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The Werewolf and the Twin

the act of waiting

"waiting is painful. forgetting is painful. but not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.'


I knew it even before I had looked out the window. Before I had opened my eyes. And I think, even I had truly woken up. Sometime during the night, it had gotten just perfect. There was a cool feel to the outermost layer of skin on my body-the part that wasn't under the blankets and when I registered that I was conscious, I immediately knew what had happened.

Leaping out of bed and narrowly missing falling flat on my face (an occasion that happened too often for my comfort), I pressed myself flat against the frosted, chilly window (probably inducing frostbite), gazing out at the school grounds. I barely with-held a squeal of joy.

There was snow EVERYWHERE! Giant drifts piled up by the walls of the castle and along some of the ridges of the forest. The Lake even seemed to be frozen over too. Sweet! The forest, dark green and shadowy before, now had streaks of stark white from the snow on the pines branches. Icicles hung from the boarder around the window and I grinned widely already planning my day which largely revolved around being outside. It was Saturday, I had finished all my homework, and there was no full moon; That snow was mine.

Peeling myself from the gorgeous site of the castle grounds covered in snow, I launched myself at my trunk, ripping in open and searching through its contents in a wild flurry. I would waste no time. I ripped out all the needed clothing articles and started getting dressed, making sure I would be warm enough that I could stay out all day.

Two tank-tops, a t-shirt, thin jacket, thicker winter coat, leggings, skirt, warm-fleece boots that were turquoise rubber on the outside, and two pairs of socks. Sure my legs were hardly covered but I felt that the extra warmth in my arms and torso would balance it all out. After getting the necessary clothes on, I also dug out my bright red beanie that went fabulous with my hair, a white scarf to match my leggings, and red gloves; all of which I stuffed into my coat pockets which I would put on after getting outside. No need to prolong my hat hair. I was very proud of my [url= ]outfit[/url].

I was using the weekend to my advantage. Being in a uniform the whole week was boring and I felt like my actual wardrobe needed a day out. Uniforms were never my thing...

After I got dressed and was content with my outfit, I quickly ran through anything other things I might need. Oh, right. Wand. Quickly grabbing that, I deducted I was ready. None of the other 5th year girls were up and I decided that I could let Hermione sleep in to make up for how bad I killed her at chess the other day. All of the past day’s events were behind me and I felt perfectly fine today. Nothing could bother me, even the looming fact that I had two weeks of detention with Umbridge ahead of me.

I left a quick note for Hermione on the scrap piece of parchment that I had drawn the moon on saying I was outside and requested her and the boys as soon as possible because they were going to help me make up for the years of snow I had been deprived of in Portland.

As I practically skipped out the door and down the stairs, I was aware that I seriously thought I was the only person up which was weird.

With me, sleeping in when I could was practically a given. Waking up at 7:00 on a weekend was a rare event for me so I guess my subconscious also wanted snow as much as conscious me. It wasn't surprising. I figured though that I had at least two hours until I finally saw a friend or two.

And don't get me wrong, all I wanted to do today was go play in the snow but it's not that fun alone. You gotta have someone to play in it with. Sure I was a werewolf, but I wasn't a loner. I liked company. Nonetheless, even though I couldn't go out as soon as I wanted, a huge smile was stuck on my face. Snow was snow and it made me deliriously happy.

Making my way down to the Common Room and out of the portal entrance, I tried to think of things to do to prolong going outside- at least until one of my friends woke up that is. The fact that I was currently this close to sweating because of all my clothing was noted. I had put on the outfit because I was planning to go straight outside until I realized that I would be out there for two plus hours until I had something more fun to do than just sit there. And sitting still does not work for me most of the time.

So what could I do for the next two-ish hours? Eat breakfast was obvious; I couldn't go long without food before I turned from teenage girl to mass murderer. Really, you didn't want to see me when I was like that. I was more hospitable when I was a werewolf. No joke.

Anyway, I decided that I would eat while I thought of something to do. So, I made my way to the Great Hall, secretly pleased that I could make my way there without my map which I had stuffed in my pocket just in case.

While I walked, I couldn't help but admire the castle. All the slate gray stone. The tall, thin ornate windows that succeeded in being simple yet detailed at the same time. How it was possible, I don't know. The early morning sun was bright yet without warmth as I passed under the spots that the windows let in. It was peculiar going from really bright to mid-brightness every few steps and the act made my eye sight dapple a little bit. It was still nice to walk through the castle though.

