Status: It will still be updated - I'm not quitting on this story, don't worry - I'll just be posting less during the school year due to reading assignments, and writting assignments. Just please don't give up on this. I'm so close to the good part! ;D

Think Again

"Sean Connery"

I am told to just be myself, but as much as I pracitce the impression, I am still no good at it.
-Robert Brault

We landed in Seattle and got into the cabs that would take us to our hotel. We were all assigned our own rooms, apparently being an FBI agent meant that we could afford to pay for things like that. From there we were given the keys to rental cars that would be at our disposal. I got in one with Reid, Morgan, and Garcia, while JJ, Hotchner, and Rossi got in the other. I chatted lightly with Garcia as we made our way to the police station where we met up with Captain Dick Yorkman.

"We have a room set up for your guys," he said after we exchanged greetings, "It's right back here."

Dick Yorkman, was the stereotypical, balding, fat policeman they like to draw in cartoons. His shirt, and his gut, were tucked in place by his belt. On the over worked strip of leather, was his gun, his cell phone, another cell phone, his badge, a two way radio, and hand cuffs. His belt made Morgan's Bat Belt look like a toy. I told this to Garcia as we moved down the cramped hallway and we both struggled to hold in laughter.

The room we were taken to was a small conference room with a long table and a white board. We took our seats, Garcia at one end with me next to her, and Agent Hotchner at the other end, everyone else filling in between. We all took our time to get situated, then we were silent.

"Alright," said Hotchner, "Morgan, JJ, and I will go to the crime scene, the media will be there and we need someone to control it." JJ nodded. "Reid, take Kelsie to the-"

"Actually I would like to stay here." I said. Hotchner waited for me to continue, "I don't like how that message sounded. I would like to stay here and try to figure it out."

Hotchner nodded, "Alright."

"Reid, why don't you stay with her," said Rossi, "I'll go to the morgue to examine the victims."

Spencer nodded, "Yeah sure."

They moved to leave, Spencer, Garcia, and I staying put. After the door closed I stood and moved to the dry erase board. Picking up a marker I said, "Garcia, could you please play the message again?"

"Sure thing, hunny."

She typed on her computer and the voice came.

Good evening my freaky darlings...

I wrote the words down, then took a step away from the board to look at it. Spencer came to stand next to me.

"'Good evening my freaky darlings,'" he began, "'I have a little blood confession. I have taken the life of another... and enjoyed it. So my little Abrahams, listen up, my blood lust will keep on going if you don't stop me. Good luck.'" Spencer's voice sounded weird saying those words.

I looked at it and sighed, "It just doesn't make sense."

"How do you mean?"

"'Good evening, my freaky darlings." I said.

"The way it's written implies that the UnSub knows who the letter is addressed to," said Spencer, "He's making this personal."

"It sounds familiar." I replied.

"Does it?"

"Yes." I looked at him, hoping for help, but he seemed to be just as confused as I was.

I paced the room, thinking to myself, saying the line over and over again, trying to place it. I stopped to lean against the wall, and was distracted by Spencer. He stared at the board, his lips moving as he said the words silently to himself. I couldn't help but notice how his brown hair made his eyes pop. His facial features were well defined - a strong jaw, high cheek bones. He looked very adorable in the nerdy outfit he wore, brown slacks with a darker brown sweater vest, and a white button up shirt under it, and a purple tie tucked under the vest as well. His slacks cut off a bit too soon at his ankles, revealing different colored socks, one a dark green the other the same shade of purple as his tie. I smiled at them and wondered if it was on accident that they didn't match.

My eyes went back to the board and the line 'Good evening my freaking darlings.' I soon became frustrated with myself for knowing this line, but not being able to place it. I said it over and over again only this time with different voices. Using a British accent with it, I gasped, "Skinner!"

Garcia jumped and Spencer just looked at me.

"It's a line from a movie," I explained, "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, it's based off of a graphic novel."

Garcia nodded, "Sean Connery?"

"That's the one."

"Okay," said Spencer, obviously not understanding, "What does that mean?"

"Our killer likes graphic novels?" asked Garcia.

They looked at me, and I shrugged, "He likes pop culture? I have no idea."

I moved to stand by Spencer again, sure to keep space between us so that another person could fit there if they so choose. I read over the note again, satisfied at getting the first part right. The next part that went against the grain was 'Abrahams.' It was a name, and it was pluralized, signifying that the writer was calling the entire group 'Abraham.' Pointing at the name, I said, "What does this mean?"

"Abraham is actually a very common name in both Christianity and in Hebrew. It means-"

"Dracula." I said.

Spencer looked at me confused, "Um... no, actually it means-"

"No, forget the name." I said, "Mina Harker was a character in both the graphic novel and in Bram Stoker's Dracula. One of the characters in Dracula was Abraham Van Helsing." After I made the connection, all of the other clues fell into place. "The killer said that he has a 'blood lust,' which according to most vampiric lore, is what vampires call their need to feed. They have a blood lust. He mentioned that he has a 'blood confession.' Vivian Libby wrote a book called Blood Confession which was a historical fiction novel about Elizabeth Bathory, or the Blood Countess, who suffered from dementia and epilepsy and a form of vampirism which leads people to believe that she was schizophrenic. Call me crazy guys... but I think we're dealing with vampires."

