
I fall apart and it figures; it's just the way I've always been.


There's so many thoughts running through my mind.
There's so many feelings, old and new.
I don't know how to react to this epiphany.
What am I supposed to do,
am I supposed to keep living normally,
when I know nothing will be the same?

What do I tell my parents?
So against homosexuality,
or people of the same sex loving each other.
What do I say to them
when I think I'm falling for someone
of the same gender?
I won't.
Because then, I would no longer be their daughter.
They told me themselves.

What do I do when I wake up,
look in the mirror?
Who is this stranger looking back?
My mind is confused; entropy is clouding my perspective.

I may be unsure of some things right now.
These new feelings and foreign thoughts.
But I know one thing for sure.

I will always be Danielle.

Even if I change.