When I got there, the Great Hall was open, but completely deserted. Yeah there was food on the tables but no one was in the room, excluding a ghost or two floating around. I recognized Nearly Head-Less Nick whom I had met a day or two ago. He was apparently the Gryffindor ghost and was often heard ranting about how the Headless Hunt was still refusing to let him join. The other ghost in the room was The Grey Lady who was really pretty if a bit of a downer.

While I contemplated the ghosts present, I sat down at the Gryffindor table and was off-handedly deciding what to eat without really thinking about it. I consulted my stomach and finally put a few pancakes, a few strawberries, an apple, some hash, and lots of bacon. I could eat as much as Ron but mind you, I did it in a much more acceptable fashion. I didn't stuff my face like he did, much to Hermione's chagrin. Harry and I had only laughed as they argued.

“Well, it is a pleasure to see a student up so bright and early.” Nick had floated to my side and sat down next to me, sending discrete mournful glances to my meal. I only felt a little guilty.

“It's not to my choice, mind you. My subconscious has a plan of its own when it comes to snow.” I pointed out, munching on my apple, unconsciously connecting it with Fred. The thought startled me. Why was I thinking about Fred again?

Nick brought me from my thoughts when he sent a questioning glance at my statement. I swallowed my bite, since it was impolite to speak with your mouth full. Ron well.... Let's not get into that.

“See, I come from Oregon. Specifically Portland. You don't get much snow there or at least, not like here. Most of the time, we get barely an inch and I can only remember one time where we had this ice storm. But that was ice, not this powdery snow.” A small smile came to my lips as I thought about some of the memories I had of snow.

Most of them were with my parents and the kids at the orphanage. Thinking of my parents... The smile drifted from my face. Nick noticed.

“What?” he asked, staring at me intensely. I just shrugged and looked away, not wanting to talk about my parents. They brought back too many feelings and anger. I couldn't think about them when all they had done was...

“Its nothing.” was all I said. Bringing dark thoughts and pity to Nick is something I didn't want to burden him with. He just nodded and accepted that I didn't want to elaborate.

“So, what are you going to this morning?” I felt bad, abruptly ending the conversation like that. I felt like he wanted someone to talk to. It must get awfully lonely being a ghost. Maybe he was sad too. I know I would be if I had to walk in-between forever.

He looked a little taken back by my question; like he had never been asked that or something. Nonetheless, he ended up smiling a bit before answering and I felt pleased that I made him feel a bit better.

“Well, I plan to write to the Headless Hunt again. You do know that it's complete rubbish that they won't let me join. I mean, they can't let by half an inch,” he sniffed, indignant, “But, after that, I was going to have a very nice meeting with Professor Binns as he went over his next subject. I always do love a good sit-down with him. He has the most interesting subject, yes?” He looked me then, clearly expecting me to agree whole-heartedly with him. I wasn't going to ruin his mood so I nodded enthusiastically and gushed about his last lesson which, honestly, I ruined my worksheet in because I drooled on it so much. It was amazing I could retain enough information to feign love for it. Nick nonetheless was appeased and grinned at my answer.

“What about you?” he asked after I had finished gushing, in the act becoming bit nauseas, “what are you going to do today?”

“Well, I was going to go out and play in the snow but I didn't want to do so alone so I decided to post-pone until some of my friends woke up so they could hang with me. I figure I have about two hours before they wake up so all I have to do is wait until then. I don't know what to do in the mean time though... Any suggestions?”

Nick looked thoughtful, stroking his beard in a slow, dignified way that sent unwanted giggles to the back of my throat. It was just like dorky prestigious-esk type of picture. Don't ask how I got that.

“Well, I find that mornings are a great time for new discovery. That's why I write most of my letters to the Headless Hunt in the morning. It doesn't seem to help that much though...” he cast a despondent look at me and I nodded with an understanding look on my face, “You could do your homework?” He glanced, questioningly at me.

I just shook my head, “Finished.”


“Libraries closed.”

“Prank someone?” he seemed at a loss.

“The Twins are sleeping.” I joked. Nick laughed, obviously catching my drift and immediately knowing what I was talking about.

