Status: Wrote thise 3 years ago, posting regularly

Jaded Crimson


"Want to kiss you again," he said softly. "You asked me on the balcony, and I don't think I should."


"Because I know I could hurt you," he rolled his eyes. "Oh you know, mentally because I'm not the best boyfriend, or whatever. You can ask my ex's; they all hate me to no end."

"Maybe I don't want to ask them? Maybe I just want a kiss too? Because for some reason, unknown to me. I really like you're kisses, even if they are blood lust induced or random moments of awkwardness, I still like them."

"Don't expect much from me," he whispered as he leaned down, right as the door was knocked on. "Damn it."

"You get it," I whispered, he stood up and walked towards the door while I pretended to be asleep.

"Yeah?" Jaden asked faking a yawn.

"Go to sleep Romeo."

"I didn't sleep," I grumbled half asleep as Jaden steered me through the hallway of school, I looked probably half dead and Jaden looked like he had a rough night, probably because he practically had to keep me awake all morning through classes.

"Yeah well me neither," he grumbled just as I did as he pulled my jacket back, stopping at his locker to unlock it with his opposite hand that held my jacket. "Stand still so I can get my," he yawned. "History book."

"Think Maria will let me sleep in her class," I stepped back and leaned on his side, trying not to fall asleep. "I haven't been this exhausted in a long time."

"It's because you snuck down to the pool and swam instead of slept like you should have, I honestly almost had a heart attack when I woke up and you were gone," Jaden added. "I thought you died."

"Nope, nearly drowned but I'm still kicking," I kicked my left foot to prove it. "Why are you so sleepy?"

"I've been running low on sleep for the past week, plus I've been practicing two extra hours at baseball for the game Friday and then the whole thing about watching you last night," he yawned again. "I'm okay though, just a little bit sleepy."

"Want me to hit you and see if I can make the nurse think you had a concussion?"

"Tempting but no," he sighed as he grabbed my jacket sleeve and pulled me after him down the hallway. "Mom would find out and get me out, grab me by the ear and push me into class."

"Past experiences I'm guessing?"

"To many to count on both hands," he laughed weakly as he opened the history room door and pushed me in gently. "Back of the class, maybe we can snooze a little bit before getting in trouble."

"I doubt it, you're mother has a very good eye," I mumbled as I sat down in the left seat while Jaden took the right. "School sucks."

"Yes it does, but there is the baseball team, which is a byproduct of being in school, so I kind of have too."

"You're a real eye opener," I rolled my eyes as I nudged his side, and then yawned into my hand. "Alright, sleepy time."

"Night," Jaden chuckled as I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, waiting for Maria to get to class and slap her hand on my desk.

"Morning," I grunted as I sat straight up, hearing the door open and shut signaling Maria was in. I opened my eyes and grumbled to myself as a man with black hair looking like Elvis walked in.

"Mrs. Montes is out this morning, I'm her substitute Mr. Thornhill," I turned the deep speaker out and looked over at Jaden who looked just as confused as I felt.

"Mom beat us here this morning," Jaden whispered as he sat straight up in his seat, leaning over the desk to talk to me without anyone knowing.

"I wonder why," I whispered looking up at Mr. Thornhill to make sure he wasn't looking at us, he wasn't thankfully. So when I looked back at Jaden, I could tell he was worried about his mom. "Call her."
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