Spencer and Garcia looked at me. Gacria's jaw was slightly slackened while Spencer looked like he thought I really was crazy. Finally he said, "V-vampires don't exist."

"No, not real ones," I said, "It's a sub-genre."

"What is," asked JJ as she, Morgan, Hotchner, and Rossi entered the room. Looking at the clock I realized that a great deal of time had gone by. Wow.

"Um... Kelsie figured out the message?" Garcia's voice was soft.

"What does it mean," asked Rossi.

"We're dealing with a vampire coven." I paused for that to sink in before saying, "Not real ones of course, but a sub-genre of goth."

"Where's your proof?" Hotchner asked.

I went through the recording, explaining the hints that were left. I then moved on to explaining the bodies. "The bodies were found in the woods with their blood drained, and two puncture wounds on their necks. There are only two tiers of vampires that drink blood, but only one that drink human blood."

"How do you know so much about this?" asked Morgan.

"I um... have a couple of friends who consider themselves vampires," I blushed lightly.

"How do you explain the semen?" asked Hotchner, "Traces of it were found on all three victims."

"Vampires are a sex icon. It could either be that the UnSub seduced the victims into having sex with them before he killed them.... Or he got off on killing them in general."

"Well, then," said Rossi, "That makes you the expert on this case, Parish.... You better hope you're right about this."

I nodded, "Yes sir."

"Alright, lets get going on this."

Hotchner, JJ, and Rossi went to go talk to Captain Yorkman to find out about any local groups that might fit the description. Morgan, Garcia, Spencer, and I stayed put. I took a seat next to Garcia while Spencer continued to look at the board.

"So, how do you know vampires," asked Morgan with a sly smile.

"They're old elementary school friends," I said, "They started... becoming vampires in high school."

"You know people who drink blood," Garcia looked sick.

"No, they're the first tier of vampire. They're psychic vampires. They feed off of auras, the energy field that people naturally give off."

"Then they're not really vampires," said Morgan.

"Actually the word vampire means to take the life force of another being. What is energy but another life force?"

Morgan nodded, "Okay, but you know a little too much about vampires."

"Favorite fantasy creature." I smiled.

"You have a bit of a dark side to you," said Garcia.

I smiled, "Yeah... yeah." I looked down at my hands and felt everyone watching me....

Profiling me.

Getting up I said, "Does anyone know where the coffee station is?"

"Um i-it's right-" I didn't give Spencer time to answer as I walked out of the room.

~Spencer's POV~

I looked after her, stunned. Turning to Morgan and Garcia I asked, "Was that... weird to you?"

"Uh, yeah," said Garcia, "Hunny, that's the definition of weird."

"What is she hiding?" Morgan asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Well, you mean besides her kidnapping, I have no idea." Garcia stood, "I'm going to get some coffee."

With Garcia gone, that left only Morgan and myself. Getting up, he came to stand by me, reading the message on the board. "She got all of that out of one little message?"

I nodded.

"She figured it out before you?" He gave a smile, "Is your genius-meter goin' down?"

I frowned at him.

"Do you think she's right?"

"I don't know," I replied, "I'm not as brushed up on vampirism as I should be. The mental illness actually used to be called Renfield Syndrome, based off of the character Renfield in Dracula. The character ate nothing but bugs and animals, claiming that when he did he could feel their life being sucked into his.

"She's right when she said that classic vampirism is associated with schizophrenia. But the likelihood of a group of people suffering from the same mental illness in the same way is virtually impossible."

Morgan sighed, "Need to brush up?" He chuckled, "Well anyway, you should go talk to her. You might learn something."

"Um... hey, Morgan? Do you think that... Kelsie is attractive?"

Morgan gave me a cautious look before nodding, "Yeah, sure. She's definitely pretty."

"There's no code against fellow agents socializing."

He smiled, "Are you saying I should ask her out to diner or something?"

"No, no, not you... me."

His smile grew even wider, "Reid!" He playfully punched my shoulder, "You like her."

I blushed, "Um... well I, um, was just making sure no one would, ah, get suspicious if I asked her to lunch, or - or something."

Morgan continued to smile at me. I looked away but could still fee his eyes burning holes in my face. My cheeks grew red as embarrassment seeped into them. Turning, I avoided eye contact and said, "Stop looking at me like that," before leaving the room.

My face burned with the blush, as I went into the bathroom to splash water on my face. After the color went down, I joined JJ, Hotch, and Rossi to listen to what Captain Yorkman had to say about any local cults.

Without mysteries, life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known?
-Charles de Lint
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha. Okay, so my letter writing/code breaking sucks.
I appologise.

Hope you found this update okay.
PLEASE let me know if I'm aboslutely terrible at writing Spencer.... I feel like I'm off a bit. :(

(did you find the link? (; )