“Well then, why don't you write a letter with me? I'm sure you have someone who'd like to hear from you, plus you could keep me company. You obviously seem to have a higher tolerance with my ranting than others.” he suggested.

It came as a shock but the more I thought about it, the better the idea it became. I mean, I had been thinking about lettering the Remus Lupin fellow and here fate was practically saying, “Do it!” It gave me a chance to write to him and pass time waiting for everyone to get up.

“Alright,” I agreed and he smiled, “I'll go get my stuff and I'll be back in a few minutes okay?” He nodded excitedly and floated away, presumbably, to get his own stuff. Question: Who made ghost office supplies? I mean, quills and parchment and stuff? Whatever. I'll ask Hermione later.

It only took me six minutes and twelve seconds to grab my quill and some parchment. Hermione was still asleep, sprawled across her bed in a very un-Hermione like fashion so I decducted that I indeed had quite some time before my friend was up. I conjured up some tape and stuck it onto the back of my note before pressing it onto her forehead. And if she didn’t notice that when she woke up, I was going to need to talk to her about how she got such amazing test scores.

The thought made me grin.

Nick was waiting for me by the Great Hall doors, floating their peacefully while examining the parchment he held in his hand. Seriously though, who made ghost office supplies?

“Sorry if I took a while. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.” I did feel a bit sorry. Keeping people waiting is disrespectful to me.

Laughing a bit, Nick waved my comment away, “Think nothing of it. I had literally just gotten here when you walked up. Thank you for being so polite though. It is a refreshing change from the normal adolescent attitude.” We then made our way back to our previous breakfast spot.

Pushing my plate away, I rolled out my parchment, set up my inkwell and grasped my quill. Nick had suspended his paper in the air and had the quill scribbling on it without him touching it. He was moving his lips to unheard words and the quill continued to write. I wish I could do that.

Nick saw me watching and grinned. Turning back to my letter, I thought about what I should write. I didn’t have any idea who this Remus Lupin was save only the fact that he was a werewolf like me and had gone to Hogwarts too. He had gone through the same process I was going through.

How do you start a letter like this though?

“Hi, I’m Ariel and I’m a werewolf too!”

No, that just sounded dumb. What do I write though? I frowned in contemplation and tapped the end of my nose with my index finger, a habit for when I was thinking. Nick was still writing his letter and had already taken up most of the parchment length. Jeez, I was a pathetic excuse for a letter writer.

After a while, I finally just started writing what came to mind, hoping I didn’t sound completely too dumb:

Dear Mr. Lupin,

I’m Ariel Vanderwik, the exchange student from America. Professor Dumbledore might’ve mentioned me? He said you’d be expecting a letter so I hope this doesn’t come as a total surprise…

Anyway, sorry it took so long to get this letter out; I’ve never been particularly good at writing letters, much less ones that include me confessing something that people only found out by accident. Declaring what I am to someone I’ve never met is a pretty tough deal so I hope you’re able to understand why I took so long and why this letter rambles so much… Sorry about that too.

So, here it is. I’m a werewolf.

Wow, that was harder than I expected. I don’t think I’ve ever just said that to someone. Dumbledore says you’re a werewolf too and went to Hogwarts like I am. It’s oddly comforting knowing that someone has gone through what I’m going through currently, and made it out alive. Is that weird?

You know I’ve never met another werewolf? Other than the one that changed me that is… But even then, he’s vaguely fuzzy with only a few details clear. Details that still haunt me. Are you haunted too? Wait, that’s probably a bit personal for right now, I apologize.

Strangely, I’d appreciate it if you could owl me as soon as you can. Knowing there’s someone I could talk to would probably do wonders in helping me get through the rest of this year without succumbing a panic attack. If you could be that person… Since you understand…

Anyway, I just wanted to get this letter out since Dumbledore thought it would be a good idea.


Ariel Vanderwik

So it wasn’t completely horrible, right? I mean, it rambled but that was expected when I was confessing my darkest secret. Plus, I was confessing to a total stranger. That had to count towards something.

Nick finished his letter right about the time that I did, smirking victoriously at it. It made me laugh for a second.

He glanced over at me, still wearing his grin, “This letter will surely get through to them. It has to. My best plea yet. Ariel, if this works out, I’m never writing another letter without you next to me. I even tried your thinking habit and a wonderous idea sprang to mind.” He folded up his letter, still talking while I folded mine, feeling a bit lighter, knowing that I could have someone to confide in if he said yes. Jeez, that would be amazing.

