Status: hiatus

One Last Time

Friday Night Fever

I was sitting on Zacky's lap with a beer in my hand. This was just a typical Friday night for us. Spending time at one of those dance lounge clubs until 3 A.M. drinking. It was Zack, Matt, Val, Johnny and his girlfriend Maria, Brian, Ellie, Jimmy and I. Everyone had gone out to the dance floor except for Ellie, Brian, Zack and me. It was a very lively club called ‘Energizer’ and they had a great interior decorator. Inside the place was filled with orange and white colors. There were lounge couches, big semi-circle party booths (which we were in) and hen they had the dance floor they were well known for. And they had the best lights ever. They were so modern and cool.

"Come oooon! It’s our song Brian! We need to go out there right now! " Ellie whined pulling at Brian’s arm towards the dance floor.

"Holy shit! Alright, alright I’m fucking coming!" he said shrugging at my ‘don’t leave me here’ face.

“Yay!” she yelled as they both disappeared into the crowd.

Ellie and Brian have been dating for almost three months now. I was the one who set them up, and I take absolute credit for it. And they were just so cute together! And I couldn’t believe the chemistry they have together! I should become one of those online matchmakers… but wait. I already have a great job. And besides. I probably make more money than all of the other matchmakers in Huntington all combined! Uh-oh, I’m doing it again. Going off in little daydreams all by myself. It happens all the time when I’m bored. But I shouldn’t be bored, I’m supposed to be having fun!

“Will you dance with me Zacky?” I asked with a sweet innocent look on my face.

“Uh, gee. Let me think about that… no.” he said being sarcastic.

"Why not?!" I said putting my forehead to his with a whiny pout on my face.

"Because I said so. I don't like to." he said kissing my nose.

"Ugh, will you ever fucking dance with me?" I complained rolling my eyes.

"When hell freezes over," he said taking a long swig of his beer.

"Well, maybe I should just visit them with a fire extinguisher and some liquid nitrogen!" I yelled getting off of him and sitting at the table resting my head on my fist.

"Ah come on, it’s not like I’m doing it to piss, you off, it’s just that I don’t dance. That’s all.” He said scooting over to me and putting his tattoo-covered arms around my waist.

I turned to him and put my face close to his but about an inch away like I was going to kiss him, only I kept my distance to tease him, you know, for fun. To make myself irresistible. Oh and trust me. It works every time.

Then maybe I should go dance with Jimmy.” I said getting up and walking away from him. I knew what I was doing. After all, he is my boyfriend of a year and a half. He would now have no choice but to cave in and come dance with me. I mean it’s not like he was going to just sit there by himself, right?

I looked back at him. He had a blank stare on his face like ‘what the hell now you’re making me come dance with you?’ and then he rolled his eyes and got up. He took my hand but as I tried to walk towards the dance floor he pulled me out and dragged me out the door and into my red convertible mini-cooper.

“What the hell was that!” I screamed throwing my hands in the air.

He just ignored me and put the keys in the ignition.

“Why the fuck are we leaving?!” I yelled this time getting pissed off.

He turned around to see so he could back out of the parking lot and said,

“We are going to go home, get a bottle of Vodka, go upstairs, and then I will be nice enough to let you decide what we get to do from there.” He said very matter of factly.

“Zachary James Baker, you are a smart one,” I said giving him a small kiss on the lips.

But on the inside I knew that there was no way he was ‘nice enough’. Things were going my way tonight. Whether he knew it or not.

The only problem with that was before we even got in the house we were already furiously making out and stumbling over each other to get through the door. We grabbed the bottle of Vodka, ran up the wooden stairs tearing each other’s clothes off. All I remember from the rest of that night was throwing the empty bottle on the ground and then waking up with the worst hangover ever.
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Yayy! New story :]

hope you guys love it.

and I would love some feedback too. It's always appreciated.