might I ask you to hang around? We cast these plays quickly, and -"

"No, it's okay," I said, "This isn't my first bull ride."

Dorian Wilde smiled and bowed his head, "Pardon me."

I smiled and left the stage, walking to the back where Spencer, Hotch, and Rossi were. We left the auditorium and moved into the lobby where Hotch was the first to speak.

"Very good," he started, "Now, keep an eye out for suspicious behavior among the cast."

"Nice reading, by the way," said Rossi, "You have a very firm understanding of Shakespeare."

I smiled, "Thanks."

Hotch and Rossi left, leaving Spencer with me. Together we sat in the lobby where we chatted lightly about Lady Macbeth's roll in the downfall of Macbeth, and how it wasn't really her fault. The subject shifted to my acting and Spencer used that time to awkwardly flirt with me, saying things like:

"You looked very pretty under the stage lights - not that you don't already look pretty - it just seemed more noticeable under the lights.... Not that your beauty isn't hard to notice-"

I was forced to stop him there by covering his mouth with my hand. After about an hour of waiting, Dorian entered the lobby.

"Miss Parish, Kelsie," he smiled at me, "Congratulations, you made the roll of Lady M."

I smiled and held out my hand, "Thank you so much. When do rehearsals start?"

"Tonight, actually." Dorian gave a beautiful smile that weakened my knees an brought a blush to my face, "I um... hope our read through hasn't interrupted a celebratory date." His lovely green eyes moved to Spencer for a moment.

"Oh! No, no. Not at all." I smiled, "Thank you, Dorian."

"See you here at 7:30"


He smiled, "Perfect."

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.
-Oscar Wilde
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this has taken me ages to update.
I've been busy lately, sophomore year of college and all.....
But anyway! Here it is.