Nick was still talking, rambling on about how ingenius my thinking habit was, when we stood up from the table. After grabbing a few pieces of bacon to hold me off, I tucked my letter into my pocket and followed Nick as he talked. The clock above the Great Hall doors read 7:45. Only forever to go.

I followed him as he floated down corridors and whatnot, trying to memorize the directions for any future letter sending. I presumed he was taking me to the Owlry. He talked and talked and talked about a million and one things, only occastionally stopping long enough for me to “yeah” or “uh-huh” before beginning again. It didn’t actually take too skill as long as I paid attention to the lilts in his tone as he spoke. It was kinda like a white noise to be honest.

“How do ghosts send their letters?” I asked suddenly, voicing out loud something that I had been mulling over for some time while I munched on my bacon. Nick looked caught off guard for a moment, as he had been right in the middle of telling me about a dog he’d had, before he blinked and replied.

“Well, we don’t have owls like you do. Our mail sends itself, you just have to know how to do it.” He stopped in front of a thick, wooden door and turned to face me. “I’m afraid I must leave you now though; Professor Binns calls.” I cocked my head, brushing my hair from in front of my ear but heard nothing. Nick grinned like he had a secret.

“It’s been a lovely morning, Miss Vanderwik. I hope to do it again soon.” Nick bowed, smiling, and floated off down the hallway. I called out a good-bye, waving with my last piece of bacon, before turning to the door and pulling it open.

There was a walk way that led out about fifty feet from the castle before wrapping itself around a tower not far out. The drop on the sides of the pathway were a bit unnerving so looking over was something I avoided. The pathway and stairs were covered with snow and I grinned madly, more than happy to break the fresh snow by being the first person to walk on it.

My boots left cute little footprints as I walked. I ended up veiring to the sides more than once and had to catch myself on the railing because I was watching my footprints in the snow as I left them. The stairs curling around the tower were a bit slippery so I ceased looking behind me because falling off the stairs and killing myself would end up ruining my plans of demolishing Hermione in a snowball fight.

Stepping inside the Owlry, I noticed first that it smelled. Owl pellets and droppings coated the floor and it smelled awful. There were rows of tall alcoves that each held a bundle of hay and sometimes a sleepy owl, their heads tucked under their wings. It was dark and musty, visible rays of sunlight stretching the ground. As I made my way in, eyes searching for Reggie, the owls closest to me, tittered in alarm and hopped a few paces futher into the room. Some even went to the point of flying to a different perch.

I crinkled my nose in irritation and held out my arm, eager to be out of the room. Whistling as I finally spotted Reggie, I watched as he soared from a tippy-top alcove down towards my arm. He landed heavily and I winced, praying his talons hadn’t done too much damage to my jacket.

He gave a soft cry and nipped at my eyebrow. I giggled, brushing down his back, marveling at the silkyness of his feathers. Reggie watched me with intelligent eyes and it made me grin, knowing that I had such a cool bird.

Moving the piece of bacon from the arm that was holding Reggie to my free hand, I held it in front of him. He quickly shot out and grabbed bacon with his beak, holding the piece of bacon still with one of his talons so he could rip off chunks.

While he did that, I brought the letter out of my pocket, making sure it was sealed. I walked out of the Owlry, grateful for fresh air and let Reggie hop off my arm and onto the railing, knocking off a bit off white snow in the process. I rolled up the letter tightly, tying it with a quick spell from my wand to keep it from unraveling. Conjuring a piece of twine, I turned to Reggie who had finished the bacon and was watching me, his yellow eyes flashing with understanding.

He held out his leg and I quickly tied the letter onto it, double checking that it wouldn’t fall. After that was done, I stroked Reggie’s head, unabashedly talking to him:

“This is for Remus Lupin, Reggie. Can you get it there?” He blinked and looked at me as if saying “Of course I can. I’m a badass.” I laughed a bit and scratched him once more on the head before stepping back. Reggie spread his wings and soared into the air, catching the currents with ease, and making his way south.

- - -

I spent the next hour, searching for the Room of Requirement figuring it’d be good to know where it was for both meetings and helping the Twins with their products. I’d figured that the hallway would be familiar if I ever found my way towards it. The map didn’t show the room but then again, that didn’t really surprise me.

