Status: hiatus

One Last Time

Oh My God.

About a month later things were going so well for me. My fashion line called Today I Am, kicked off a week ago, and things are flying off of the shelves. Then Zacky and then band are going to leave on tour next month. So I was sitting at the table drinking my morning latte reading the paper with Zack before he had to leave in a few minutes. He said something about how I could go to a few of his concerts while he was touring, but I lost track of him when this feeling came over me. My stomach just dropped and my whole mouth went dry. I spilled my latte and sprinted to the bathroom where I puked my brains out.

“Oh my god, honey are you okay?” he said holding back m hair.

“Um, yeah. I’m fine. Just fine,” I said nervously getting up and walking out of the bathroom trying to hold it down.

“Are you sure? You want me to say home with you or something? I mean you don’t look too good,” he said feeling my forehead.

“No, I’m sure I just got some kind of bug and I’ll be fine by the time you get home tonight.” I said swatting at his hand.

He flashed me a look of shock and the just sighed.

“Alright, but if anything else happens you call me. Okay?”

“Okay.” I said

“You promise.” He said pointing a finger at me.

I promise now go before you’re late again!” I said shoving him out the door.

“I love you!” He said walking to his SUV.

“Bye babe! I love you too!”

As soon as he was out of sight I ran back into the house and picked up my phone.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” I was saying as I bit my lip trying to dial Ellie’s number.

“Hello?” a tired voice said.

“Oh my god! Ellie! You need to get over here, NOW!” I screamed.

“What? What’s wrong?” she asked. I could tell she was awake now.

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when you get here!” I said hanging up the phone.

I sat down on my couch shaking my knees and twiddling my thumbs for what seemed like an eternity before Ellie finally got here, and burst through the door.

“Ah! Kat! What happened! Are you okay? Oh my god, did he hurt you?! Cause if he did I’ll go over there and give him a piece of my mind!” she said slamming a fist into the palm of her hand.

“What? No! Okay, so you remember that time, like a month ago, when we went to that club, and Zacky wouldn’t dance with me, and I got pissed, and then he dragged me out the door, and then we went home?” I said extremely fast and all in one breath.

“Uh, yeah… but what does that have to do with this?” she asked looking confused.

“Okay. Well, we went home, got drunk, and had sex, and I don’t really know what happened after that except for a horrible hangover. But anyway, this morning, I was drinking my late, and reading the paper, and talking to Zacky, and then I ran to the bathroom and threw up!” I said.

“So?” she said looking confused.

AND on top of all that, I’m late if you know what I mean,” I said leaning over to her so that she would catch the hint. I watched her eyes get huge and her face light up with a big smile.

OH MY GOD, YOU’RE PREGNANT!” she squealed jumping up and down.

“No! Ellie, this is not good! I can’t be pregnant! My mom thinks that I’m saving myself for marriage, my dad thinks that I’m his perfect little girl that never does anything wrong, I have the most overprotective brother on the face of the earth, and how the fuck am I supposed to tell Zack about his?!”

The look of happiness on Ellie’s face drained as it turned white.

“Oh my god you’re right. Danny’ gonna go after Zacky with razor blades and lemon juice!” she said covering her gasp with her hand.

“But wait. There’s a chance I’m not pregnant! Come on, we’re goin to the drugstore!” I said pulling her outside.

“Wait!” she said.

“What?” I asked. She was wasting precious time!

“You’re still in your pajamas…” she said looking down.

“Oh yeah.” I said, “I think I’m gonna get dressed first.” I said running up the stairs as she just nodded in approval.

When I had finished putting on a black lace cami and a pair of ripped jeans, we went to the drug store and bought a pregnancy test. The cashier was an awkward teenager who looked at me funny. I just paid, gave him the look of death, and walked out.

I stood on the cold marble floor of my bathroom in awe at the test. Two pink fucking lines. Ellie just looked at me, shook her head, and put her hands on her hips.

“No. This can’t be right. Come on we’re goin back t the drugstore!” I said taking her elbow and dragging her once again to the drugstore.

We did this about three times, and then on the fourth the awkward kid at the register just had to say something.

“Alright! You’re pregnant! All the tests in our store are the same, and they all say 99.9% effective!” he said looking at me.

“You know what you little punk, FINE!” I yelled throwing the test on the floor and storming out.

When we got back to my house I was laying on my bed sobbing.

“How could this h-have happened to me? I’m not even fucking m-married yet!” I screamed into my pillow.

“Oh come on, you just need to look at the bright side of things!” said Ellie rubbing my back.

“What fucking bright side?! My dad and brother are going to murder my boyfriend, my mom is going to disown me, my drunken sister is going to laugh in my face, and Zacky, is going to, is… I don’t even know what he’s going to do!” I said as I sobbed even harder.

“Sweetie you need to calm down and start to figure out what you are going to do. So Zacky gets home in an hour and a half right? Well we just need to break it to him. No one else in your family needs to know. “ she said.

I sat up and dried my eyes.

“You know what you’re right. I’m just going to tell him straight up. It’s just going to be, Zacky, I’m pregnant.” I said standing up feeling very proud.

“Yeah! Now you’re talking!” she said, “But I’m gonna go so I can let you get your stuff together. I have to meet Brian for lunch anyway.” She said going down stairs.

“Bye Ellie-phant!” I yelled down stairs.

“Bye mommy!” she said closing my front door.

“I’m so fucked,” I said as she sped out of my driveway.

So for an hour that night I paced back and forth deciding what he was going to do. I bit my knuckle as I thought. “Okay, so he’s either going to freak out on me and go berserk, or he’s going to be like ‘oh fuck’ and walk out the door.” As soon as I had finished that thought, his headlights shined in my eyes. I froze where I stood and gasped.

“Ah! Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck, I am so screwed,” I said to myself as Zacky walked in the door.

“Hey babe, did you miss me? How are you feeling, you okay?” he asked sweetly feeling my forehead.

“Uh, listen Zack, we need to talk.” I said pulling his hand down and lacing mine into his.

“About what, what’s wrong,” he said with his voice getting firm and raising one eyebrow.

“You should it down for this.” I stated as he let go of my hand and sat down on the couch.

I turned around and bit my fingernails. I then turned to face him and let out a big sigh.

I’m pregnant.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god. I know! Such a shocker!