It was amazing how all the hallways blurred together when you had absolutely no clue where you’re going. Maybe I should enchant a ball of string to help me guide through the castle, like how Jason did in the Labyrinth when looking for the Minotaur. Sure as hell better than loosing myself completely and utterly in the fatty castle.

As I walked the halls, I passed by a statue that made me pause. It was a stone carving of a raven, spectacular and detailed. The sight of it struck a chord in my chest that I desperately wanted to never feel again.

Hurrying past it, fighting back tears, fighting back memories, everything from my life before, I ripped out my map and tried to focus through my swimming, blurry eyes. It shocked me how quickly that single thing could upset my emotions.

Listen, little Raven.
As you recede to dream haven.
Listen to my lullaby.
As rest lets your heart fly.

I was done with waiting for the others to wake up. Consulting my map, I stomped my way to the Common Room, pushing away memories with each step. It was hard, to push away thoughts that had once been the happiest in my life. It wasn’t like I wanted to, really; I just couldn’t handle them. Not without bawling my eyes out.

I hadn’t cried since--

No. I was not going there. I straightened my spine, forcefully cut off any lingering, unwanted thoughts, and took a deep calming breath. Today was for fun. For playing in the snow and hanging with friends. I wasn’t going to ruin it by bringing up dark times. I’d deal with that later.

Walking through the castle, listening to my boots squeak charmingly, was nice. Simple. The sun was bright but without warmth and felt good on my head, making my ebony hair shine red and silver. It dazzled blue light-echos across my vision.

Finding the Common Room was pretty easy now, but I noted mentally to have someone wander around with me so I could get the hang of remembering where all my classes were and where all the good hiding spots are. I was not going to go through this whole semester without playing Hide n’ Go Seek at least once.

Finally, I ascended the steps to the portal to the Common Room and waited patiently for the Pink Lady to notice me. She was talking to another woman dressed in a black ball gown, a widow’s veil covering her face. She didn’t seem too depressed though as she was in the middle of riotous laughter that echoed through the corridors.

The Pink Lady happened to be very pink as she chortled and snorted in humor. They obviously found something extremely humorous but I was at a loss. Nonetheless, I waited, hands behind my back, combat boots together, clicking the heels softly and reminding myself of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

After a while, they calmed down, giggling occastionally and sending each other knowing looks. The Pink Lady finally glanced down in my direction and noticed me, looking appalled that I was there, standing calmly and quietly.

“Deary, how long have you been standing there?!” she exclaimed, hand flying to her enor- sizable chest as if truly shocked that a student would want to get into the Common Room.

I debated between telling her the actual time that I’d been there (ten minutes and six seconds) or just feigning nonchalance and letting her off the hook. I chose the latter. “Just got here actually. You looked caught up so I didn’t want to intrude.” I shrugged delicately.

“She’s actually been here quite a while. Though why she’s lying, I have no clue.” The woman in black gave me a beseeching look that I held levely. I was trying to save the Pink Lady’s feelings because I’d seen how some of the other students had treated her but if they wanted me to be honest, then fine.

“Ten minutes and six seconds, to be exact. I wasn’t lying about the other part though; You really did look caught up and I really didn’t want to butt in. That wouldn’t be right.” The Pink Lady looked shocked and I caught the woman in black give me a look of respect. I nodded at her, almost imperceptibly and she winked.

“W-well y-you-” The Pink Lady stuttered, looking a bit abashed at the situation.

“It’s okay. Honest. I’m not in a hurry so it doesn’t matter.” Smiling good-naturedly, I made eye contact with the Pink Lady, waiting until she exhaled in relief and sent a grateful look towards me.

“Just go on in, deary, and we’ll forget this whole thing ever happened.” She smiled and swung open.

A bit shell-shocked, I didn’t walk forward, “But, aren’t I supposed to give you the password? I know it, you know.” She just shook her head and told me that she knew who I was and it was repayment for making me wait so long.

“Alright then…” Shrugging once more, I went forward and climbed through the portal and onto the thick, plush rug of the Common Room.

- - -

It didn’t take long to wake Hermione up; though I dodged a foot or two in the process. She blinked up at me with blurry eyes, partially cross-eyed as she focused on the note taped to her forehead. Slowly and lethargically, she reached up and plucked it from her forehead with a tiny squeak. I laughed because there was a retangular spot of skin that was red from the tape being pulled off.

Hermione read it, frowned, blinked hard a few times, then read it again. Relazation dawned on her features after a bit. Jeez, she was tired. It was almost enough for me to feel bad about waking her up but not really. I gave her another minute to get her bearings before bombarding her.

“C’mon!” I tugged on her arm, none too gently, “There’s snow! Snow, Hermione! We can’t wait any longer. I’ve already been waiting for flipping forever!” So it was a bit of an exaggeration and Hermione gave me a look saying that she was smart enough to know that. I took it as a good sign that she was awake enough to send me a look at all, excluding the one of tiredness.

“Let’s GO!” Finally tugging her into a sitting position, I ran to her trunk and threw it open, pointing demandingly down at it. “Dress.” A small grin grew on her face and she threw her legs over the edge of the bed, yawning widely, practically inducing one of my own. None of the other girls were up, even with my loud voice.

Hermione stood up, scratching her head and yawning again. I huffed and rolled my eyes. Could she go any slower?

“The snow is gonna melt by the time you’re done!” I stamped my foot, trying to frown at her, but my traitorous lips kept quirking at the corners. She rolled her eyes and stumbled sleepily to the trunk and peered down in it.

“Fine. Since you’re taking so freakin’ long, I’m gonna go get the boys.” I flounced out of the room, resisting the urge to slam the door. I wasn’t angry but I felt the slam would go good with the appearance of rushing.

The whole process of waking up Harry and Ron was even more time-consuming than Hermione, though that really didn’t surprise me to be honest. Harry was way better than Ron with the whole “being-woken-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn” thing.

He was up and at his trunk before Ron was even out of bed. Ron had this whole “sliming” thing going on; He was awake enough to know that I wanted him to get up but had yet to fully comprehend the fact that he had to stand up to do that. He was half out of his bed, head hanging over at a angle that could not be comfortable.

I was finally fed up enough to play dirty. Clearing my throat, I put on my best “Hermione” voice,

“Ronald Weasley! Get up!” It was a pretty good mimic, if I do say so myself. Ron shot out of bed like a rocket but stumbled when his feet got tangled in the blankets. He landed in a pile of limbs and cloth with a very manly squeal of surprise. Harry and I were hanging off each other, laughing as Ron spouted a string of curses that would’ve done a sailor proud.

“That was great, Ariel!” Harry said breathily, clutching his stomach. We both had tears in our eyes as Ron finally untangled himself enough to stand up. He was glaring at me, a pink tinge on his cheeks but a betraying quirk of his lips told me he wasn’t actually angry.

“You play dirty, Vanderwick.” He said, near chuckling. The pink tint left his cheeks and he finally grinned.

“Well you took too long.” Shrugging, I grinned wickedly and he shook his head, finally walking over to his trunk. The other boys in the quarters were stirring but still dead asleep. What was it with people at this school sleeping like the dead?

Harry and Ron started to pick out what they were going to wear and I took it as my queue to leave.

“Me and Hermione will meet you in the Common Room. I expect you to be there in no more than five minutes!”

They took eight.

Finally, finally though, I got them out of the Common Room and on our way to breakfast.

They were still a bit grumbly from lack of sleep and being woken up but other than that, they were in a decent mood. We chatted idly as we strolled through the castle towards the Great Hall in a nice, friendly air. It was good, having friends, I thought.

When we got to the Great Hall, we quickly settled down, Hermione and me on one side with Ron and Harry on the other. Ron, immediately heaped his plate up as did Harry while Hermione opted for a more dainty breakfast. I helped myself to another plate of pancakes and bacon and all that deliciousness.

While we ate, we kept up a nice conversation, brushing over a multitude of topics including classes, Umbridge, Snape, and Quidditch which the boys were surprised to know that I was an avid fan of.

I even beat Ron at a Chuddly Cannons’ Fan-Off. Hermione and Harry were laughing like no other at that one. Ron grinned recluctanctly and told me to prepare myself because we would face off again in the future and he would so win.

I wasn’t threatened.

Just when I was about to rip out my hair from waiting so long, they finished their breakfast (I’d finished AGES ago) and stood up, ready to go outside and play in the snow with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 5,782